An Overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation (Part 3) – 1 Kings to Song of Solomon

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  1. The book of 1 Kings

  2. The book of 1 Kings records the history of the kings of Israel (the northern kingdom) and of Judah (the southern kingdom) beginning in approximately 943 BC.
  3. Chapters 2-11 give the history of king Solomon, David’s son.
  4. Solomon was heir to David’s throne.
  5. When Solomon became king of Israel, God told him that he could have anything he desired, and because Solomon chose wisdom, God gave him wisdom, riches, and power.
  6. Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived until Jesus Christ was born.
  7. Solomon built God’s original temple.
  8. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines which ended up causing his downfall because he became an idolater and served their gods in the end of his life.
  9. Because of Solomon’s unfaithfulness, God would rend the kingdom after Solomon’s death and give ten tribes to Solomon’s servant, Jeroboam (1Ki 11:11-13,31-32).

iii.    After the death of Solomon, his son Rehoboam followed the advice of his foolish young advisors and attempted to oppress the people, and the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms, the northern kingdom whose capital was Samaria and the southern kingdom whose capital was Jerusalem.

  1. The northern kingdom was called Israel which comprised ten of the tribes and was ruled by a man named Jeroboam.
  2. The southern kingdom was called Judah which comprised two of the tribes, Judah and Benjamin, and was ruled by Rehoboam.
  3. 1 Kings 12-22 records the reigns of the kings of Judah and of Israel.
  4. The kings of Judah

(i)     Rehoboam – bad – 1Ki 11:43

(ii)   Abijam – bad – 1Ki 15:1

(iii) Asa – good – 1Ki 15:11

(iv) Jehoshaphat – good – 1Ki 15:24

(v)   Jehoram – bad – 1Ki 22:50

  1. The kings of Israel

(i)     Jeroboam – bad – 1Ki 12:20

(ii)   Nadab – bad – 1Ki 15:25

(iii) Baasha – bad – 1Ki 15:28,33-34

(iv) Elah – bad – 1Ki 16:6

(v)   Zimri – bad – 1Ki 16:10

(vi) Omri – bad – 1Ki 16:16

(vii)           Tibni – bad – 1Ki 16:21

(viii)         Ahab – bad – 1Ki 16:28

(ix) Ahaziah – bad – 1Ki 22:40

  1. The book of 2 Kings

  2. The book of 2 Kings records the continuation of the history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah beginning in about 826 BC.
  3. 2 Kings 1-16 records the reigns of more kings of Judah and Israel.
  4. The kings of Judah

(i)     Ahaziah – bad – Judah – 2Ki 8:25

(ii)   Joash – good – 2Ki 11:2

(iii) Amaziah – good – 2Ki 12:21

(iv) Azariah – good – 2Ki 14:21

(v)   Jotham – good – 2Ki 15:7

(vi)  Ahaz – bad – 2Ki 15:38

(vii)           Hezekiah – good – 2Ki 16:20

  1. The kings of Israel

(i)     Jehoram (Joram) – bad – 2Ki 1:17

(ii)   Jehu – good and bad – 2Ki 9:13

(iii) Jehoahaz – bad – 2Ki 10:35

(iv) Joash – bad – 2Ki 13:9

(v)   Jeroboam – bad – 2Ki 13:13

(vi) Zachariah – bad – 2Ki 14:29

(vii)           Shallum – bad – Israel – 2Ki 15:10

(viii)         Menahem – bad – Israel – 2Ki 15:14

(ix)  Pekahiah – bad – Israel – 2Ki 15:22

(x)   Pekah – bad – Israel – 2Ki 15:25

(xi) Elah – bad – Israel – 2Ki 15:30

(xii)           Hoshea – bad – 2Ki 17:1

iii.    2 Kings 17 records how the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by Assyria

  1. The Samaritan people were formed by the king of Assyria bringing in people from foreign nations and replacing the Jews.
  2. These people “feared the LORD, and served their own gods” (2Ki 17:33).
  3. This is why the Jews had nothing to do with the Samaritans (Joh 4:9).
  4. 2 Kings 18-24 records the kings of Judah up to the time of the Babylonian captivity.
  5. The kings of Judah during this time were:

(i)     Manasseh – bad – 2Ki 20:21

(ii)   Amon – bad – 2Ki 21:18

(iii) Josiah – good – 2Ki 21:24

(iv) Jehoahaz – bad – 2Ki 23:30

(v)   Jehoiakim – bad – 2Ki 23:34

(vi) Jehoiachin – bad – 2Ki 24:6

(vii)           Zedekiah – bad – 2Ki 24:17-18

  1. 2 Kings 24-25 records how Judah was conquered by king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and how the Jews were carried away to Babylon and would remain there for 70 years.
  2. The books of 1&2 Chronicles

  3. 1&2 Chronicles records many genealogies and summarizes the history given in 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings.
  4. Additional and valuable information can be gained by comparing 1&2 Chronicles with 1&2 Samuel and 1&2 Kings.
  5. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah

  6. The books of Ezra and Nehemiah record the history of the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the temple which took place in about 450 BC after Israel returned to their land after 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
  7. The book of Esther

  8. The book of Esther records a time which was likely between 486 – 465 BC in which a Jewish girl named Esther became the queen of the Persian empire and ended up saving the Jewish people from being slaughtered by their enemies.
  9. The book of Job

  10. The book of Job is believed to be the oldest book in the Bible.
  11. The book of Job is about a man named Job who lived during the patriarchal times after the flood of Noah (Job 22:15-16) (2390 BC), but likely prior to the law of Moses (1533 BC), since the law of Moses is not ever mentioned in it.

iii.    It records an account of how God allowed Satan to destroy Job’s life as a test as to whether Job would remain faithful to God.

  1. Job remained faithful to God through his affliction, which exposed his pride which he repented of, and God made his latter end better than his beginning.
  2. The book of Psalms

  3. The book of Psalms is a compilation of 150 poetic songs of various sizes written by David (983-943 BC) and others which include comforting words, prophecy, and praise of God and His word.
  4. The book of Proverbs

  5. The book of Proverbs was written by Solomon between 943-903 BC.
  6. It is a compilation of wise pithy sayings about many different aspects of life.
  7. The book of Ecclesiastes

  8. The book of Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon between 943-903 BC.
  9. It is an expose on the vanity and futility of life without God.
  10. The book of The Song of Solomon

  11. The book of The Song of Solomon was a love letter written between Solomon and his wife between 943-903 BC
  12. In it the joy of marital love is exalted.

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