When God Takes a Sinner

When God Takes a Sinner Poem image
This poem was written by a 15 year old Christian girl.
A poem by HMA

When God takes a servant of Self and of Sin,
He grants him repentance and freedom within.
When God takes a sinner, weak and despised,
He chooses the foolish to ruin the wise.
When God takes the outcast, the leper, the lame,
He chooses the broken to honour His name.
When God takes a sinner, hardened and cruel,
He cuts to his heart, and makes him His tool.
When God takes a madman, demon-possessed,
He casts out of the devil, and gives the man rest.
When God sees the contrite, in whom has been sown
The seed of redemption that shows him His own,
God leans down from Heaven, inclining His ear,
Sinners contrite beg His mercy with tears.
Repentance is sweet! Giving peace to the soul,
Peace that will last, though many years roll.
But note that it came when the sinner obeyed,
When he hearkened to God and performed what Christ bade.
When God takes a sinner, He brings him down low,
Telling and showing the right way to go.
When God takes a sinner, his life starts anew.
The old man is buried. God’s word is truth!

If you liked this blog, check out my latest book.

The True Grace of God

Expounding the Truth of Sovereign Grace and Refuting the Errors of Arminianism and Calvinism

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2 Responses

  1. “In the beginning God”. Genesis 1:1
    “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!” Revelation 22:21

    Now, where is there room for self?

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