The Holy Spirit or a Satanic Spirit?
The spirit Behind the Charismatic Movement
Do We Still Have the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit Today?
The sermons below show that the miraculous gifts (prophecy, healing, tongues, etc.) given to Jesus and the apostles were only for a period of 40 years spanning from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry to approximately 70AD.
The purpose of these gifts was to confirm the word of God spoken and written by the apostles and to convince the unbelieving Jews, both of which were no longer needed when the word of God was complete and Jerusalem was destroyed in 70AD.
The Sign Gifts (sermon series)
This study proves that the Sign Gifts expired in the first century AD.
Sermon on the supernatural gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and faith

Led by the Spirit (sermon series)
This series is part of the “Using Correct Terminology” series. In these sermons Pastor Wagner shows from the Bible how to know if you’re being led by the Holy Spirit.

The Word of Faith Movement Refutation (sermon series)
This series is part of the “Using Correct Terminology” series. In these sermons Pastor Wagner refutes the “Word of Faith” heresy.