Arminianism is Literally from the Pit of Hell

People in hell believe in and profess the Arminian gospel of freewill salvation. Don’t believe me? Keep reading.
Faith is a Work

Faith is something that a man does and thus is a work by definition. Since eternal salvation is “not of works,” it is therefore not conditioned on faith.
The Fundamental Error of Calvinism

The failure to understand that regeneration is the imparting of eternal life to the elect is the fundamental error of Calvinism.
Eternal Salvation is by the Obedience of Christ Alone

Is salvation by Christ’s obedience, our obedience, or a combination of the two?
Eternal Salvation is by Grace, Not Works

Is salvation by grace or works? Most people will answer “grace,” but is that really what they believe?
Not All of the Elect Will Believe, but They Will Still Go to Heaven

Can one of God’s sheep die in their sin of unbelief and still go to heaven? The answer may surprise you.
Passing From Death Unto Life

There’s no spiritual half-way house. You’re either dead or alive.
Spiritual Chickens and Eggs

Which comes first: regeneration or faith?
All By Himself

Jesus Christ saved His elect all by Himself. He didn’t need your help.
Why Christians Should Hate Their Parents

Does hate really mean to love less? Not if the Bible and the dictionary are consulted.