US Foreign Policy in the Middle East – Is it Biblical? (Part 2) – Why We Shouldn’t Support Israel Politically or Militarily

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  1. The false burden which is placed on us to support the nation of Israel.
    1. Misguided people who don’t understand who the real Israel is misuse Old Testament verses to convince people that we must support and defend the modern-day nation of Israel.
    2. They cite verses that say that God will bless them that bless Israel and curse them that curse Israel such as (Gen 12:3; 27:29; Num 24:9).
      1. This promise was made to Abraham and his seed (Gen 12:3 c/w Gen 22:17-18 c/w Gen 26:4 c/w Gen 28:14).
      2. Jesus Christ was the seed to whom the promise was made (Gal 3:16).
      3. All that are in Christ, both Jews and Gentiles, are Abraham’s seed and heirs of that promise (Gal 3:29).
      4. Therefore those who bless the Israel of God (Gal 6:16) (God’s elect Jews and Gentiles (Gal 6:15)) will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed.
    3. They cite verses that say that God has a special interest in Israel, such as: (Psa 105:10; Psa 114:2; Psa 125:5; Psa 130:8; Psa 135:4).
      1. As has already been plainly proved from the New Testament, there are two Israels (Rom 9:6).
      2. The natural-only Israel are not the children of God, nor are they the children of the promise (Rom 9:7-8).
      3. God has cast off this reprobate portion of Israel and has no interest in them at all (Rom 9:27-29; Rom 11:2, 7-10).
      4. The Israel that God has a special interest in are those who are in Christ who are Abraham’s seed (Gal 3:29).
      5. The Israel that God has a special interest in are those who are spiritual Israelites (Jews and Gentiles), not natural Israelites (Rom 2:28-29; Phi 3:3).
    4. They cite verses that say that we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that God loves Jerusalem, such as: (Psa 122:6; Psa 125:2; Psa 135:21; Psa 137:6).
      1. There are two Jerusalems: one that’s below on the earth that now is and which is in bondage (Gal 4:25), and one that is above in heaven which is free (Gal 4:26).
      2. The heavenly Jerusalem is the church (Heb 12:22-23; Rev 21:2,9-10), which is the Jerusalem that God loves and is concerned for the peace of (Eph 5:23,25).
      3. God calls earthly Jerusalem Sodom and Egypt (Rev 11:8).
    5. They cite verses that say that God has a special interest in Zion, such as: (Psa 48:2; Psa 69:35; Psa 76:2; Psa 129:5; Psa 132:13).
      1. The Sion (Zion) that God has a special interest in is the heavenly mount Sion, which is the heavenly Jerusalem, the church (Heb 12:22-23; Rev 14:1).
      2. This point was thoroughly proved in the previous section.
    6. The unbelieving Jews who largely make up the population of the modern nation of Israel are antichrists. Why should Christians support them?
      1. They deny that Jesus is the Christ which makes them antichrists by definition (1Jo 2:22-23).
        1. They have the spirit of antichrist which is not of God (1Jo 4:3).
        2. They are deceivers and antichrists (2Jo 1:7).
  • They don’t abide in the doctrine of Christ and therefore they have not God (2Jo 1:9).
  1. They hate Jesus Christ and therefore hate God (Joh 15:23; Luk 10:16).
    1. They are the world that hate Jesus, God the Father, and Christians (Joh 15:18-24 c/w 15:25).
    2. We should not love the world (1Jo 2:15-16).
  • We should not be friends with the world (Jam 4:4).
  1. Jesus would not even pray for the world (Joh 17:9).
  1. Should we as Christians help the ungodly and love them that hate the LORD (2Ch 19:2)?
  1. This doesn’t mean that we should not preach the gospel to them and tell them to repent just like we would to any other sinner.

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