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Made Men
- Is it true, as some say, that God doesn’t make us do anything?
- When it comes salvation from sin, God had made us a lot things.
- God is very active in the salvation of men.
- Made ppl – I. Produced or obtained by ‘making’ as distinguished from other modes of origin or acquisition. 1. a. Artificially constructed or produced, artificial as opposed to ‘natural’.
- Make v. – Senses in which the object of the verb is a product or result. 1. trans. a. To produce (a material thing) by combination of parts, or by giving a certain form to a portion of matter; to construct, frame, fashion. III. To cause to be or become (something specified). 48. a. With adj. as compl.: To cause to be, render.
- God’s making men holy and acceptable began before the world began.
- God, foreseeing mankind as a fallen lump, decided to make some of them into vessels of mercy (Rom 9:20-23).
- The Lord did this by choosing them before the foundation of the world and making them accepted (Eph 1:4-6).
- God then made atonement for their sins by the death of Christ.
- Jesus Christ was made sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God (2Co 5:21).
- By Christ’s obedience, up to and including His death on the cross, we were made righteous (Rom 5:19 c/w Phi 2:8).
- Jesus made us free from sin (Rom 6:18,22).
- He made us free from the law of sin and death (Rom 8:2).
- He did this by condemning sin in His flesh (Rom 8:3).
- Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us (Gal 3:13).
- Jesus made peace between men and God by His death on the cross (Col 1:20; Rom 5:10).
- Christ was made like us so that He could make reconciliation for our sins (Heb 2:17).
- Reconciliation n. – 1. a. The action of reconciling persons, or the result of this; the fact of being reconciled.
- Reconcile v. – 1. trans. To bring (a person) again into friendly relations to or with (oneself or another) after an estrangement.
- God makes His elect new creatures by regeneration.
- God had created us in Christ (Eph 2:10).
- Create v. – 1. a. trans. Said of the divine agent: To bring into being, cause to exist; esp. to produce where nothing was before, ‘to form out of nothing’
- This is why we are called new creatures (2Co 5:17).
- We are new men created in righteousness (Eph 4:24).
- Our new man is renewed in knowledge after the image of God who created us (Col 3:10).
- God made us heirs of the hope of eternal life (Tit 3:7).
- God made us suitable to be partakers of heaven (Col 1:12; Heb 3:1).
- We are made partakers of Christ (Heb 3:14).
- We are made partakers of the Holy Ghost (Heb 6:4).
- Partaker – 1. One who takes a part or share, a partner, participator, sharer.
- God practically makes His children into what He wants them to be individually and in the church.
- Personally
- Paul desired to be made conformable unto Christ’s death (Phi 3:10).
- Conformable adj. – 1. According in form or character to (a standard or pattern); similar, resembling, like.
- As our high priest, Jesus continually makes intercession for us (Heb 7:25).
- In the church
- The Holy Spirit baptizes God’s obedient children into the church and they are made to drink into the Spirit (1Co 12:13).
- Jesus Christ has made us free in the liberty of the NT (Gal 5:1 c/w Joh 8:32).
- With the coming of the NT, the Gentiles who were afar off from God were made nigh by the blood of Christ (Eph 2:13).
- Jesus broke down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile and made them both one (Eph 2:14).
- Jesus made in Himself one new man out of the two of them and made peace between them (Eph 2:15).
- God had made us kings and priests (Rev 1:6; 5:10).
- In the church, God makes us to abound in love toward another and toward all men (1Th 3:12).
- In the ministry
- The Holy Ghost makes men overseers of the church (Act 20:28).
- God makes men able ministers of the New Testament (2Co 3:6).
- Paul was an example of a man whom God made a minister (Eph 3:7).
- Ministers then ought to make known the mystery of the gospel (Eph 6:19) and make it manifest (Col 4:4).
- Ministers are told to make full proof of their ministries (2Ti 4:5).
- Lastly, God makes us fit to live with Him in heaven.
- Though we are still living on earth, positionally, we have been raised up and made to sit in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 2:6).
- God has made perfect those who are in heaven (Heb 12:23).
- God will make the faithful man in this life a ruler of many things in the next life (Mat 25:20-23).
- On the last day at the resurrection, all that are in Christ will be made alive (1Co 15:21-23).
- On that day, Jesus will make all things new (Rev 21:5).