A Pastor’s Poem

Pastor Poem image
A little window into the life and perspective of a pastor.
Anonymous (2013)

You never really know what a man goes through,
until you have walked a mile in his shoes.
What cushy shoes, it might be said,
must a pastor have in which to tread.
He only works one day a week,
and even then he must only speak.
He’s got no boss getting on his case,
all he must do is run some race.
His responsibilities are not substantial,
all he must do is be an example.
He just preaches about the crucifixion,
and endures hardness and affliction.
While others are hanging out with their buddies,
he is alone poring over his studies.
When others are with friends for a couple of beers,
he is at home shedding some tears.
He receives from men no praise nor reward,
but instead bears the burden of the word of the Lord.
He longs again to be just one of the guys,
but he knows that to do so would be his demise.
While his flock are pursuing their dreams and goals,
he is on his knees giving an account for their souls.
While many live a life free of burden and care,
he gives himself wholly to the ministry of the word and prayer.
On a Sunday afternoon when others are blessed,
he is exhausted and often deeply depressed.
Though Satan with all his fury him would destroy,
by God’s grace he will sow in tears but reap in joy.
As one that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed,
he shall doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves.

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4 Responses

  1. I’m no pastor by any means, but I have done a few bible studies on my own. I sure can testify that it takes hard work, time, and labor. My greatest respect goes to the men of God who make Bible study and the edification of the saint their full-time profession. This poem touches on a lot of good points.

  2. God forgive me for ever criticising any true preacher of righteousness and making a man an offender for a word. It takes a real man to heed the call of the Chief Shepherd to Pastor the flock of God. Surely the hardest and most unenviable vocation in the world.
    I need to pray more and criticise less than l have been won’t to do in the past. So help me Lord!

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