Israel: The Synagogue of Satan (Part 2)

March 10 2019

star of david

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  1. The majority of Jews today are Khazars.
    1. “What is in dispute is the fate of the Jewish Khazars after the destruction of their empire, in the twelfth or thirteenth century. On this problem the sources are scant, but various late mediaeval Khazar settlements are mentioned in the Crimea, in the Ukraine, in Hungary, Poland and Lithuania.  The general picture that emerges from these fragmentary pieces of information is that of a migration of Khazar tribes and communities into those regions of Eastern Europe – mainly Russia and Poland – where, at the dawn of the Modern age, the greatest concentrations of Jews were found.  This has led several historians to conjecture that a substantial part, and perhaps the majority of eastern Jews – and hence of world Jewry – might be of Khazar, and not of Semitic origin.”  (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 15-16)
    2. “The Turkish-speaking Karaites [a fundamentalist Jewish sect] of the Crimea, Poland, and elsewhere have affirmed a connection with the Khazars, which is perhaps confirmed by evidence from folklore and anthropology as well as language. There seems to be a considerable amount of evidence attesting to the continued presence in Europe of descendants of the Khazars.” (Arthur Koestler (quoting the Encyclopedia Judaica article ‘Khazars’), The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 16)
    3. “How important, in quantitative terms, is that ‘presence’ of the Caucasian sons of Japheth in the tents of Shem? One of the most radical propounders of the hypothesis concerning the Khazar origins of Jewry is the Professor of Mediaeval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, A. N. Poliak.  His book Khazaria (in Hebrew) was published in 1944 in Tel Aviv, and a second edition in 1951.  In his introduction he writes that the facts demand –

a new approach, both to the problem of the relations between the Khazar Jewry and other Jewish communities, and to the question of how far we can go in regarding this [Khazar] Jewry as the nucleus of the large Jewish settlement in Eastern Europe….The descendants of this settlement – those who stayed where they were, those who emigrated to the United States and to other countries, and those who went to Israel – constitute now the large majority of world Jewry.


“This was written before the full extent of the holocaust was known, but that does not alter the fact that the large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European – and thus perhaps mainly Khazar – origin.  If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Should this turn out to be the case, then the term ‘anti-Semitism’ would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.  The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”  (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 16-17)

  1. “There is irony hidden in these numbers. According to the article ‘Statistics’ in the Jewish Encyclopedia, in the sixteenth century the total Jewish population of the world amounted to about one million.  This seems to indicate, as Poliak, Kutschera and others have pointed out, that during the Middle Ages the majority of those who professed the Judaic faith were Khazars.  A substantial part of this majority went to Poland, Lithuania, Hungary and the Balkans, where they founded that Eastern Jewish community which in its turn became the dominant majority of world Jewry.  Even if the original core of that community was diluted and augmented by immigrants from other regions (see below), its predominantly Khazar-Turkish derivation appears to be supported by strong evidence, and should at least be regarded as a theory worth serious discussion.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 151)
  2. “On the evidence quoted in previous chapters, one can easily understand why Polish historians – who are, after all, closest to the sources – are in agreement that ‘in earlier times, the main bulk of the Jewish population originated from the Khazar country’.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 169)
  3. “The numerical ratio of the Khazar to the Semitic and other contributions is impossible to establish. But the cumulative evidence makes one inclined to agree with the concensus (sic) of Polish historians that ”in earlier times, the main bulk originated from the Khazar country’; and that, accordingly, the Khazar contribution to the genetic make-up of the Jews must be substantial, and in all likelihood dominant.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 180)
  4. “The Jews of our times fall into two main divisions: Sephardim and Ashkenazim.


“The Sephardim are descendants of the Jews who since antiquity had lived in Spain (in Hebrew Sepharad) until they were expelled at the end of the fifteenth century and settled in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean, the Balkans, and to a lesser extent in Western Europe.  They spoke a Spanish-Hebrew dialect, Ladino (see VII, 3), and preserved their own traditions and religious rites.  In the 1960s, the number of Sephardim was estimated at 500000.


“The Ashkenazim, at the same period, numbered about eleven million.  Thus, in common parlance, Jew is practically synonymous with Ashkenazi Jew.  But the term is misleading, for the Hebrew word Ashkenaz was, in medieval rabbinical literature, applied to Germany – thus contributing to the legend that modern Jewry originated on the Rhine.  There is, however, no other term to refer to the non-Sephardic majority of contemporary Jewry.


“For the sake of piquantry it should be mentioned that the Ashkenaz of the Bible refers to a people living somewhere in the vicinity of Mount Ararat and Armenia.  The name occurs in Genesis 10,3 and I Chronicles 1,6, as one of the sons of Gomer, who was a son of Japheth.  Ashkenaz is also a brother of Togarmah (and a nephew of Magog) whom the Khazars, according to King Joseph, claimed as their ancestor (see above II,5).” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 181)

  1. The majority of the “Jews” today are not Jews by blood, nor are they even Semites (descendents of Shem), but are Japhethites (Gentiles).
    1. “Joseph (king of the Khazars) then proceeds to provide a genealogy of his people. Though a fierce Jewish nationalist, proud of wielding the ‘Sceptre of Judah’, he cannot, and does not, claim for them Semitic descent; he traces their ancestry not to Shem, but to Noah’s third son, Japheth; or more precisely to Japheth’s grandson, Togarma, the ancestor of all Turkish tribes.  ‘We have found in the family registers of our fathers,’ Joseph asserts boldly, ‘that Togarma had ten sons, and the names of their offspring are as follows: Uigur, Dursu, Avars, Huns, Basilii, Tarniakh, Khazars, Zagora, Bulgars, Sabir.  We are the sons of Khazar, the seventh…”  (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 72)
    2. “…the bulk of Eastern Jewry – and hence world Jewry – is of Khazar-Turkish, rather than Semitic, origin.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 199)
  • There is no identifiable Jewish race today based on bodily characteristics.
    1. Race – I. A group of persons, animals, or plants, connected by common descent or origin. 1. a. The offspring or posterity of a person; a set of children or descendants.
      • By definition, most of the “Jews” today are not Jews by race because they are descendents of Japheth, not of Abraham through Shem.
      • There are still Jews living today that are descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but since there are no genealogical records, and it is not possible to identify them through bodily characteristics (see below), I have to conclude that only God knows who they are.
      • The Sephardic Jews (which are a small minority of Jews today) which came from Spain and are said to have gone there after the dispersion of the Jews in 70AD could be of the Jewish race.
    2. “Summing up a very old and bitter controversy in a laconic paragraph, Raphael Patai wrote:


The findings of physical anthropology show that, contrary to popular view, there is no Jewish race.  Anthropometric measurements of Jewish groups in many parts of the world indicate that they differ greatly from one another with respect to all the important physical characteristics – stature, weight, skin colour, cephalic index, facial index, blood groups, etc.


“This indeed is the accepted view today among anthropologists and historians.  Moreover, there is general agreement that comparisons of cranial indices, blood types, etc., show a greater similarity between Jews and their Gentile host-nation than between Jews living in different countries.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 182)


  1. “With regard to blood type, Jewish groups show considerable differences among themselves and marked similarities to the Gentile environment.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 185)
  2. “That is to say that, broadly speaking, the difference in respect of anthropological criteria between Gentiles (G) and Jews (J) in a given country (a) is smaller than the difference between Jews in different countries (a and b); and the difference between Gentiles in countries a and b is similar to the difference between Jews in a and b.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 185)
  3. “In this last chapter I have tried to show that the evidence from anthropology concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe.


“From the anthropologist’s point of view, two groups of facts militate against this belief: the wide diversity of Jews with regard to physical characteristics, and their similarity to the Gentile population amidst whom they live.  Both are reflected in the statistics about bodily height, cranial index, blood-groups, hair and eye colour, etc. Whichever of these anthropological criteria is taken as an indicator, it shows a greater similarity between Jews and their Gentile host-nation than between Jews living in different countries.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 199)

  1. Today’s “Jews” are not Jews religiously either since the Old Testament religion was completely done away with by God at 70AD and rendered impracticable after the temple was destroyed.
    1. Today’s “Jews” don’t practice the religion of the Old Testament (Joh 5:46-47; Luk 16:31).
      • They adhere to Judaism which is the religion of the Talmud that is taught and enforced by the rabbis (Mar 7:6-13).
        1. The Talmud is comprised of two parts: the Mishnah and the Gemara.
        2. Talmud: “The written expression and extension of the oral law of the ancient Pharisees as compiled in the Mishnah and its successor, the Gemara. Two versions were circulated: the Jerusalem and the Babylonian.  Of the two, the Babylonian exerts the greater authority.” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 372)
        3. Mishnah: “The first written document of the formerly oral laws and traditions of the Pharisees. The Mishnah comprises the first part of the Talmud.” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 368)
        4. Gemara: “The authoritative supplement to the Mishnah; the Gemara alone is sometimes referred to in Judaism as the Talmud, even though “The Mishnah and Gemara…fuse into one work – the Talmud.” (Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Finkel). The text of the Gemara is approximately 30 times longer than the Mishnah.” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 366)
      • “Orthodox Judaism” is the religion of the Talmud, not the religion of the Old Testament.
        1. “According to Robert Goldenberg, Professor of Judaic Studies at the State University of New York: “The Talmud was Torah. In a paradox that determined the history of Judaism, the Talmud was Oral Torah in written form, and as such it became the clearest statement the Jew could hear of God’s very word….The Talmud provided the means of determining how God wanted all Jews to live, in all places, at all times.  Even if the details of the law had to be altered to suit newly arisen conditions, the proper way to perform such adaptation could itself be learned from the Talmud and its commentaries…The Talmud revealed God speaking to Israel, and so the Talmud became Israel’s way to God.”” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 88)
        2. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (2000) defines “Orthodox Judaism” as “Traditional Judaism.” It goes on to state, “The term ‘Orthodoxy’ was first applied in Judaism in 1795 as a distinction between those who accepted the written and oral law as divinely inspired and those who identified with the Reform movement…Orthodoxy involves submission to the demands of halakhah as enshrined in the written and oral law and in the subsequent codes and responsa.”  This is the definition of Judaism.” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 89)
      • The rabbis teach that studying the Talmud is far greater than studying the Bible.
        1. “Study of Bible is an accomplishment, yet not an accomplishment; but the study of the Oral Law, there is no greater accomplishment then this.” (Babylonian Talmud, Baba Metzia 33a)
        2. “Studying the Bible is a matter of indifference to God; studying the Talmud is meritorious. (BT Baba Mezia, 33a).


“Studying the Bible after studying the Talmud produces trouble. (BT Hagigah, 10a).


“The Rabbis (“wise men”) are greater than the prophets. (BT Baba Bathra 12a).


“God intervenes in a Rabbinic dispute and is logically defeated by a Rabbi. The commands of the Rabbis are more important than the commands of the Bible. Whoever disobeys the Rabbis deserves death, and will be punished in Hell with boiling excrement. (BT Erubin 21b).”


(Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 83)


  1. “No matter what the contingencies, the Word of God always takes a back seat to the word of men in Judaism. By definition a Judaic scholar of the highest level of religious erudition, gedol, is always a master of the Talmud.  His scholarship is determined by the extent of his grasp of the Talmud and cognate rabbinic texts: “The ‘yeshiva‘ approach had one solitary purpose.  Yesivot were geared towards developing ‘gedoli Yisrael‘ (supreme rabbis of Israel). For this reason, other studies were forbidden.  Without total concentration on Talmudic studies, students could not become ‘gedolim.”” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 83)
  • The “Torah” that the Judaics claim to study and follow is not the Old Testament, but the Talmud.
    1. TORAH: This word is Orthodox Judaism’s premier badge of authority. The rabbis proclaim that they have the Torah, have mastered the Torah, base their laws on the Torah and that they are Torah-true.  Yet these rabbinic claims are a deceptive play on words, for the “Torah” which they base their laws upon is not the Old Testament, but the formerly Oral Tradition of the Pharisees known as the Torah SheBeal Peh, consisting of the Mishnah and Gemara, as well as the subsequent enactments, traditions and laws by esteemed rabbinic legal authorities.  Consequently, when the rabbis are boasting about their relationship with the “Torah,” Christians are deceived into imagining that the rabbis are harkening to the Old Testament, known as the Torah SheBichtav.  Actually, Orthodox Judaism’s law has no basis in the divine Old Testament.  Instead, Judaism’s laws emanate from the man-made Talmud (Torah SheBeal Peh).” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 92)
    2. “”Rabbi Steinsaltz said that Kabbalah, despite a mystical and esoteric nature that’s shrouded in mystery, is ‘part of the Torah in the same way Talmud is part of the Torah.”” (Michael Hoffman (quoting David Lazarus in the Canadian Jewish News – Nov 7, 2007), Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 116)
    3. “Judaism is not just Talmud, it is Talmud and Kabbalah, as well as a mountain of successive texts.” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 117)
  • The existence of the sect of the Karaites proves that Judaism is not the religion of the Jews in the Old Testament.
    1. “The Karaites are a tiny Judaic sect which attempts to understand and follow the Old Testament without either the Talmud or Jesus: “…as early as the eighth century of our era the authority of the Talmud was denied in favor of Biblical supremacy by the sect of the Karaites.”” (Michael Hoffman (quoting The Catholic Encyclopedia), Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 167)
    2. “If Judaism were simply — having rejected Christ — a corrupted variant of the ancient religion of the Israelites, then Judaism would not have, over the centuries, despised, reviled, denounced, persecuted, beaten and murdered the Karaites (Kara’im, Bne Mikra: “People of the Scriptures”).” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 166)
  1. The majority of “Jews” in the nation of Israel today do not even believe in nor practice Judaism (which is the religion of the Talmud, not the Bible).
    • “The main, specifically Jewish literary activity of the Diaspora was theological. Yet Talmud, Kabbala, and the bulky tomes of biblical exegesis are practically unknown to the contemporary Jewish public, although they are, to repeat it once more, the only relics of a specifically Jewish tradition – if that term is to have a concrete meaning – during the last two millennia.  In other words, whatever came out of the Diaspora is either not specifically Jewish, or not part of a living tradition.  The philosophical, scientific and artistic achievements of individual Jews consist in contributions to the culture of their host nations; they do not represent a common cultural inheritance or autonomous body of traditions.


“To sum up, the Jews of our day have no cultural tradition in common, merely certain habits and behaviour-patterns, derived by social inheritance from the traumatic experience of the ghetto, and from a religion which the majority does not practice or believe in, but which nevertheless confers on them a pseudo-national status.” (Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 225-226)

  • “Without divine permission, the rebuilding of a hypothetical Israelite commonwealth would be, as Baruch Spinoza had the prescience to foresee as far back as the seventeenth century, dependent on the prior secularization of the Judaic people. This is what occurred when the supposed “state of Israel” was created by the United Nations and the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R., with the crucial assistance from their American particeps criminis, the 33rd degree Freemason, President Harry S. Truman.  These three were the “angelic benefactors” of the alleged godly “state of Israel,” without whom Palestine would still be Palestinian today.  Meanwhile the actual pioneers of this “Israel” consisted mostly of secularized Judaics as Spinoza predicted: atheists, communists, labor-socialists and kibbutzniks.” (Michael Hoffman, Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 35)
  1. “Jews” today are “of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie” (Rev 3:9).

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