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The House Church Movement
- There is a difference between churches that meet in houses and “house churches.”
- Many of the early churches met in homes (Rom 16:5; 1Co 16:19; Col 4:15; Phm 1:2).
- There are advantages to meeting in a house.
- It’s more personal.
- It can be more welcoming.
iii. It’s cheaper.
- A church meeting in a house is fundamentally no different than a church meeting in its own dedicated building.
- The difference is only in size and atmosphere, but not in substance.
- Most “house churches” are not churches.
- Most “house churches” are organized by some unbaptized, unordained guy with a bright idea.
- If a church is not constituted by a validly ordained pastor, then it is merely a Meetup group and not a church.
- The only way a man can be a validly ordained minister is to have been ordained by a validly ordained minister (1Ti 4:14; 2Ti 1:6; Tit 1:5; 2Ti 2:2).
- The Holy Ghost makes a man a pastor (Act 13:2 c/w Act 26:16 c/w Eph 3:7; Act 20:28).
- No man takes this honour unto himself (Heb 5:4).
- Ordained ministers (Act 21:8 c/w Eph 4:11) start churches (Act 8:5,12 c/w Act 9:31).
iii. Ordained ministers add members to churches through baptism (Act 2:41-42,47).
- Ordained ministers ordain other men as ministers and send them to oversee churches (Act 14:23; 1Ti 1:3; Tit 1:5).
- If a “house church” was not started by an ordained minister, then it’s not a church.
- Many “house church” advocates despise the “institutional church.”
- Jesus built a church, not a “small group.”
- Jesus’ church is an “institutional church.”
- Jesus built His church (Mat 16:18).
- Build – 4. fig. a. With reference to immaterial objects: To construct, frame, raise, by gradual means (anything that is compared to an edifice, as a philosophical system, a literary work, a reputation, an empire). Often with up. In religious use, after N.T., to build up (the Church, an individual) = to edify (also absol.). to build up (any one’s health, strength, etc.): to establish it by gradual means.
- Institutional – 1. a. Of, pertaining to, or originated by institution; having the character or function of an institution; furnished with institutions, organized.
- Institution – 1. a. The action of instituting or establishing; setting on foot or in operation; foundation; ordainment; the fact of being instituted.
- Institute – 1. trans. a. To set up, establish, found, ordain; to introduce, bring into use or practice.
- Jesus set up, established, and founded His church; therefore Jesus instituted His church; therefore Jesus’ church is an institutional church.
- Their problem is that most of the “institutional churches” that they despise are not churches.
- The Catholic Church is not the church of Jesus Christ.
- The Protestant churches are not the churches of Jesus Christ.
- They came out of the Catholic church and are her harlot daughters (Rev 17:5; Eze 16:44).
- A clean thing can’t come out of an unclean thing (Job 14:4).
- Nondenominational churches and community churches are not the churches of Jesus Christ because they were started by some Protestant guy with a bright idea, not an ordained minister of Jesus Christ.
III. Most “house churches” don’t have Biblical church government.
- Most “house churches” don’t have a pastor in authority over them.
- “There are no sanctuaries to buy and maintain, and frequently there are no pastoral salaries to sustain.” (House Church, Wikipedia, 4/26/17)
- “Those of us in a house church do not have a single pastor leading a congregation. We believe there is safety in plurality of leadership.” (The Growing House-Church Movement, Ministry Today, 10/31/2000)
- “All the functions normally associated with a sanctuary (communion, baptism, healing prayers, Bible study) are conducted in the homes by laypeople.” (The Growing House-Church Movement, Ministry Today, 10/31/2000)
- Lay people should not be baptizing or serving communion; only ordained ministers are authorized to perform these ordinances.
- Only ordained ministers can baptize.
- Jesus commissioned His ordained ministers to baptize (Mar 3:14 c/w Mat 28:16-20).
- All the examples of baptism in the Bible were done by ordained ministers (See sermon: Basic Bible Doctrine (Part 12) – Baptism (Part 1)).
- Only ordained ministers can serve communion.
- A pastor is the steward of God who supervises the service of His table (Tit 1:7).
- Steward – 1. a. An official who controls the domestic affairs of a household, supervising the service of his master’s table, directing the domestics, and regulating household expenditure; a major-domo.
iii. The Lord’s Table is the communion table (1Co 10:16,21).
- Consider the example of the Old Testament: only the priests and the Levites performed the ordinances of the tabernacle and temple.
- The same pattern is continued under the New Testament.
- Many “house church” adherents have a problem with pastoral authority.
- God has ordained that a pastor has the authority over the local church (Heb 13:7,17).
- Pastors are supposed to “preach the word” (2Ti 4:2).
- Paul “preached” long sermons during church services (Act 20:7).
- “House church” worship services are more like informal Bible studies where everyone has their say.
- Pastors are supposed to rebuke and reprove the brethren (1Ti 5:20; Tit 2:15).
- “House church” advocates need to ask themselves by what authority they start “churches,” baptize people, serve communion, etc.
- People who attend “house churches” instead of real churches (which could meet in houses or other buildings) have forsaken the assembling of the church (Heb 10:25).
- Those who refuse to be baptized by an ordained pastor and added to a local church have rejected the counsel of God against themselves (Luk 7:29-30 c/w Mat 21:31-32).
- Even worse than “house church” adherents are individual “Christians” who think that they don’t need to be a member of a church or to meet with other Christians for public worship.
- If a man doesn’t assemble himself with a church when he can he is not a Christian (Act 11:26).
- The “house church” movement is an attack on the true church of Jesus Christ and on pastoral authority.