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I. Eating food is a Christian liberty.
- Some people with immature consciences are convinced that it is wrong to eat certain types of food such as meat (animal flesh) (Rom 14:1-2).
- We that understand that we can eat whatever we want should not judge them that choose to abstain from eating certain foods (Rom 14:3-4).
- We also should not enjoy food or drink in the presence of those that would be offended by it (Rom 14:14-22).
- We must be careful that our eating doesn’t encourage someone whose conscience is weak to eat something that they are doubtful of eating or drinking (1Co 8:4-13; 1Co 10:27-32), because it is sin to do something against conscience (Rom 14:23).
II. The Bible warns us about eating and drinking too much.
1. We must be moderate and temperate in all things.
- We are to let all men see our moderation (Php 4:5).
- Moderation n. – 1. The action or an act of moderating. †a. Limitation, restriction; a fixed limit; a restricting provision or clause. Obs. b. Control, rule, governance. 2. a. The quality of being moderate, in various senses; now only with reference to conduct, opinions, demands, desires, or their indulgence; avoidance of extremes; self-control, temperance; occasionally, †avoidance of severity or rigour, lenity, clemency.
- We must therefore exercise self-control when it comes to everything including what we eat and drink.
- We must be temperate in order to run the race of faith and obtain the crown (1Co 9:25).
- Both pastors and church members alike must be temperate (Tit 1:8; Tit 2:2).
- Temperate – 1. Of persons, their conduct, practices, etc.: Keeping due measure, self-restrained, moderate. b. Moderate and self-controlled as regards the indulgence of appetites or desires; abstemious, sober; continent; in late use spec. moderate or abstemious in the use of alcoholic drinks.
- Temperance is a Christian virtue.
- Temperance n. – 1. The practice or habit of restraining oneself in provocation, passion, desire, etc.; rational self-restraint. (One of the four cardinal virtues.) Self-restraint and moderation in action of any kind, in the expression of opinion, etc.; suppression of any tendency to passionate action; in early use, esp. self-control, restraint, or forbearance, when provoked to anger or impatience.
- Temperance is part of the gospel (Act 24:25).
iii. Temperance is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23).
- Temperance must be added to our faith (2Pe 1:5-6).
2. Eating too much of anything is gluttony and is sinful (Deut 21:20; Pro 23:21).
- Glutton – 1. a. One who eats to excess, or who takes pleasure in immoderate eating; a gormandizer.
- We are warned to stay away from those who are given to excess of wine, riot, and banquetings (1Pe 4:3-4).
- Excess – 5. The overstepping the limits of moderation; an instance of this: b. spec. Intemperance in eating or drinking.
- Riot – 1. a. Wanton, loose, or wasteful living; debauchery, dissipation, extravagance. b. Unrestrained revelry, mirth, or noise. 2. a. An instance or course of loose living; a noisy feast or wanton revel; a disturbance arising from this; †an extravagant display of something.
iii. Banqueting n. – 1. Giving of banquets (obs.); indulgence in luxurious entertainment, feasting, carousal.
- Banquet n. – 1. A feast, a sumptuous entertainment of food and drink; now usually a ceremonial or state feast, followed by speeches.
- Feast – 3. A sumptuous meal or entertainment, given to a number of guests; a banquet, esp. of a more or less public nature. Also a series of such entertainments. to make a feast: to give a banquet. †to hold a feast: to give or join in a banquet.
- Eating too much is just as much of a sin as drinking too much alcohol.
- We must avoid riotous eaters of flesh (Pro 23:20) and those who live riotous, unrestrained lives (Pro 28:7; Luk 15:13; Rom 13:13).
3. Eating too much sugar is not good (Pro 25:27).
- Honey is sweet (Psa 19:10; Psa 119:103).
- Honey is the Biblical equivalent of our sweet desserts.
- It is good to eat some honey or other sweet things (Pro 24:13).
- God has given us richly all things to enjoy (1Ti 6:17).
- The promised land flowed with milk and honey (Exo 3:8).
iii. The manna that God gave to the children of Israel tasted like it was made with honey (Exo 16:31).
- Jesus ate honey (Luk 24:42).
- John the Baptist ate honey (Mat 3:4).
- But we shouldn’t eat too much honey or other sweets (Pro 25:16).
- Americans eat way too much sugar.
- “The average American consumes 17 teaspoons (71.14 grams) [0.35 cups] every day. That translates into about 57 pounds of added sugar consumed each year, per person.” (Daily Sugar Intake, The Angeles Institute, 2-20-2019)
- “The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the following guidelines:
- 6 teaspoons (25 grams) of added sugar per day = 100 calories per day for women
- 9 teaspoons (38 grams) of added sugar per day = 150 calories per day for men
- 3-6 teaspoons (12 – 25 grams) per day = 50-100 calories per day for children” (Ibid)
iii. “Avoid the following foods as much as possible:
- Soft drinks: Whether you call it soda or pop, soft drinks alone often contain your total daily intake of added sugar.
- Fruit juices: Did you know fruit juices can have as much sugar as soft drinks? Make your own smoothies instead!
- Candies, Sweets: Candies and sweets obviously offer no nutritional value.
- Baked goods: Cookies, cakes, and pies are usually high in sugar and refined carbohydrates that make you crave them even more.
- Fruits canned in syrup: Eat whole fruits and vegetables instead.
- Low-fat, diet foods: These “low-fat” or “diet” foods make up the loss of fat with higher amounts of added sugar.” (Ibid)
- When it comes to sugar, let your moderation be known unto all men.
4. Drinking to the point of drunkenness is sinful (Eph 5:18; Gal 5:21).
5. Drinking habitually, even if it stops short of drunkenness should be avoided (Pro 23:20).
- Winebibber n. – 1. A tippler, a drunkard.
- Bibber n. – One who drinks frequently; a tippler. (Frequent in comb., as wine-, beer-bibber, etc.)
- Tippler – 1. A retailer of ale and other intoxicating liquor; a tapster; a tavern-keeper. Obs. 2. One who tipples; a habitual drinker of intoxicating liquor (implying more or less excess, but usually short of positive drunkenness).