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Finding Contentment Being Single
- Marriage: God’s design for most
- When God created Adam, God Himself said that it was not good that man should be alone and he made him a companion (Gen 2:18).
- From the beginning of time, it was God’s design that men and women would marry and be fruitful and multiply (Gen 2:24 c/w Gen 1:28).
- Jesus affirmed this principle (Mar 10:6-8).
- The institution of marriage was a picture of the mystery of Christ and the church (Eph 5:31-32).
- Marriage, along with everything else God made in the creation, was a very good thing (Gen 1:31).
- Finding a wife is a good thing and a gift from God (Pro 18:22; Pro 12:4; Pro 19:14).
- Finding a husband is a good thing (Eph 5:23, 28-29).
- It is God’s will that young women marry and have children (1Ti 5:14).
- Singleness: God’s design for some
- Although God designed marriage for most people, God has also given the gift of celibacy to some like He did for Paul (1Co 7:7-8).
- Some men are made eunuchs for the kingdom of God’s sake (Mat 19:11-12).
- This gift enables someone to focus their time serving God and the church, rather than focusing most of their time serving their husband, wife, or kids (1Co 7:32-34).
- This gift is not given to them to make them miserable, but rather as a blessing to them for the glory of God, that they may attend upon Him without distraction (1Co 7:35).
- This gift would especially be beneficial for a minister (2Ti 2:4).
- It appears that Anna had this gift (Luk 2:36-37).
- If you are unmarried, then be like Paul and Anna until God gives you spouse.
- Singleness is preferable to a bad marriage.
- It is better to be single than to marry the wrong person — far better.
- It’s better to live in the woods alone than to live with an angry woman who loves to argue (Pro 21:19).
- It’s better to live in the corner of the attic or your studio apartment than it is to live in a mansion with a loud quarrelsome woman (Pro 21:9).
- It’s better to be a single woman than to be married to a fool whom nobody can even speak to like Nabal (1Sa 25:17-25).
- While not a sin, a Christian better seriously contemplate before marrying someone who does not share their faith.
- Can two walk together except they be agreed? (Amo 3:3).
- Consider the principle of not being unequally yoked to unbelievers (2Co 6:14).
- This is a warning to the church to not be joined with unbelievers and idolatry.
- If the church should not be yoked with unbelievers, then a Christian should seriously consider the danger of being married to one.
- Don’t marry an ass (Deu 22:10).
- This principle was practiced in the OT (Deu 7:2-4; Ezr 9:2-3; Neh 13:23-26).
- Jesus said a house divided will not stand (Mar 3:25).
- It could be the case that weak believers marrying unbelievers may not be a divided house — the weak believer will simply compromise.
- A “church admission certificate” type of faith where only the form of godliness (2Ti 3:5) has been attained doesn’t guarantee an undivided house either.
- How to find contentment being single.
- Whether married or single, contentment is something that we are commanded to have (Heb 13:5).
- Content – I. 1. Having one’s desires bounded by what one has (though that may be less than one could have wished); not disturbed by the desire of anything more, or of anything different; ‘satisfied so as not to repine; easy though not highly pleased’
- God expects us to be content with very little (1Ti 6:6-8).
- Notice that a wife, husband, or children is not a minimum requirement for contentment.
- Contentment is something that is learned; it doesn’t come naturally (Phi 4:11-12).
- Where you lack the strength to be content, Christ will help (Phi 4:13).
- You must find completeness in Christ.
- The true completeness of a Christian is found only in Christ (Col 2:10).
- Complete – adj. 1. a. Having all its parts or members; comprising the full number or amount; embracing all the requisite items, details, topics, etc.; entire, full.
- A Christian needs no more than Christ to be complete.
- If you don’t feel complete having Christ, then getting married will not help.
- “Success in marriage is much more than a matter of finding the right person; it is also a matter of being the right person” – Leland Foster, Growing Together in the Family
- The famous line in Jerry Maguire, “You complete me” is simply not true.
- It is the knowledge of the Son of God through the word of God, not marriage, that make us complete (Eph 4:11-13; 2Ti 3:16-17).
- Perfect – adj. 1. Thoroughly made, formed, done, performed, carried out, accomplished. Obs. a. Of a legal act: Duly completed.
- Believing the gospel should fill us with all joy and peace (Rom 15:13).
- We should not look to marriage to fill a void that only the knowledge of Jesus Christ can.
- If you feel that you have to be married to be happy and content, you are wrong.
- If you feel that way then you will not be happy in heaven because there is no marriage there (Mat 22:30).
- A good man is satisfied of himself (Pro 14:14).
- Satisfied – 1. Contented, pleased, gratified.
- You must devote yourself to the Lord and serve Him and His people.
- Whether married or single, the first and greatest commandment for us all is to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, and mind (Mat 22:37-38).
- How much more should this be the case when God has blessed you with singleness and not a divided interest? (1Co 7:32-34).
- Give up your life to serve God (at least while you’re single) and He will honour you (Joh 12:24-26).
- Present your body as a living sacrifice to God (Rom 12:1).
- Read your Bible and pray; get to know your God.
- Take advantage of the time!
- The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mat 22:39).
- How much more should this be the case when God has blessed you with singleness and not a divided interest? (1Co 7:32-34).
- We serve God by serving His people (Mat 25:34-40).
- Be like the house of Stephanas who addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints (1Co 16:15).
- Be like Phebe who was a servant of the church in Cenchrea (Rom 16:1).
- Take advantage of the time!
- Practical tips on finding contentment being single.
- Expect little in life. If your chief goal is to get married, you will not be content to be single.
- Mentally prepare yourself for the possibility of being single your whole life.
- Learn to enjoy peace and quiet.
- Take advantage of your free time and read some good books.
- Use your single years as a time to save money.
- Use the time to cultivate good close friendships with your brethren, even the married ones.
- Don’t miss out on the benefits of being single while you are.
- You will miss out on many of the blessings and benefits of being single if you live at home with your parents and siblings.
- Consider the benefits of being single that are negated or at least restricted by living with other people:
- Freedom to do as you please (within the bounds of God’s law) without consideration of anyone else’s wishes or expectations.
- Absolute silence when you are at home.
- Time to yourself.
- Making your own financial decisions and learning to be totally self-sufficient.
- If you desire to be married, spend your single years preparing yourself for marriage and making yourself attractive to a potential mate (not only physically attractive).
- If you are a man:
- Work to develop your character so that you will be fit to be a leader who will command your house like Abraham (Gen 18:19), love your bride like Christ (Eph 5:25), and teach your children (Eph 6:4).
- Work towards financial independence, proficiency in your career, and having a home that is secure and comfortable (Pro 24:27).
- No good woman will be attracted to a man who has no spine, shows her no love and affection, and is not a provider.
- Stay out of debt so that you can hit the ground running if marriage and children come.
- In the mean time, get Siri.
- If you are a woman:
- Work to develop your character so that you will be fit to be a submissive wife like Sarah (1Pe 3:6; Eph 5:22-24) and a loving wife and mother and good homemaker (Tit 2:4-5).
- Put on less make-up and more meekness, sweetness, and submissiveness (1Pe 3:3-5).
- No good man will be attracted to a strong willed, haughty, bitter, feminist woman that he will have to fight every step of the way.
- Stay out of debt so your future husband doesn’t have to spend what he worked hard for to dig you out or maintain your expensive lifestyle.