"Praise" for Pastor Wagner
"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Luk 6:26)
"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." (Mat 5:11)
Here is a sampling of the words of encouragement I've received from the dear folks on the internet.
“Hi Mr. Wanger…that is certainly many words to just say, “I’m Chad and I’m a homophobic bigot’.” (Erin)
“Just a word of advice pastor: Regrow your hair. Even if you do not have much. I do not know. But you WILL get more views. But I like what you are saying.” (qawii3)
“No one should be listening to this dude. Whoever put him in charge and anyone who relies on his “wisdom” is on their way to destruction.” (Stephanie Michelle (JOY))
“You are a Protestant (Romanist) Pastor Chad Wagner and God will find you out at the judgement day!” (Robert Roberts)
“Great cult site!” (Pastor Steve Skinner)
“The wrinkles on it’s forehead when it speaks reveal all that we should know. PERIOD!” (Colonel Aengus)
“See you in court! I will sue you!! I get an Christain attorney from https://adflegal.org The Bill of Rights Amendment 1Freedom of Religion in USA! So! You are taking away my FREEDOM OF RELIGION IN USA reading another Bible versions” (Thomas Paul Dickensheets)
“False teacher alert” (Niko Niemi)
“This is guy is awful! Taking the bible so literally is what puts people off Christianity.” (jb301)
“This guy should give up preaching and go home.” (Mark Rogers)
“Hey Wagger’s … Your doctrine is all tangled up… The Hope of The Church is The snatching away 1 Thessalonians 4. & 1 Corinthians 15. I think your bowling ball is lacking understanding… Go to a sound Bible College… Stay away from Prespetyerian Eschatology…” (Wild Bill)
“What are you 14” (BANDIT 1)
“You’re decieving people. If you’re going to be a Christian be a real one. Christianity says Hell is for people like you.” (Rickey M.)
“More deception from this KJV only heretic.” (Sam Lawrence)
“U are a false prophet I will be praying for u I am a man of God with consuming fire.” (Bradley Butters)
“When did god change his last name to Wagner and dictate who is a true believer and which church is a true Christian church?” (Joseph Godleski)
“Satan is the accuser of the brethren, you are just his helpmate.” (Jordan Wright)
“U are bad Christian ur father is the devil pastor Wagner” (Bradley Butters)
“5 minutes of buffoonery” (Simon Apocalypse)
“YOU ARE A FOOL” (O Really?)
“Mr Wagner is one of the reasons I avoid all KJV only “churches”.” (Terry Ford)
“Pastor I call you out as a false prophet..a lier and a theif..a breaker of ALL the commandments leading your followers into the pit of hell.” (Gregory NATZARIM)
“Woe to you false teacher!” (Joe W)
“I feel like I’m looking at a full moon.” (Jenny Girl)
“He’s a cult leader.” (Matt Potsie)
“Pastor Wagner you really are a moron And no one can argue with a moron” (KJV 1611)
“This pastors wacked!!!” (Bella Roccisano)
“Watch out everyone!!! This so called ”Pastor Wagner” is nothing but a doctrine twisting liar and a false teacher!…Since Pastor Wagner (a wolf in sheep’s clothing) is so woefully wrong about this core doctrine, he is not just a “hyper Calvinist” (sovereign grace) he is a REPROBATE because he actually teaches “works salvation” (the broad path that leads so many to the destruction of HELL)! If he were actually saved, the Holy Spirit would have taken him to the wood shed on this false doctrine! This is what “pure evil” looks like: a nice sounding Pastor (Wagner) that preaches LIES to beguile (fool or trick) unstable souls into believing in a false “works based salvation”!…I pray that the Lord exposes you Wagner for the wicked lying fraud that you are – in JESUS name I pray Amen!!!” (Phillippe Bryant)
“Stop telling lies! You are of the anti- Christ movement that is sweeping our world.” (Leslie G)
“…are you a Freemason pretending to be a follower of Jesus? If not.. are you really this deceived and unable to open your eyes? this is sad truly… to see someone who pretends to teach the bible, not able to teach the real teachings of the bible, with a Flat Earth just as described in Genesis. Where is your faith? In Nasa? In Freemasons and Luciferians alike? Or in the Word of God? Repent brother!… repent!” (JoStarseed)
“you are a false teacher and reprobate. … you are unsaved and above the age of accountability (probably 20 according to the jewish calendar) and therefore going to the lake of fire. you worship satan. … You devil deciever!” (Saved sinner)
“How old is your wife? She looks like 13 or 14? This concerns me that you quote”she takes care of me so I can do what I want to do”?????i hope she’s legal, and not 13. I m thinking “false prophet” here. Keep it lawful.” (Peggy Campbell)
“Mr Wagner, you don’t deserve to be called a pastor. You’re more like a gossiper and a soothsayer!” (Alan Yeap)
“Get a real education and stop calling yourself a pastor.” (Lindsay Brandt)
“Pastor Wagner you’re a proven lying jerk who doesn’t like to get called out for your lies and heresies!!!” (Danny Saint)
“This false teacher does not believe the holy scriptures!!! He does not believe the gospel according to the holy word of God!!! He’s a proven miserable false teacher! A deceiver! A heretic!” (Danny Saint)
“You’re not apt to teach!!!…You don’t meet God’s requirements for being a pastor!!! You’re a proven heretic and a hireling!!! You’re a servant of your father the devil:” (Danny Saint)
“Puppet of Satan” (Vicky Mast)
“Wow, dude, you’re indoctrinated to the highest degree – the pit of burning sulphur awaits deceivers like you.” (Fraudulent Earth)
“This guy is SO LOST. I dont even know where to begin.” (Eric Bland)
“are you a true pastor or the false prophet….” (Rhun Mhendoza)
“you committed blasphemy. your a liar!!” (HRD Heather 77)
“Shame on you pastor or what ever u call urself! I hope you’re ready to explain to God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob one day how u led people to their death! And the sad part is I think u know what ur doing. Shame on u.” (Proclaim the name of Jesus)
“Wow waht is wrong with this man” (JanahLee Oui)
“Fake preacher” (Cristopher Fistunenko)
“You are Lucifer” (Mr. Stano)
“Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.” (John Christen)
“A definite egghead.” (Jim Chumley)
“this is what happens when mental illness goes untreated.” (Benny Graham)
“You are nuts!” (Eleanor Anderson)
“Dude your a nut case” (Ricky Daigle)
“Pastor Blowhard” (Stephen Holmstock)
“Don’t let this demon send u to hell.” (Prince Kal-EL)
“Crackerjack called and they want your “Pastor” credentials back.” (WeBgamers James)
“You’re a psycho and an imposter. You are no man of God.” (Danny Atkins)
“He does not want the Bible to be truth … I think he is a shill” (Servant & Watcher)
“you liar you’re either working for the other team….or too ignorant to be a pastor and teach the Bible…..” (Static Adamah)
“repent of this demon doctrine” (Dylan Christian Armour)
“False prophet” (Ashley Latson)
“You are an ignorant pastor! You don’t know what you’re talking about. A blind cannot lead a blind, two shall into a ditch. You better repent!!!” (Peaceful Spirit)
“you sir a wolf in sheep’s clothing” (Helen Larmour)
“Are you a demon?” (Unlmted Odzz)
“You are a lost heretic” (Dunn4Jesus)
“The hell awaits you pastor.” (Berny Andrew)
“False doctrine has reached 100% capacity.” (Kamiskenaw)
“A Wolf in sheeps clothing you are Sir….” (rizzbok13)
“You sir have the soul of +95,000 people on your hands. When you die, the wrath of God will be on you and judgement is set.” (Elijah Robertson)
“this is the worst video i have ever seen!!” (Michael Peters)