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Heaven (Part 9)
Have people died and gone to heaven and come back?
- There are 10 Biblical examples of people who have died and come back to life:
- The son of the widow that Elijah resurrected (1Ki 17:21-22).
- The son of the Shunammite woman that Elisha resurrected (2Ki 4:34-35).
- The dead man that touched the bones of Elisha (2Ki 13:21).
- Jairus’ daughter (Mar 5:41-42).
- The son of the widow from Nain (Luk 7:14-15).
- Lazarus (Joh 11:43-44).
- Jesus Christ (1Co 15:4).
- The saints that arose from the dead after Christ’s resurrection (Mat 27:52-53).
- Tabitha whom Peter resurrected (Act 9:40).
- Eutychus whom Paul (possibly) resurrected (Act 20:9-10).
- In that the Bible teaches that the soul and spirit of the elect departs the body at death and goes to heaven to be with God (see Section X, 6: What happens at death?), we must conclude that all of these dead people were in heaven for the time that their bodies were dead.
- With the exception of Jesus Christ, none of these people are recorded as saying anything about heaven after they rose from the dead.
- If they saw heaven, they either never talked about it; or if they did, it was not recorded in scripture.
- This tells me that God apparently didn’t want us to know what they saw, if they saw anything and remembered it.
- What about people that have claimed to have died and had an out-of-body experience where they saw heaven?
- Given that all of the people who died and came back to life in the Bible are not recorded as talking about it, I am extremely skeptical of anyone today claiming to have died and seen heaven.
- Any stories of heaven must be scrutinized with what the scripture says about God and heaven (Act 17:11; 1Th 5:21; 1Jo 4:1).
- If a person’s depiction of God, Jesus, or heaven is contrary to scripture, he is lying (Isa 8:20).
- For instance, many people who claim to have gone to heaven say that they saw Jesus and they describe Him as having long hair.
- Jesus doesn’t have long hair (1Co 11:14).
- Therefore, those people are either lying or they experienced a satanic delusion.
- What about people who claim to have died and had a bright light experience?
- Remember that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2Co 11:14).
- Such experiences could be Satanic deceptions.
- They could also just be made up to get attention.
- We should be very skeptical of such claims and measure them against the scriptures.
If a person is “dead” and the doctor resuscitates him, did his soul depart and then return? (Don)
- When a person is resurrected from the dead both the spirit (Luk 8:55) and the soul come again into him (1Ki 17:21-22).
- If the man was truly dead, then his soul and spirit had departed the body (Jam 2:26) (see Section X, 6: What happens at death?).
- In such a case if a doctor resuscitates him, then yes, his soul would have departed and then returned.
- If the man was not truly dead, then the soul never left in the first place.
In what form will we be when we get to heaven (body or spirit)?
- Our soul and spirit will be in heaven immediately after death while our body goes to the grave (see Section X, 6: What happens at death?).
- It appears to me that we will be in a spiritual form in the present heaven until the resurrection.
- I will make my case for this in the remainder of this section.
- It is not necessary to have a physical body in the present heaven to exist there as ourselves.
- The spirit and soul reside in the body (Job 10:11).
- The body, soul, and spirit bear the identity of a person: they are each “us” (Job 14:22).
- That identity remains and does not cease at death (Luk 16:22-23).
- Will we have a body in heaven prior to the resurrection?
- There are some that teach that we will be given a temporary body while we are in heaven prior to the resurrection.
- They use 2Co 5:1-9 as support for this position.
- A careful examination of 2Co 5:1-9 shows that it does not support this position.
- Our current body is a tabernacle which is a temporary dwelling for our soul and spirit (2Co 5:1, 4).
- Tabernacle n. – 1. A temporary dwelling; generally movable, constructed of branches, boards, or canvas; a hut, tent, booth. 3. fig. In phraseology chiefly of biblical origin: A dwelling-place. c. Applied to the human body regarded as the temporary abode of the soul or of life.
- A tabernacle is not a permanent place of abode (Heb 11:9).
- Sojourn v. – 1. intr. To make a temporary stay in a place; to remain or reside for a time.
- Our body that we are awaiting is a building and a house which are both permanent structures (2Co 5:1-2).
- Building n. – 1. a. The action of the verb build, lit. and fig. 2. That which is built; a structure, edifice: now a structure of the nature of a house built where it is to stand.
- House n. – 1. A building for human habitation; esp. a building that is the ordinary dwelling-place of a family.
- Buildings and houses are permanent structures built on foundations (Heb 11:10).
- Therefore, the body that we are awaiting in heaven is a permanent body, not a temporary one.
- Our future body (house) is eternal not temporary (2Co 5:1).
- Eternal adj. – 1. a. Infinite in past and future duration; without beginning or end; that always has existed and always will exist: esp. of the Divine Being. 3. a. Infinite in future duration; that always will exist; everlasting, endless.
- Therefore, the body that we are awaiting in heaven is a permanent body, not a temporary one.
- When we die and go to be with the Lord we are absent from the body meaning we will be without a body for a while (2Co 5:8).
- If we were immediately given a temporary body when we die and are present with the Lord, then death wouldn’t be described as being absent from the body.
- We will receive our eternal, permanent bodies at the resurrection at the end of time (Joh 5:28-29; Job 14:12-15; Job 19:25-27; 1Co 15:50-53).
- Until that time we will be absent from our body while in heaven awaiting the resurrection when we are joined with it again.
- When we believed the gospel and were baptized God gave us the earnest of the Spirit (2Co 5:5 c/w Eph 1:13 c/w Act 2:38).
- Earnest n. – 1. Money, or a sum of money, paid as an instalment, esp. for the purpose of securing a bargain or contract. Also fig. A foretaste, instalment, pledge, of anything afterwards to be received in greater abundance.
- The Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession (Eph 1:14).
- The purchased possession is our body which the Spirit will resurrect (Rom 8:11).
- We will wait and long for it until the resurrection (Rom 8:23).
- We are not waiting and longing for a temporary body.