One Pastor and Church Government (Part 2) – The Duties of a Pastor; Deacons, Apostles, and Prophets

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A.    The pastor has the following duties:
  1. Reading (1Ti 4:13) and studying (2Ti 2:15; 1Ti 4:15-16)
  2. Teaching (1Ti 3:2; 2Ti 2:2; 2Ti 2:24-26), both publicly and privately (Act 20:20)

iii.    Preaching (2Ti 4:2)

  1. Perfecting and edifying the saints, and unifying the church (Eph 4:11-13, 15-16)
  2. Protecting the church from heresy (Eph 4:14; 1Ti 1:3; Tit 3:10-11)
  3. Defending the faith (Tit 1:9-11)

vii.  Warning (Col 1:28), charging (1Ti 5:7; 1Ti 6:17), exhorting (Tit 2:6, 15), admonishing (1Th 5:12), rebuking (2Ti 4:2; 1Ti 5:20)

viii.Ruling (1Ti 3:4-5; 1Ti 5:17; Heb 13:7,17)

  1. Keeping order in the house of God (1Co 14:40 & Col 2:5 c/w 1Ti 2:9-12; 1Ti 3:15)
  2. Leading (1Ti 4:12; 1Co 11:1)
  3. Guiding decisions that must be made in church matters (1Ti 5:3-16)

xii.  Baptizing (2Ti 4:5 c/w Act 21:8 c/w Act 8:12)

xiii.Starting churches (2Ti 4:5 c/w Act 21:8 c/w Act 8:5,12 c/w Act 9:31)

xiv.Identifying and proving potential pastors (1Ti 3:1-7), and ordaining them (Tit 1:5; Act 14:23)

  1. Ordaining deacons when needed (1Ti 3:8-13)

2.      The office of a deacon (1Ti 3:8-13).

  1. The office of a deacon was given for only one purpose: serving widows tables (Act 6:1-6).
  2. They were ordained for “this business” (Act 6:3).
  3. There is no other duty given to deacons in the NT.
  4. Nowhere in scripture are deacons given the rule or authority of the church.
  5. Nowhere in scripture are deacons given a teaching office.

3.      The office of the apostles and prophets ceased by the end of the first century when the New Testament was complete, after which there was no need for apostles and prophets to prophesy and give God’s word to His churches (1Co 13:8-10).

  1. No man today can meet the qualifications to be an apostle (Act 1:21-22).
  2. When the New Testament revelation was complete, the gift of prophecy ceased, and so did the office of the prophet (1Co 13:8-10).

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