Money Management
An Introductory Video Blog
Are you in debt? Want to get out?
The sermon series below will teach you about wealth and how to manage it including the following:
- A history of money
- It’s not wrong for a Christian to have wealth
- You can’t take it with you
- It’s not necessarily wrong to be poor
- The importance of hard work
- The importance of saving money
- The foolishness of being in debt
- Practical tips on money management
Money Management (sermon series)
This sermon series will teach you how to manage money and get out of debt.

Money and Wealth (sermon series)
This is an in-depth sermon series on money and wealth.
- Money and Wealth (Part 1) - Introduction, What Money is
- Money and Wealth (Part 2) - Money is Not Evil, Does Money Buy Happiness?
- Money and Wealth (Part 3) - Employees and Employers (Part A)
- Money and Wealth (Part 4) - Employees and Employers (Part B)
- Money and Wealth (Part 5) - Unions, Inheritance
- Money and Wealth (Part 6) - Lottery, Begging, Theft, Saving (Part A)
- Money and Wealth (Part 7) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 8) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 9) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 10) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 11) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 12) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 13) - (coming soon)
- Money and Wealth (Part 14) - (coming soon)
Giving to God (sermon series)
These sermons give the Biblical teaching on giving to God and His work on this earth.