In the World, But Not of the World

July 22 2017
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In the World, But Not of the World

  1. As Christians we have to live in this world.
  2. We cannot entirely avoid the people of this world (1Co 5:9-10).
  3. Jesus and His disciples lived in the world (Joh 17:11).
  4. God wants us to be in this world for a time to be the salt and light of it (Joh 17:15 c/w Mat 5:13-16).
  5. We can use this world, but not abuse it (1Co 7:31).
  6. Abuse – 1. To disuse, give up. Obs. 2. a. To use improperly, to misuse; to make a bad use of, to pervert, or misemploy; to take a bad advantage of
  7. But we should not to be of this world.
  8. Of prep – XIV. In the sense belonging or pertaining to; expressing possession and its converse: ‘the owner of the house’, ‘the house of the owner’. 47. a. Belonging to a place, as a native or resident. 1382 Wyclif Matt. xii. 41 Men of Nynyue shall ryse in dome with this generacioun.
  9. World n. – 1. a. Chiefly this world, the world: the earthly state of human existence; this present life. The pursuits and interests of this present life; esp., in religious use, the least worthy of these; temporal or mundane affairs. world’s = worldly. 4. a. Secular (or lay) life and interests, as distinguished from religious (or clerical); also (by association with III, as in b and d below), secular (or lay) people. of the world, world’s: secular;  d. In biblical and religious use: Those who are concerned only with the interests and pleasures of this life or with temporal or mundane things; the worldly and irreligious.
  10. Though we are in the world, we must not be of the world (Joh 17:14,16; Joh 15:18-19).
  11. We are of
  12. We are born of God (Joh 1:12-13).
  13. We are of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness (1Jo 5:19).
  14. The people of this world are of the devil, the prince of this world (Joh 14:30).
  15. They are of the devil by imitation because they do the works of the devil (Joh 8:41,44).
  16. They are from beneath; they are of this world (Joh 8:23).
  17. We must not be conformed to this world (Rom 12:2).
  18. Conform – 1. trans. To form, shape, or fashion according to some pattern, model, or instruction; to make of the same form or character, to make like.
  19. We are therefore not to pattern our thoughts and behavior after the way of this world.
  20. We should not look, act, and think like the people of this world.
  21. Being in the world does not necessarily equate to being of the world.
  22. A weak man can be somewhat in the world and yet be of
  23. A strong man can deeply be in the world and yet not be of
  24. The more a man gets involved in this world, the greater the likelihood that he will be of this world.
  25. Lot was an example of a man who was in this world too deeply and became of this world as a result (Gen 13:8-13 c/w 2Pe 2:7-8).


III.   How should we live in this world and yet not be of it?

  1. The workplace
  2. The company has become the new family and church.
  3. It is the place where people find meaning for their lives.
  4. It is the place where people find their identity.

iii.      It is the place where people participate in “charitable” activity.

  1. It is the place where people find friends.
  2. The workplace is becoming increasingly hostile towards Christians.
  3. Large companies are now far more concerned with political correctness than with making money.
  4. What do you do when it’s company policy to hire and celebrate LGBTQFW people?
  5. What do you do when your company panders to the feminist agenda?
  6. There is a time to keep silent and time to speak (Ecc 3:7).
  7. When to keep silent.
  8. A wise man spares his words (Pro 17:27-28).
  9. A fool says everything his thinks, but a wise man keeps it in until he gets home (Pro 29:11).
  10. Don’t cast your pearls before swine, else they will rend you (Mat 7:6).

(i)      If ungodly coworkers are having an ungodly conversation in your presence, but are not asking you questions or talking directly to you, then keep silent.

(ii)    Leave the conversation if you can.

  1. Rebuke not a scorner, else you will get a blot (Pro 9:7-8; Pro 23:9).

(i)      If a coworker has shown himself to be a fool, then don’t bother rebuking him.

(ii)    Doing so will only cause you trouble.

  1. When living in an evil time, the prudent will keep silent (Amo 5:12-13; Mic 7:5-7; Jer 9:3-6).

(i)      Don’t make yourself a target if you don’t have to.

(ii)    Martyrdom is not the goal.

  1. When the wicked rise, wise men hide themselves (Pro 28:28).
  2. If speaking up when you don’t have to will cause you to lose your job, then foresee the evil and hide yourself (Pro 27:12).
  3. When to speak.
  4. If you are asked a direct question about what you think about something (sodomites, transgender, abortion, etc.), then you must answer truthfully.

(i)      Fear not men (Psa 56:3-4; Mat 10:28).

(ii)    Trust in the LORD when you answer and you will be made safe (Pro 29:25).

(iii)   Remember, a soft answer turns away wrath (Pro 15:1).

(iv)  Explain to them that God says these things are sinful and you must obey God rather than men (Act 4:19-20; Act 5:29).

  1. If you are asked about your faith by a coworker, tell him.

(i)      Don’t put your candle under a bushel (Mat 5:14-16).

(ii)    If you are ashamed of Jesus, He will be ashamed of you (Mat 10:32-33).

  1. If your silence implies your consent to evil, you must speak up.
  2. If you perceive that a coworker is a sincere seeker of truth, then tell them the truth when you have opportunity.

iii.      Don’t compromise, but don’t make yourself a target unnecessarily either.

  1. If you are asked to do or say something that is wrong, you must not do it.
  2. Follow Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s example of humbly, but firmly, refusing to comply (Dan 3:16-18).
  3. If you are asked a direct question about your beliefs, then answer it truthfully and don’t worry about the consequences.
  4. Adopt Esther’s attitude: “if I perish, I perish” (Est 4:16).
  5. If you can remain silent during a conversation at work and stay out of a controversy, then do so.
  6. Remember, when you are at work you are being paid to work, not talk about non-work related things.
  7. Get in a financial position where you can afford to quit your job if you need to.
  8. This requires paying off debt and saving money, which is what a wise man does (Pro 21:20).
  9. This will also greatly increase your inner peace and wellbeing.
  10. If your company is run by reprobates, find a small company to work for that shares your values.
  11. Forget the idea that your coworkers are your family.
  12. Compartmentalize work and coworkers and don’t become friends with ungodly coworkers outside of work.
  13. View your job as business, not as your life.
  14. Learn to not care about what people think of you.
  15. Learn to love to be hated and despised for your faith (Mat 5:10-12; Luk 6:22-23; 1Pe 4:14,16).
  16. If the ungodly sing your praises, you better evaluate your life (Luk 6:26).

iii.      This applies to all areas of our lives.

  1. Family
  2. Interacting with worldly family members can make it difficult to not be of this world.
  3. Family must take a backseat to Jesus Christ and His interests (Mat 10:34-37).
  4. Ungodly family members should not be given priority in our lives.
  5. The Levites chose God over family (Exo 32:25-28 c/w Deu 33:8-9).
  6. King Asa destroyed his parents’ religion and removed his idolatrous mother from the throne (1Ki 15:11-13).
  7. If they can’t respect your beliefs and behave themselves around you, then avoid spending time with them.
  8. Blood should not run thicker than water for a Christian.
  9. Friends
  10. Ditch ungodly friends.
  11. They will destroy you and corrupt you (Pro 13:20; 1Co 15:33).
  12. Forget the worldly people of your past (Php 3:13).

iii.      Don’t run around with them, and don’t care when they speak evil of you for it (1Pe 4:3-4).

  1. Count them but dung (Php 3:8).
  2. If they don’t respect your beliefs and religion, they don’t deserve to be your friends.
  3. If you can’t be yourself around them, they don’t deserve to be your friends.

vii.    If being yourself around them means acting like them and never mentioning your beliefs or religion, you need to evaluate your life.

viii.  Do your friends know that you’re a Christian?

  1. Do your friends know what your beliefs are?
  2. They should.
  3. Make friends with people in the church and spend time with them (Psa 119:63; Mal 3:16).
  4. Your church and your religion should not be an bubble that is isolated from the rest of your life.
  5. Your church should be your life.
  6. If anything, your workplace should be the bubble that is isolated from the rest of your life.

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