Basic Bible Doctrine (Part 12) – Baptism (Part 1)

August 11 2013

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  1. Baptism
    1. What is baptism?
      1. Baptism – 1. The action or ceremony of baptizing; immersion of a person in water, or application of water by pouring or sprinkling, as a religious rite, symbolical of moral or spiritual purification or regeneration, and, as a Christian ordinance, betokening initiation into the Church.
      2. BaptizeEtymology – [a. F. baptise-r, -izer (11th c.), ad. L. baptiza-re, ad. Gr. βaπτξεινto immerse, bathe, wash, drench,’ in Christian use appropriated to the religious rite, f. βάπτειν to dip, plunge, bathe.]
      3. trans. To immerse in water, or pour or sprinkle water upon, as a means of ceremonial purification, or in token of initiation into a religious society, especially into the Christian Church; to christen.
      4. Baptism is a figure of our salvation by the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1Pe 3:21).
        1. Figure – II. Represented form; image, likeness. 9. a. The image, likeness, or representation of something material or immaterial.
        2. Noah’s ark was a figure of the salvation of Jesus Christ (1Pe 3:20-21).
          1. Noah and his family were saved by water.
          2. “they that went into the ark were saved by the water bearing up the ark, even by that by which others were destroyed; as the very same thing, for different reasons, is the cause or means of destruction and salvation; so Christ is set, for the fall and rising of many, is a stumblingblock to some, and the power and wisdom of God to others; and the Gospel, and the ministers of it, are the savour of life unto life to some, and the savour of death unto death to others.” – John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
          3. Those inside the ark were saved from death and destruction which was the judgment of God on the world because of sin.
          4. Those who are in Christ are likewise saved from the judgment of God for sin.
          5. Just as the ark took the brunt of the wrath of God which destroyed those outside of the ark, so Christ took the brunt of the wrath of God which destroys all sinners outside of Him.
  • Baptism is a like figure as Noah’s ark was.
    1. Like – 1. Having the same characteristics or qualities as some other person or thing; of approximately identical shape, size, colour, character, etc., with something else; similar; resembling; analogous.
    2. The figures are like (similar), not identical.
    3. Both are figures of salvation by Christ.
    4. Both involve water.
    5. Noah’s ark figured how we are saved by being in Christ.
    6. Baptism figures how Jesus saved us, by His death, burial, and resurrection (1Co 15:3-4 c/w Rom 6:3-5).
  1. Like Noah’s ark didn’t save Noah and his family eternally but figuratively by picturing how Jesus would; likewise baptism doesn’t save anyone eternally, but figuratively by picturing how Jesus did.
    1. Baptism doesn’t remove sin (the filth of the flesh) (1Pe 3:21).
      • The filth of the flesh is sin (2Co 7:1; Jam 1:21; 2Pe 2:7; Rev 17:4).
      • Filth, filthy, or filthiness are never referred to in a natural sense in the N.T.
      • The filth of the flesh is contrasted with a good conscience (1Pe 3:21).
    2. Rather than giving a man a good conscience, baptism is the answer of a good conscience (1Pe 3:21).
      • One has to already have a good conscience to be baptized.
      • Those who are defiled and unbelieving have a defiled conscience (Tit 1:15).
    3. Baptism is a commandment for every believer in Jesus Christ (Act 2:38; Act 10:48; Act 22:16) and to not do so it to reject the counsel of God (Luk 7:29-30).
    4. What constitutes a valid baptism?
      1. For a baptism to be scriptural, it must have:
        1. a proper administer.
        2. a proper candidate.
  • a proper mode.
  1. a proper belief.
  2. a proper result.
  1. A proper administrator.
    1. The proper administrator (baptizer) for baptism is an ordained minister.
    2. Jesus commissioned His disciples to preach the gospel and baptize (Mat 28:16-20; Mar 16:14-16).
      1. During the earthly ministry of Christ, only John the Baptist and Jesus’ disciples baptized (Joh 1:28, et. al; Joh 4:2).
        • John was a prophet ordained by God (Luk 7:28; Luk 3:2-4).
        • Jesus’ disciples were ordained by Jesus as apostles (Mar 3:14-19 c/w Mat 10:2).
      2. After the earthly ministry of Christ, the following people were said to have baptized:
        • Peter and the apostles (Act 2:37-42; Act 10:47-48).
          1. Peter and the apostles were ordained ministers.
        • Philip (Act 8:12-13; Act 8:36-38).
          1. Philip was an evangelist (Act 21:8).
          2. Evangelist – One who preaches the gospel.
          3. Preachers are ordained ministers (1Ti 2:7).
          4. Therefore Philip was an ordained minister.
        • Ananias (Act 9:17-18; Act 22:12-16).
          1. It is apparent that Ananias was a prophet whom God spoke to and through (Act 9:10-16).
          2. The office of a prophet was given as a gift to the church (Eph 4:11).
        • Paul (Act 16:14-15; Act 16:29-33; Act 18:8 c/w 1Co 1:14-16; Act 19:4-5;
          1. Paul was an ordained apostle (1Ti 2:7).
        • Possibly Silas (Act 16:29-33).
          1. Silas was a prophet (Act 15:32).
          2. Silas was also an apostle (1Th 1:1 (Silvanus is another name for Silas) c/w 1Th 2:2 (this shameful treatment in Philippi was in Acts 16:12-24) c/w 1Th 2:6).
        • Preachers/pastors/elders are to do the work of an evangelist (2Ti 4:5).
          1. Elders/pastors are ordained ministers (2Ti 1:6; Tit 1:5).
          2. Evangelists baptize (Act 21:8 c/w Act 8:36-38).
          3. Pastors therefore baptize.
  1. There is no commandment nor example in scripture of anyone besides ordained ministers baptizing.
    1. Therefore no one besides an ordained minister can baptize.
    2. The argument from silence applies here (Heb 7:14).
  2. A proper candidate.
    1. The proper candidate (person to be baptized) for baptism is a penitent believing adult.
    2. In order to be baptized, a person must show forth the fruits of repentance (Mat 3:5-8).
      1. John’s baptism was the baptism of repentance (Act 19:4).
      2. Repentance was/is necessary for baptism in the N.T. church (Act 2:38).
      3. This prevents babies from being baptized since they can’t repent.
  • In order to be baptized, a person must also believe on Jesus Christ, that He is the Son of God (Act 8:36-38; Act 19:4).
    1. When people in Samaria believed the gospel Philip preached, they were baptized, both men and women (not infants) (Act 8:12).
    2. Simon believed and was baptized (Act 8:13).
    3. Many Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized (Act 18:8).
    4. Belief and baptism go hand in hand (Mar 16:16).
  1. This prevents infants or those too young to believe from being baptized.
  2. There is no commandment to baptize those too young to believe (or any unbeliever), nor is there an example of it, in the scriptures.

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