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Dealing With Difficult People
- Difficult people are referred to as froward in the Bible.
- Froward adj. – 1. Disposed to go counter to what is demanded or what is reasonable; perverse, difficult to deal with, hard to please; refractory, ungovernable; also, in a wider sense, bad, evilly-disposed, ‘naughty’. (The opposite of toward.)
- People that are difficult to deal with are evil (Pro 2:12, 14-15; Pro 6:12).
- God hates froward people (Pro 3:32; Pro 8:13; Pro 11:20).
- Abomination – 1. The feeling or state of mind of combined disgust and hatred; abhorrence, detestation, loathing.
- Therefore, God hates people who are difficult to deal with.
- If possible, avoid difficult people.
- Contentious people will cause strife (Pro 16:28; Pro 26:21; Pro 15:18).
- Make no friendship with an angry man (Pro 22:24-25).
- A companion of fools shall be destroyed (Pro 13:20).
- Evil communication corrupts good manners (1Co 15:33).
- Go from the presence of a foolish man (Pro 14:7).
- You will end up being ashamed if you run with riotous men (Pro 28:7).
- Hanging out with sinners will vex your soul (2Pe 2:7-8).
- Vex – I. 1. trans. To trouble, afflict, or harass (a person, etc.) by aggression, encroachment, or other interference with peace and quiet.
- If you want to live a good and peaceful life, forsake the foolish (Pro 9:6).
III. Sometimes, though, it’s impossible to avoid difficult people altogether.
- Such cases may include family relationships.
- Where religion is concerned, a man’s foes are often in his own family (Mat 10:34-37).
- This is especially true of people who have been converted and have forsaken their family’s religion.
- Difficult bosses or coworkers will also sometimes fall into this category (1Pe 2:18).
- Sadly, sometimes even church members can be difficult to deal with.
- In such cases, try to implement the following Biblical principles into the relationship.
- You must control the relationship.
- You must set boundaries for difficult people.
- This could be distancing yourself from them socially or even physically.
- Abraham and Lot parted ways when there was strife between their people (Gen 13:5-12).
- Paul and Barnabas separated from each other when they had sharp contention between them (Act 15:36-41).
- This could be setting limits on how often you communicate with them (talk, text, message, etc.).
- This could be setting limits on what topics you discuss with them.
- Tell them that you will not discuss negative topics.
- Tell them that you will not entertain requests that you have already denied them.
- Tell them if they break your rules or cross your boundaries, the conversation will end.
- You must train them by enforcing your rules consistently.
- When they see that you are steadfastly minded, they will stop trying to change your mind (Rut 1:18; Act 21:14).
- But if you don’t enforce your rules, you will allow them to control the relationship.
- You must follow through with whatever consequences you tell them they will face if they break the rules or cross the boundaries.
- Don’t let them make you feel guilty by their manipulation.
- You must be prepared to walk away from the relationship when possible.
- If a difficult person will not respect your rules and boundaries, you need to avoid him, if possible (Psa 101:4).
- This is very important to do in a case where you are dating a difficult person.
- Bad character traits will only get worse after marriage.
- It is utter folly to assume that a person’s character will improve after marriage.
- If the person you are dating is disagreeable and contentious, get out of the relationship now before it’s too late.
- It’s better to be alone (Pro 21:9; Pro 21:19; Pro 27:15).
- Don’t argue with fools.
- Speak not into the ears of a fool (Pro 23:9; Job 32:1).
- Whether you rage or laugh, there will be no rest (Pro 29:9).
- Some wicked people are just implacable (Rom 1:31).
- Implacable adj. – 1. That cannot be appeased; irreconcileable; inexorable: of persons, feelings, etc.
- They can’t even be spoken to (1Sa 25:17).
VII. Don’t bend over backwards for them.
- Some people will be offended no matter what you say or do (Mat 11:16-17).
- They will condemn you if you don’t eat or drink something (Mat 11:18).
- They will condemn you if you do eat or drink something (Mat 11:19).
- When you meet a person who cannot be pleased, don’t try to please them.
- They will never be satisfied with any concessions you make.
- They will always push for more (Pro 27:20).
- Let them alone (Mat 15:12-14).
VIII. When you must interact with difficult people, do the following.
- Use a soft answer (Pro 15:1).
- Control your temper at all times.
- Be slow to speak and slow to wrath (Pro 14:29; Jam 1:19-20).
- If you don’t have rule over your spirit, you will harm yourself (Pro 25:28).
- If you have control over your temper, you can deal with anyone (Pro 16:32).
- Try to steer the conversation in a non-confrontational direction.
- Avoid talking about subjects that are going to set them off.
- Don’t respond to comments they make that are designed to cause a fight.
- Don’t talk back to them the way they talk to you (sometimes) (Pro 26:4).
- This will make you no better than them.
- This will only agitate the situation.
- “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” (Mark Twain)
- Talk back to them the way that they talk to you (sometimes) (Pro 26:5).
- This is necessary sometimes to make them see how stupid they are acting.
- Always make sure when doing this that you are doing so to ultimately help the person and not just to get revenge.
- God acts froward (difficult to deal with) toward those who are froward (Psa 18:26), and we sometimes need to do the same.
- When possible, try to live peaceably with all men (Rom 12:18; Heb 12:14).
- Pray for them (Mat 5:44).
- They obviously have spiritual and emotional problems that are manifesting in their contentiousness.
- Remember to have mercy (Jam 2:13).
- Try to understand them and uncover the root cause of their contentious attitude.
- If you do this, you just might be able to help them to heal.