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“God’s Elect”
- The phrase “God’s elect” occurs twice in the Bible (Rom 8:33; Tit 1:1).
- This phrase is profound in its implications.
- There are seven things can be learned from these two simple words.
Thing 1: There is a God.
- Rather than endeavoring to prove God’s existence, the Bible assumes it (Gen 1:1).
- The existence of the creation demands the existence of a Creator (Rom 1:20).
- The heavens declare the glory of God (Psa 19:1).
- Only a fool will conclude there is no God (Psa 14:1).
Thing 2: The true God is a personal God capable of possession.
- An apostrophe on the end of a noun followed by the letter “s” indicates possession.
- Because He is the Creator of the universe, God owns all things (Psa 24:1-2; Deu 10:14).
- But God possesses certain things in a special way (Mat 22:21).
- I own everything in my home, but I possess certain things in a special way such as my Bible, my chair, my Yeti mug, etc.
- Nobody uses those things without my permission, whereas many other things in my home are available to anyone who is welcome in my home.
- Consider some of the things the Bible says belong of God in a special way.
- The angels (Gen 32:1-2)
- The law (Neh 10:29)
- Heaven (Mat 5:34)
- Local churches (Mat 16:18; 1Co 3:9 c/w 1Ti 3:15 c/w 1Pe 2:5, 9; 1Pe 5:2-3)
- Peculiar adj. – 1. That is one’s own private property; that belongs or pertains to, or characterizes, an individual person, place, or things, or group of persons or things, as distinct from others.
Thing 3: God possesses a people.
- God’s elect refers to people.
- God’s people belong to Him (Rom 14:8) and are therefore said to be:
- His people (Deut 32:9; Mat 1:21)
- His sheep (Jer 13:17; Psa 100:3; Joh 10:14)
- God owns the bodies and spirits of His people (1Co 6:19-20).
- The elect are His.
Thing 4: God exercises the faculty of choice.
- The phrase “God’s elect” denotes God’s exercise of choice.
- Elect n. – B. 1. One ‘chosen’ by God, one chosen for eternal salvation; one of ‘the elect’.
- A couple of examples of God exercising choice are:
- God chose the people of Israel and decided to deliver them from Egypt (Act 13:17).
- God chose the place where He wanted to be worshipped (Deut 12:11).
- A God without the power of choice is no God at all.
Thing 5: God has chosen a specific set of persons for Himself.
- The nation of Israel was a figure of God’s elect whom He chose for Himself (Deut 7:6).
- God chose His elect; they didn’t choose Him (Mar 13:20; Joh 15:16).
- The elect belong to God (Luk 18:7).
- God elected them unconditionally (Rom 9:11).
Thing 6: God has not chosen all people.
- The very idea of electing or choosing demands that some are chosen and some are not (Act 10:41).
- The elect are a remnant (Rom 11:5).
- Remnant n. – a. With the. That which remains or is left of a thing or things after the removal of a portion; the remainder, rest, residue. Now applied only to a small remaining part. b. The remainder or rest of a number of persons (or animals). Chiefly, and now only, of a small number.
- The elect are set in contrast to the rest of mankind (Rom 11:7).
Thing 7: Given that God does nothing without a purpose, God therefore chose His elect for a purpose (Rom 8:28-30; Rom 9:11; Eph 1:11; 2Ti 1:9).
- Purpose n. – 1. That which one sets before oneself as a thing to be done or attained; the object which one has in view.
- God’s purpose in choosing His elect was to make them holy through the Lord Jesus Christ so that He could adopt them as His children (Eph 1:4-5).
- God chose His elect to salvation (2Th 2:13).
- God gave them to Jesus Christ in order for Him to give them eternal life (Joh 17:2-4).
- The elect are therefore Christ’s (1Co 3:23).
- God elected them to be sprinkled by the blood of Jesus Christ (1Pe 1:2).
- Christ obtained eternal redemption for them through His shed blood (Col 1:14; Heb 9:12).
- God’s elect are justified by God, and nothing can be laid to their charge (Rom 8:33).
- The elect can know that they are the elect by believing the gospel and following the Lord (1Th 1:4-6), and by adding to their faith virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity (2Pe 1:5-11).