Proverbs 1:29 (Mini Sermon)

April 4 2019

Series: Proverbs

Topic: Proverbs

Book: Proverbs

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1.      Pro 1:29 – “For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:”

  1. The LORD reiterates the reason for His judgment of fools.
    1. That God might be justified in His sayings, and overcome when he is judged (Rom 3:4), the LORD reminds the foolish why calamity has befallen them (Pro 1:26-27) and He has stopped calling and listening (Pro 1:28) and started laughing (Pro 1:26): because they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD.
    2. He had pled with them with a stretched out hand asking how long they would hate knowledge (Pro 1:22).
  • They responded by continuing headstrong in their folly.
  1. They finally turned and called upon Him simply because anguish had taken them.
  2. The LORD now gives an answer to their cries which can be summarized by “I told you so,” by simply reiterating their sinful attitude which caused their judgment.
  1. In his affliction, man often forgets the foolish decisions which put him in that dreadful condition and complains to God about it (Psa 19:3).
    1. Instead of turning his attention inward and examining himself to search for possible causes of the judgment under which he suffers, too often a man instead turns his attention heavenward and blames God for letting it happen.
    2. The LORD has a good memory and is quick to remind him who is to blame.
  2. They did not choose the fear of the LORD.
    1. This is the underlying cause of these fools’ hatred of knowledge.
    2. In that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge” (Pro 1:7), it’s no wonder that they hated knowledge, not having the requirement for it.
  • The fear of the LORD is a choice for a child of God, not an inalienable attribute.
    1. Reprobates do not have the spiritual capability to fear the LORD (Rom 3:18).
    2. But such is not the case with the regenerate who have the ability to do so through the new birth.
    3. The regenerate can nevertheless choose to not fear the LORD by not departing from evil (Pro 16:6).

But with choice comes culpability; those who do not choose the fear of the LORD inevitably choose the desolation which will invariably result.

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