Church Discipline (Part 07) – Sins that Merit Church Discipline – Eph 5:3-5

February 12 2017

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A.    Eph 5:3-5

  1. None of those that commit sins listed in Eph 5:3-5hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.”
  2. The kingdom of God is the local church (see Section V).
  3. Therefore, they have no place in the church and will be put out of it.
  4. The use of the word “hath” in Eph 5:5 shows that God has already disinherited these sinners of His kingdom.

(i)     Such sinners hath (present tense) no inheritance in the kingdom of God.

(ii)   When the church excludes a sinner from their number they are simply reacting to what God has already done.

(iii) Whatsoever the church shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven (Mat 18:17-18).

  1. “Shall bind” is future tense and “shall be bound” is the future tense passive voice which functions in the same way as the future perfect tense, which demands that the binding that the church would do in the future on earth would have already been done by God in heaven.
  2. In other words, the judgments that the church would make on earth were first made in heaven by God, and therefore the church is rubber-stamping what God has already done.
  3. If the future tense is confusing, then let’s bring it into the present tense to simplify it.
  4. Doing so would have Mat 18:18 read “whatsoever ye bind on earth is bound in heaven.”
  5. “Bind” is present tense and “is bound” is present tense passive voice which functions in the same way as the present perfect tense, demanding that the binding in heaven preceded the binding on earth.

(iv) Those that go out from the church were not truly of the church before they went out (1Jo 2:19).

  1. They could have been of the church at one time and then fell way prior to being excluded.
  2. They also may never have truly been part of it, but just chaff among the wheat (Mat 7:15; 2Co 11:13-15; Gal 2:4; Jud 1:4).
  3. Therefore, a man that is commonly known to have committed a sin listed in these verses will lose his inheritance in the kingdom of God by being put out of the local church.
  4. Fornication n. (Eph 5:3) – (see 1Co 5:11 – Section VII,1,A)

iii.    Uncleanness n. (Eph 5:3) – (see Gal 5:19-21 – Section VII,1,C)

  1. Covetousness n. (Eph 5:3) – (see 1Co 5:11 – Section VII,1,A)
  2. Filthiness n. (Eph 5:4) – The condition of being filthy. 1. In physical sense: Foulness, uncleanliness. 2. Moral corruption or pollution; obscenity; vileness, wickedness.
  3. Filthiness is similar to uncleanness.
  4. Filthiness is a general term for sin and wickedness.
  5. Sinners are filthy by nature (Psa 14:3).
  6. Filthiness must be removed from the church (2Ch 29:5).
  7. Saints should be clothed in clean garments, spiritually speaking (Rev 19:8).
  8. We must cleanse ourselves from the filthiness of the flesh and spirit (2Co 7:1).

(i)     The filthy conversation of the wicked will vex the souls of the righteous (2Pe 2:7-8).

(ii)   This is why it is necessary for a church exercise discipline and “come out from among them . . . and touch not the unclean thing(2Co 6:17).

  1. Those who are commonly known to be filthy (morally corrupt, polluted, obscene, vile, and wicked) will be put out of the church.
  2. Foolish talking (Eph 5:4)
  3. Foolish adj. – 1. Fool-like, wanting in sense or judgement.
  4. Fool – 1. a. One deficient in judgement or sense, one who acts or behaves stupidly, a silly person, a simpleton. (In Biblical use applied to vicious or impious persons.)
  5. There is a time to speak foolishly to make a point (2Co 11:17,21; Pro 26:5).
  6. An atheist once asked me, “Do you believe in talking snakes, Pastor Wagner?,” to which I responded, “Yes, I’m talking to one right now.”
  7. Some examples of foolish talking which are not acceptable are:

(i)     Saying there is no God (Psa 14:1).

(ii)   Teaching evolution (Rom 1:20-23).

(iii) Clamorous (loud shouting) speech (Pro 9:13).

(iv) Speaking stupid things (Pro 12:23).

(v)   Speaking proud boastings (Pro 14:3).

(vi) Speaking evil of parents (Pro 15:20).

(vii)           Fretting against the LORD (Pro 19:3).

(viii)         Mischievous or insane speech (Ecc 10:13).

(ix) Teaching the wisdom of this world (1Co 3:19 c/w Col 2:8).

(x)   Stupid questions or heretical assertions that are meant to cause strife (Tit 3:9; 1Ti 1:4; 1Ti 4:7; 2Ti 2:16-18; Tit 1:9-11; Tit 1:14).

(xi) Anyone saying anything on TV.

  1. Those who are commonly known to be talking foolishly will be put out of the church.

vii.  Jesting (Eph 5:4) – The action of the vb. jest; joking, pleasantry; trifling; ridicule.

  1. Jest – 1. intr. To tell a tale, to recite a romance. (1340-1440) 2. intr. To utter gibes or taunts; to give utterance to ridicule; to scoff, jeer, mock. b. trans. To jeer at; to ridicule; to banter.
  2. Ridicule – 1. To render ridiculous. Obs. rare. 2. To treat with ridicule or mockery; to make fun of, deride, laugh at.
  3. This is what the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ did to Him when they laughed him to scorn and mocked Him (Mat 9:24; Psa 22:7-8 c/w Mat 27:41-43).
  4. The enemies of God’s people treat them in the same manner (Neh 2:19; 2Ch 30:10).
  5. Kids, the next time you are making fun of other kids, remember that God hates it.
  6. Joking and teasing when done in loving way which is not intended to hurt another person is not the type of jesting which the scripture forbids.
  7. Those who are commonly known to jest, mock, ridicule, deride, or make fun of others will be put out of the church.

viii.Whoremonger n. (Eph 5:5) – One who has dealings with whores; one who practises whoredom; a fornicator, lecher.

  1. See section on Fornicators (1Co 5:11 – Section VII,1,A)
  2. Those who are commonly known to have had sex outside of marriage will be put out of the church.
  3. Unclean person (Eph 5:5) – (see UncleannessGal 5:19-21 – Section VII,1,C)
  4. Covetous man (Eph 5:5) – (see 1Co 5:11 – Section VII,1,A)
  5. Idolater n. (Eph 5:5) – (see 1Co 5:11 – Section VII,1,A)

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