David’s Life – A Warning to Christians (Part 1)

October 30 2013

Topic: David, Exhortation

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David’s Life – A Warning to Christians

  1. The importance of this study.
    1. David was a man after God’s own heart.
      1. David was abundantly blessed by God.
      2. We can learn from good examples in David’s life.
    2. But David made some very poor choices and was chastened by God for them.
      1. As a result, David experienced a lot of pain and heartache that wouldn’t have had to be.
      2. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition…” (1Co 10:11).
      3. “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” (1Co 10:12).


  1. David started off well, but remember Ecc 7:8).
    1. David was a man after God’s own heart (1Sa 13:14 c/w Act 13:22).
    2. David was good looking (1Sa 16:12).
      1. But that is not why God chose him to be king; God looked upon his heart (1Sa 16:7).
      2. This is a good lesson for us, that we should judge not according to appearance, but rather judge righteous judgment (Joh 7:24; 2Co 10:7).
      3. God is not impressed with good looks or big muscles, but with them that fear Him and hope in His mercy (Psa 147:10-11).
    3. David started off as a lowly shepherd, the youngest brother in his family (1Sa 16:11).
      1. Even as a shepherd, David took his job very seriously (1Sa 17:34-35).
      2. David’s son Solomon later penned this good work ethic in scripture (Ecc 9:10).
    4. David was courageous and volunteered to fight Goliath, a huge enemy of Israel (1Sa 17:32).
      1. David’s brother Eliab despised him when he enquired about slaying Goliath (1Sa 17:26-28).
        1. In this respect, David was a presage of his son, Jesus Christ, who “came unto his own, and his own received him not” (Joh 1:11).
        2. Jesus’ brethren didn’t believe in him either (Joh 7:5).
  • A prophet is not without honor except in is own country and in his own house (Mat 13:55-58).
  1. Saul didn’t take David seriously because of his youth (1Sa 17:33) and neither did Goliath (1Sa 17:42).
    1. Ministers should follow the example of David and “let no man despise thy youth” (1Ti 4:12).
    2. If God doesn’t despise youth, then neither should we (Jer 1:6-10).
  • If a young man (or any man) has an opportunity to take a leadership role, then he should take it, not wait for it to be given him (1Pe 5:2).
    1. If you wait for it to be given to you, you’ll never get it.
    2. If you step into a leadership position, walk in there like you own the place (with humility) and act the part, and people will follow.
    3. It’s important in that situation for you to not only act the part, but to be the part, because people will sense when you are not confident in your position.
    4. The trumpet must make a certain sound in order to call men unto the battle (1Co 14:8).
  1. Don’t be intimidated by age alone because age doesn’t always convey with it wisdom, although it should and often does (Job 32:4-10).
  1. David experienced past deliverances from God and he was confident that the God Who delivered him before would do it again (1Sa 17:34-37).
    1. We would be wise to follow David’s faith in this, just as the apostles did (2Co 1:8-10).
    2. Paul experienced this on more than one occasion (2Ti 4:16-18).
  • Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all (Psa 34:19; Psa 129:1-2).
  1. Because of David’s courage and confidence he convinced King Saul to allow him to fight Goliath (1Sa 17:37).

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