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Isaiah 53 (Part 3) – Isa 53:4
Isa 53:4 – Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
- Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:
- Jesus Christ would surely, without possibility of failure, bare our griefs and carry our sorrows.
- Surely adv. – II. Qualifying a statement. 4. a. (a) Certainly, assuredly, undoubtedly. Often with less emphasis, as a mere intensive: Truly, verily, indeed.
- Grief n. – 1. Hardship, suffering; a kind, or cause, of hardship or suffering.
- Sorrow – 1. a. Distress of mind caused by loss, suffering, disappointment, etc.; grief, deep sadness or regret; also, that which causes grief or melancholy; affliction, trouble.
- God could make this statement with absolute confidence hundreds of years before Christ came because He is omniscient and omnipotent.
- God is all-knowing (Rom 11:33; Psa 147:5; Joh 21:17; 1Jo 3:20).
- God is all-powerful (Rev 19:6; Gen 17:1).
- Therefore, God knew all the circumstances that needed to happen for Christ to come and suffer for His people at the appointed time, and God had the power to ensure it happened.
- Therefore, God can declare what will happen in the future (Isa 46:9-11) and can speak of it as a completed fact before it happens (Rom 4:17).
- Sorrow and grief are the result of sin (Gen 3:16-17 c/w Rom 5:12-14; Jer 30:15; Psa 31:9-10).
- When Jesus bore our sin (1Pe 2:24), He also bore our griefs and sorrows.
- Jesus bore the sorrows of death and hell for us on the cross (Psa 18:4-5 c/w Act 2:31).
- Hence the reason Jesus was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief (Isa 53:3).
- When Jesus bore our griefs and sorrows, He also bore our infirmities and sicknesses (Mat 8:17 c/w Isa 53:4).
- Jesus was able to heal the sick during His time on earth (Mat 8:16) because He made provision for their healing through His death on the cross.
- Sin is the cause of sickness and death (Rom 6:23; Rom 8:22).
- Sin must be forgiven before sickness and disease which result from it can be healed (Psa 103:3; Mat 9:2-8).
- yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
- Despite the fact that Christ bore the griefs and sorrows of His people because of their sins, many of those for whom He suffered thought that He was being punished by God for His own sin.
- Yet adv. – III. 9. a. as adv. or conj. (developed from I), introducing an additional fact or circumstance which is adverse to, or the contrary of what would naturally be expected from, that just mentioned: In spite of that, for all that, nevertheless, notwithstanding. Sometimes strengthened by nevertheless, etc. Often correlative to though, etc.
- Esteem v. – 1. trans. To estimate the value of, assign (a value) to; to value, assess, appraise.
- Stricken adj. – B. 3. Of a person, community: Afflicted with disease or sickness; overwhelmed with trouble or sorrow, and the like. Of the face: Marked with or exhibiting great trouble. 1611 Bible Isa liii. 4 Yet we did esteeme him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
- Smitten adj. – That has been smit; beaten, struck.
- Smite v. – II. 3. a. To administer a blow to (a person, etc.) with the hand, a stick, or the like; to strike or hit; to beat or buffet; to slap or smack. 4. Of the Deity, in or after Biblical use: To visit with death, destruction, or overthrow; to afflict or punish in some signal manner.
- Afflicted adj. – Cast down, depressed, oppressed, in mind, body or estate; hence, grievously troubled or distressed.
- Jesus was assessed by men to be under God’s judgment for His supposed sin (Mat 26:63-66; Joh 18:30).
- Therefore, they thought He was overwhelmed with trouble and sorrow, cast down, oppressed, grievously troubled, and distressed because He was being beaten and punished by God for His sins.
- Many of the Pharisees and rulers of the people of Israel thought Jesus Christ was being punished by God for His own sin.
- The Jews thought Jesus was a blasphemer worthy of death (Joh 10:31-33).
- Men reviled Christ while He hung on the cross telling Him to come down from the cross if He was the Son of God (Mat 27:39-40).
- The chief priests, scribes, and elders mocked Him likewise (Mat 27:41-43).
- The thieves, one of which was one of God’s elect, scorned Him (Mat 27:44).
- They all thought Jesus was being punished by God for something He had done, not for what they had done.
- Some of God’s own children called for Christ’s crucifixion because they thought He deserved death.
- Jesus prayed for some of those who crucified Him asking God to forgive them for they knew not what they did (Luk 23:33-37).
- If Jesus prayed for their forgiveness, then they were forgiven (1Jo 5:14-15 c/w Joh 11:42), and therefore they were God’s elect.
- Some of the Jews who were later converted on the day of Pentecost were among those who esteemed Christ smitten of God for His own sin, not theirs (Act 2:36).