Preterism Refutation

Preterism Refutation

What is Preterism?

Preterism is an eschatological system that teaches that all prophecy was fulfilled by 70AD including the prophecies of:

  • the 2nd coming of Christ
  • the resurrection
  • the destruction of the heavens and the earth
  • the creation of the new heaven and new earth
  • all of the events in the book of Revelation

Preterism Refutation (sermon series)

The following is a sermon series refuting the heresy of Full Preterism.


Olivet Discourse (sermon series)

This sermon series steps through the Olivet Discourse in Mat 24 verse by verse.

Millennialism, End Times, and the Reign of Christ (sermon series)

This sermon series gives a thorough overview of the Biblical doctrine of end times.

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