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Topic: Call to the Ministry, Ordination
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Ordination By The Laying On Of Hands
I. ordain: To appoint, decree, destine, order. To appoint (a person, etc.) to a charge, duty,
or office.
II. The ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ is perpetuated by one elder/bishop/pastor/minister/steward
instructing qualified able men and ordaining them. 2TI 2:2 c/w TIT 1:5-9.
A. The office of N.T. ministry began with Jesus Christ ordaining the apostles (MAR 3:14)
who were also elders (1PE 5:1) as well as seventy others. LUK 10:1.
B. The N.T. shows the apostles doing the work of elders, including ordaining others.
C. An elder has received a gift by prophecy. 1TI 4:14.
1. The gift bestowed is the office of pastor and teacher. EPH 4:8-11.
2. By the prophecy (divinely inspired utterance) of Scripture, a potential elder is
identified and called.
D. TIT 1:5-9 shows that a single elder can ordain.
1. Paul takes credit for the ordination of Timothy, his special son in the faith.
2TI 1:6 c/w ACT 16:1-3; 1CO 4:17.
2. Paul described this as being done by the presbytery. 1TI 4:14.
a. presbytery: The office of a presbyter; eldership or priesthood.
b. If one has the office of a presbyter (elder), he has what is needed to confer
that office upon another.
This accords with the fact that a single steward may rule his lord’s house.
LUK 12:42.
E. Ordination may also be performed by multiple elders. ACT 13:3.
F. Whether ordination be by one or by multiple elders, the Holy Ghost makes a man an
overseer (bishop) or elder of the church. ACT 20:28.
G. Mind that the foregoing demands faith in a preserved ministry outside of which there is
no legitimate ordination.
III. Ordination is performed by the laying on of hands with prayer. ACT 14:23; 13:1-3; 6:3-6.
IV. Paul speaks of the laying on of hands as being one of the foundational principles of the doctrine
of Christ. HEB 6:1-2.
A. Laying on of hands denoted or was associated with various other things, such as:
1. conferral of blessing. GEN 48:14.
2. conferral of authority. DEU 34:9.
3. giving mortal sentence. LEV 24:14.
4. arrest. ACT 4:3.
5. healing. MAR 16:18.
6. a gift of the Holy Ghost. ACT 19:6.
7. devotion to God for sacrifice. LEV 4:15.
B. These elements have correspondence with the ministry of Jesus Christ.
1. The blessed God has committed a blessing gospel to them. 1TI 1:11; ACT 3:26.
2. They are given authority. HEB 13:7.
3. They may have the sentence of death in themselves. 2CO 1:9; 4:10-11.
4. They may be arrested and made Christ’s prisoner. ACT 26:9-18; EPH 4:1.
5. They minister and proclaim healing. LUK 4:18; 1PE 2:24.
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6. The Holy Ghost makes them overseers in their gift of office. ACT 20:28.
7. They are devoted to God as living sacrifices. ROM 12:1; PHIL 2:17.
C. To allay their fear, Christ’s ministers have the assurance that His hand is laid upon them.
REV 1:17; ISA 41:10; 54:17.