Millennialism, End Times, and the Reign of Christ (Part 09) – Revelation 20:4-15

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  1. Rev 20:4
    1. John saw thrones and saints sitting on them to whom judgment was given.
      1. The apostles would be seated on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel when Christ would be seated on the throne of His glory (Mat 19:28).
      2. This happened at the resurrection of Christ when he was raised up to sit on David’s throne in the heavens (Act 2:30-31; Eph 1:20-22).
      3. Judgment was given to the saints when they possessed the kingdom of God which was set up in the days of the Roman Empire at the first coming of Christ (Dan 7:18,22,27).
    2. John saw the souls of the martyrs that lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
      1. Notice it says that it was the souls, not bodies, of the saints who reigned with Christ.
      2. The reign of Christ began when he was resurrected and ascended up to heaven to His throne (1Co 15:25).
      3. The saints reign in life by Jesus Christ (Rom 5:17).
      4. Positionally, we are reigning in heaven with Christ now (Eph 2:6).
      5. The saints reign as kings in the church (1Co 4:8).
      6. We have been made kings and priests unto God (Rev 1:6).
      7. Living saints are spiritually reigning with Christ on earth while the souls of saints who have died are reigning with Christ in heaven during the period (the “thousand years”) between Christ’s resurrection and His Second Coming.
    3. Rev 20:5
      1. The rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years were finished.
        1. The rest of the dead are those who were not reigning with Christ during the “thousand years” between the resurrection and the Second Coming.
        2. Since born-again saints were reigning with Christ, the rest of the dead were those who were not regenerate children of God.
      2. The first resurrection.
        1. The first resurrection are the souls who were reigning with Christ (Rev 20:4).
        2. Therefore, the first resurrection is a spiritual
        3. Therefore, the first resurrection is regeneration, the new birth (being born again) (Joh 5:25; 1Pe 1:3; Tit 3:5; Eph 2:1).
        4. It is at regeneration that a child of God is quickened to new spiritual life and raised up and seated with Christ in heaven where He reigns (Eph 2:5-6).
      3. Rev 20:6
        1. For those who have part in the first resurrection, the second death has no power.
          1. In that there is a first resurrection, logic and grammar demand that there must be at least a second
          2. In that there is a second death, logic and grammar demand that there must be at least a first
          3. The second death is being cast into the lake of fire, which happens last (Rev 20:14).
          4. In that a death must precede a resurrection, therefore, the first death precedes the first resurrection.
          5. The first resurrection by definition precedes the second resurrection.
          6. Therefore the order of deaths and resurrections is as follows:
            • First death – spiritual death in Adam (Rom 5:12)
            • First resurrection – regeneration of the elect (Eph 2:1)
            • Second resurrection – bodily resurrection of all (Act 24:15)
            • Second death – lake of fire (Rev 20:14)
          7. Those who take part in the first resurrection of regeneration are guaranteed to have their bodies gloried in the second resurrection (Rom 8:28-30), and therefore the second death has no power over them.
          8. If you are born twice, you only die once; if you are only born once, you die twice.
        2. Those who have part in the first resurrection (the new birth) are priests of God and Christ and reign with him during the “thousand years.”
          1. This is exactly what is taught plainly elsewhere in the NT.
          2. Saints (members of the local church) are called a royal priesthood (priests which reign) (1Pe 2:9).
          3. Jesus has made us kings and priests unto God (Rev 1:6; Rev 5:10).
          4. As priests, the saints offer up spiritual sacrifices (1Pe 2:5).
          5. The main sacrifice that the saints offer up in the kingdom is the sacrifice of their own bodies (Rom 12:1).
        3. Rev 20:7
          1. Satan is loosed out of prison when the “thousand years” are accomplished.
          2. The restraints will be taken from him (2Th 2:7).
  • Let – 1. trans. To hinder, prevent, obstruct, stand in the way of (a person, thing, action, etc.)
  1. Rev 20:8
    1. Satan will once more be allowed to deceive the nations.
    2. This is what his being bound restricted him from doing (Rev 20:3).
  • Satan will make one last-ditch effort to gather the nations together to make war with Jesus Christ (Rev 16:14-16; Rev 17:14; Rev 19:19).
  1. Rev 20:9
    1. The Devil and his armies compass the camp of the saints and the beloved city.
      1. Saints are church members (Eph 1:1) and therefore the camp of the saints is a church or churches.
      2. The beloved city is the church.
        • The church is the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb 12:22-23; Rev 21:2,9-10).
        • The heavenly Jerusalem is the mother church (Gal 4:26).
        • Every local church is an instantiation of the heavenly Jerusalem, which is the template.
        • Jesus called His disciples a city on a hill (Mat 5:14).
        • Earthly Jerusalem is not the beloved city (Rev 11:8).
      3. In other words, the Devil makes war with the saints, the church (Rev 13:7).
    2. Just when he thinks he’s won the battle against the saints, fire comes down from heaven and destroys them.
      1. At that moment Jesus returns in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God (2Th 1:7-9).
      2. This is when Jesus destroys Satan with the brightness of His coming (2Th 2:8-9).
    3. Rev 20:10
      1. The devil is cast into the lake of fire along with the beast and the false prophet.
        1. The beast and the false prophet were cast into the lake of fire prior to the devil (Rev 19:20) who went “where the beast and the false prophet are(Rev 20:10).
        2. This detail is not included in Rev 20, but is included in the parallel account in Rev 19 (Rev 19:19-20 c/w Rev 20:8-9).
      2. The lake of fire was prepared for the devil and his angels (Mat 25:41).
    4. Rev 20:11
      1. The heaven and the earth then flee away from Jesus Christ seated on His great white throne.
      2. The heavens shall depart and be rolled up like a scroll (Rev 6:14).
  • The heavens and the earth will be dissolved by fire (2Pe 3:10-12).
  1. These two things will happen together (Isa 34:4).
  1. Rev 20:12-13
    1. All the dead stand before the judgment seat of Christ and are judged according to their works from the books.
      1. Though the details of the bodily resurrection are not given in Rev 20, it is implied, in that if there is a first resurrection (the spiritual resurrection of regeneration), then there must be a second resurrection, which is the bodily resurrection (see notes on Rev 20:5-6).
      2. The bodily resurrection happens at the Second Coming of Christ (1Th 4:16).
      3. Chronologically, in Rev 20, the bodily resurrection happens in the middle of verse 9.
    2. This is the final judgment when all nations stand before the judgment seat of Christ (Mat 25:31-46 c/w Rom 14:9-12 c/w 2Co 5:10).
  • On that day, men will either be judged out of the books of works or the book of life.
  1. The names of the elect were written in the book of life from the foundation of the world (Rev 17:8 c/w Eph 1:4 c/w Heb 12:23).
  1. Rev 20:14-15
    1. Everyone who is judged according to their works is cast into the lake of fire (resurrection of damnation) (Joh 5:28-29 c/w Mat 25:41,46).
    2. Everyone whose name is found in the book of life is taken to eternal glory (resurrection of life) (Joh 5:28-29 c/w Mat 25:34,46).

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