Church Autonomy and Independence

Independent Churches - A Biblical Defense (Part 1)

Are Denominations and Associations Biblical?

Denominations, associations, conventions, districts, synods, dioceses, and any other type of “church” hierarchies are unbiblical.

  • There are no Popes, Patriarchs, Major Archbishops, Cardinals, Primates, Metropolitans, Archbishops, or Diocesan Bishops in the Bible (Catholicism).
  • There are no Archdioceses or Dioceses in the Bible (Catholicism and Lutheranism).
  • There are no General Conferences, Council of Bishops, or Judicial Councils in the Bible (Methodism).
  • There are no Sessions, Presbyteries (in the Presbyterian denominational sense of the word), Synods, or General Assemblies in the Bible (Presbyterianism).
  • There are no General Councils, Conferences, Districts, Presidents, Vice Presidents, or District Superintendents in the Bible (Christian and Missionary Alliance-ism)
  • There are no Conventions, Associations, Conferences, or Unions of churches in the Bible (some Baptists – Southern Baptist, Primitive Baptist, etc.).

Independent Churches - A Biblical Defense (sermon series)

This study shows how denominations, associations, and all “church” hierarches are unbiblical.


Real Churches are Not Businesses (sermon)

I love business and sales.  But our church is not a business, and I’m not a salesman.


How to Start a True Church (sermon)

This sermon explains how a true church is constituted.


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