We Have Rejected God - A Poem

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We Have Rejected God – A Poem

By: Chad Wagner

We have rejected God’s omnipotence; now we have a powerful Police State.

We have rejected God as our king; now we have an emperor.

We have rejected God’s dominion and kingdom; now we have an empire.

We have rejected God’s omnipresence; now we have a surveillance state with cameras everywhere.

We have rejected God’s omniscience; now we have the NSA and government databases which know everything about us.

We have rejected the Great Physician; now we have Obama Care.

We have rejected God’s provision; now we have a Welfare State.

We have rejected Jesus Christ, the bread of heaven; now we have Monsanto and GMO food.

We have rejected God’s protection; now we have the Military Industrial Complex.

We have rejected God’s word and wisdom; now we have government education.

We have rejected God’s law; now we have more laws than we can count.

We have rejected God’s good news (the gospel); now we have CNN and Fox News.

We have rejected Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the LIFE; now we murder the unborn.

We have rejected God’s truth; now we have Mainstream Media propaganda.

We have rejected God’s religion; now we worship the State and the religion of secular humanism.

We have rejected God’s institution of marriage; now we have a Sodom and Gomorrah society.

We have rejected God’s light which exposes darkness; now we have secret societies, secret FISA courts, and secret wars.

We have rejected the unsearchable riches of Christ; now we have a 17 trillion dollar national debt, banks too big to fail, and bankers too big to jail.

We have rejected God’s golden rule; now we have global rule.

We have rejected God’s Book; now we have Facebook.

We have rejected God’s institution of the family; now we have a Big Brother.

We have rejected Christ who makes us free; now we have the TSA which restricts our travel and gropes our genitals.

We have rejected the liberty which Christ gives; now we have indefinite detention under the NDAA.

We have rejected God’s requirement to give a portion of our income back to Him; now we have a government that takes more than God ever asked for.

We have rejected God’s eyes which run to and fro throughout the whole earth beholding the evil and the good; now we have drones going to and fro throughout the skies bombing the evil and the good.

We have rejected the Prince of Peace; now we have perpetual war.

We have rejected the house of God; now we have a house of cards.


Wouldn’t you say it’s about time we stop rejecting God and start seeking Him again? 


Isa 55:6  Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:

Isa 55:7  Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.



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