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- We have discarded and forgotten the biblical position of nonintervention and nonaggression.
- Proponents of an interventionist and imperialist foreign policy will cite O.T. examples of where God commanded Israel to utterly destroy wicked nations and possess them (Jos 6:17-21; 1Sa 15:2-3).
- They will say that God hasn’t changed (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8) and therefore a Christian nation such as the USA still has such a mandate.
- While God hasn’t changed, His law has (Heb 7:12; Heb 8:13; 2Co 3:6-13).
- Jesus showed that O.T. precedents of this type have no natural application in the N.T. (Luk 9:51-56).
- As was before proved, God’s Israel under the New Testament is the church, not the USA, the UK, or even the modern nation of Israel.
- Therefore, the USA is not the new Israel and has no Manifest Destiny to conquer other nations and create an imperial empire.
- Since we are now under the New Testament, where in the N.T. does any country have a commandment from God to start aggressive wars with its neighbors?
- For example: what if our government wanted to wage war on Mexico when they had not attacked us, and they gave as justification for it that they were a bunch of drug-running, pagan, catholic savages who were polluting the land with their sin and needed to be eliminated based on principles God gave to Israel in the O.T.?
- Where is there a commandment in the N.T. for us to do that?
- What justification could a neocon Christian give from the New Testament to wage such a war of aggression?
- The New Testament counterpart of the these Old Testament commandments would be for Christians to mortify (kill) the sins of their flesh and spare none of them (Col 3:5-9).
- The weapons of the church’s (spiritual Israel) warfare are not carnal, but rather spiritual (2Co 10:3-5).
- We cast down imaginations, not walls.
- We bring thoughts into captivity, not nations.
- We mortify our own sins, not dictators.
- Nonintervention is not pacifism.
- Nonintervention – 1. Absence of intervention; in international politics, systematic non-interference by a nation in the affairs of other nations except where its own interests are directly involved.
- Pacifism – 1. The policy or doctrine of rejecting war and every form of violent action as means of solving disputes, esp. in international affairs; the belief in and advocacy of peaceful methods as feasible and desirable alternatives to war.
- The Bible doesn’t condemn soldiering or war in all circumstances.
- When soldiers came to John the Baptist to be baptized, he told them to be just, honest, and content, but not to forsake their profession as soldiers (Luk 3:14).
- Centurions were blessed on different occasions in the N.T.
- Centurion – 1. The commander of a century in the Roman army.
- Century – 1. a. Hist. A division of the Roman army, constituting half of a maniple, and probably consisting originally of 100 men; but in historical times the number appears to have varied according to the size and subdivision of the legion.
- When a centurion came to Jesus and told him he was a centurion who was in authority over soldiers who obeyed his commands, Jesus didn’t rebuke him for being in the military, but rather commended him for his faith (Luk 7:1-9).
- Cornelius was a centurion who feared and pleased God (Act 10:1-4) whom God blessed with conversion without changing his job (Act 10:48).
- Ministers are referred to as soldiers (Phi 2:25).
- Paul even describes ministers as soldiers warring (2Ti 2:3-4).
- If it was sinful to be a soldier and go to war, then God certainly wouldn’t use that terminology to describe his ministers.
- The Bible uses the principle of war-making for illustrations.
- Jesus used the principle of war-making to illustrate the importance of counting the cost of discipleship (Luk 14:31-33).
- Paul uses the principle of war-making to illustrate the fact that a minister ought to be paid for his labor (1Co 9:7).
- If war-making was sinful, then the Bible would not use it to illustrate godly principles.
- The Bible allows for and promotes self-defense.
- Most wars, though, are not in self-defense, but rather are a product of the lust of men (power, control, resources) (Jam 4:1-2).
- Jesus commanded His disciples to be armed with a sword and even to sell their garments to buy one if they didn’t have one (Luk 22:36).
- Jesus was not talking about a spiritual sword.
- When the disciples presented two swords, He said It is enough, not I meant a SPIRITUAL sword (Luk 22:38).
- It is enough to carry two guns.
- Jesus said that a strong man armed keeps his house in peace (Luk 11:21).
- Jesus said that a goodman (the master or male head of a household) would not suffer (tolerate or allow) his house to be broken up by a thief (Mat 24:43 c/w Exo 22:2).
- Retaliation is not self-defense and must not be done.
- It is God’s place to recompense, not ours (Rom 12:17-21; Pro 24:29).
- We ought not render evil for evil (1Pe 3:9; Pro 20:22).
- There is a time to not defend oneself.
- If we are being persecuted for the gospel’s sake, like Jesus, we should not resist with violence (1Pe 2:19-23).
- We should not resist minor offences with violence (Mat 5:39-41).
- If someone slaps you on the cheek, let me slap the other one; if someone takes your coat, give him your cloke also; if someone makes you walk a mile with him, go two.
- This is far different than if someone tries to chop your head off or rape your wife.
- If you don’t provide for the preservation of your family’s life, you have denied the faith (1Ti 5:8).
- A man with discretion will defer his anger (Pro 19:11).