My Recommend Books

Never Stop Reading
I love to read and continue to expand my knowledge. In addition to reading the Bible, I spend at least 30 minutes nearly every day reading quality books.
The following are all books that I have read (and a few that I haven’t gotten to yet) and that I recommend. Most of them are nonfiction, but there are some fictional titles as well. They are divided into categories such as Biblical/Christian, economics, political theory, etc.
I hope you find this reading list helpful.
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Books Defending the King James Version
Forever Settled
Jack Moorman
This is the first book on the preservation of the Bible in the KJV that I ever read. “It is an exhaustive examination of the history of the Bible–from the time that it was breathed out by God, through its various stages of transmission, down to its present form in our day. It was written by a Bible college professor who is now a missionary. It recognizes that the promises within Scripture declare just as forcibly its preservation as it does its inspiration–that both are supernatural.”
The King James Version Defended
Edward F. Hills
This book gives a good history of the manuscripts of the Greek New Testament, the printing of Textus Receptus, and the translation of the KJV. He also shows the folly of humanistic textual criticism.
Defending the King James Bible
D. A. Waite
Waite shows the fourfold superiority that the KJV has over all of the other modern English versions in its texts, translators, technique, and theology.
Which Bible?
David Otis Fuller
“”Which Bible?” asks the question regarding the over 100 contemporary English bibles and translations, which is the most accurate, most trustworthy, most literary, most time honored bible of every generation for the past nearly 4 Centuries? Dr. Fuller excerpts extensive articles by over 11 writers to answer the question affirmatively in favor of the historic King James Version.”
The Revision Revised
John William Burgon
“The importance of this book cannot be underestimated. There is no one book that exposes Westcott and Hort’s false Greek Text and false Greek theory behind that text any more thoroughly and convincingly than The Revision Revised.”
The Traditional Text of the Holy Gospels, Vol 1
John William Burgon
“One of the most recurring falsehoods that is used by the enemies of the Greek Traditional Text or Received Text is the almost unbelievable falsehood that the Greek text was not in existence until 1516 A.D. with Erasmus. This volume thunders out an effective reply to the serious errors of this false position. It proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the Traditional Text was in the hands of the churches in a continuous time line from the original Apostolic times down to the present.”
Books On Baptist Church History
Baptist Church Perpetuity
W. A. Jarrel
This is a great, well documented book on Baptist Church history. Jarrel shows how there has been a continuous existence of baptist churches from the apostles to the present day. He also gives quotes proving that most of them believed in the doctrine of election. I highly recommend this book.
A Concise History of Foreign Baptists
G. H. Orchard
This book proves that baptist churches did not originate from the Protestant Reformation, but preceded it by 1500 years. It is a reprint of Orchard’s original book from 1838. I highly recommend this book as well.
The Faithful Baptist Witness
Phil Stringer
This is a great book on baptist church history for the beginner. It is easy to read and provides a nice overview of the history of the baptists. Stringer is an Arminian, so that comes through in his writing, but I nevertheless recommend this book as a good starting point.
The Trail of Blood
J. M. Carroll
This is the first book (it’s actually a booklet) that I recommend you read if you are a beginner and want to learn about baptist church history. It is very short, concise, and outstanding. It also contains a nice fold-out map which shows the different lines of churches (true and false) throughout time.
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
John Foxe
This book is a must-read to give every Christian an appreciation of the way our forefathers suffered mercilessly at the hands of the Catholic Church. Your problems will seem small after reading this book.
Worldly Saints
Leland Ryken
This book is not about Baptists, but it is an excellent history the Puritans. It is definitely worth the read.
Books On Prophecy and Eschatology
Great Prophecies of The Bible
Ralph Woodrow
This is an excellent book on the Seventy Weeks prophecy and the Olivet Discourse (Mat 24). It is a short read and well worth it. I highly recommend it, especially with the ubiquitous misunderstanding of these prophecies today.
The Seventy Weeks and the Great Tribulation
Philip Mauro
This book is another must-have when it comes to Bible prophecy. Mauro does an excellent job of showing the past fulfillment of the prophesies of Daniel. He also rightly divides the Olivet Discourse showing which parts of it refer to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and which parts refer to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
The Hope of Israel
Philip Mauro
“There are certain Prophetic passages in the Old Testament, which, apart from the light afforded by the New, might be taken as relating to “Israel after the flesh,” and as foretelling the restoration, at some future day, of their national greatness. The erroneous doctrine of the teachers of Israel was based upon an unspiritual interpretation of their own Scriptures; for “they know not the voices of their prophets which were read every sabbath day.””
The Gospel of the Kingdom
Philip Mauro
“In this insightful book, Philip Mauro seeks to demonstrate how the Kingdom of God is alive and vibrant all around us, and need not be divided into dispensations. In this thorough refutation of the dispensation movement, Mauro demonstrates how the dispensationalist traditions of the past are simply untrue. He examines each of the seven principles, and sets them against the words of the Holy Scripture, demonstrating how each is inconsistent with what is taught in the Bible.”
Things Which Must Soon Come to Pass
Philip Mauro
This is Mauro’s commentary on the book of Revelation. I can’t say as I agree with everything in it, but it is worth reading.
Amillennialism Today
William Cox
This book gives a good scriptural overview of Amillennialism which (for lack of a better term) is the Biblical teaching that the “millennial” kingdom during which Christ reigns is the period between His first and second comings.
The Rapture Plot
Dave MacPherson
This book details the true history of the origin of the pre-tribulation rapture teaching of premillennial dispensationalism. It didn’t originate in the Bible, but from the trance of a devil possessed young woman named Margaret Macdonald in 1830.
Economics in One Lesson
Henry Hazlitt
This is the best introduction to true economics I know of. Every person both young and old should read it.
Man, Economy, and State
Murray N. Rothbard
For the serious student of Austrian Economics, this book is a must. Rothbard starts with the premise that man acts and from that reasons out all the laws of economics.
Human Action
Ludwig von Mises
Mises is one of the greatest economists of all time. This book is a must-read for all serious students of Austrian Economics.
Tom Woods
This was one of the first books published after the financial crisis of 2008. It explains that the crisis was caused by the Federal Reserve and bad government policies, not deregulation like is commonly claimed.
Crash Proof 2.0
Peter Schiff
This book was written in 2005-2006 and was first published in 2007 before the financial crisis in 2008. Peter Schiff predicted everything that happened in 2008 with perfect accuracy.
The Real Crash
Peter Schiff
This is a sequel to Crash Proof. In it Schiff predicted the real crash that should have happened in 2008 but was postponed until 2020 because the world was dumb enough to think that the Fed could unwind its balance sheet and therefore didn’t ditch the dollar.
How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
Peter Schiff
This is a great book for children and adults alike. “With wit and humor, the Schiffs explain the roots of economic growth, the importance of trade, savings, and risk, the source of inflation, the effects of interest rates and government stimulus, the destructive nature of consumer credit, and many other economic principles that are so frequently discussed and so poorly understood.”
Currency Wars
James Rickards
“In 1971, President Nixon imposed national price controls and took the United States off the gold standard, an extreme measure intended to end an ongoing currency war that had destroyed faith in the U.S. dollar. Today we are engaged in a new currency war, and this time the consequences will be far worse than those that confronted Nixon.”
End the Fed
Ron Paul
Ron Paul explains why the Federal Reserve is at the root of all of our economic problems and why it needs abolished.
Before the Bell Rings
Jenna Ambrose
This novel was written by a good friend of mine. It’s a great, clean story which I highly recommend.
Animal Farm
George Orwell
This novel is a must-read classic. It is an allegorical story of the failure of socialism. I’m sure you will love it.
George Orwell
This novel is a must-read classic. It is a dystopian novel which predicted our current totalitarian surveillance state many decades before it came to fruition.