Problem Texts for Sovereign Grace (Part 04) – Prerequisites – Temporal Salvation-2, Effectual Justification

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  1. What does temporal salvation by belief of the gospel save people from?
    1. Ignorance of God’s righteousness (Rom 10:1-3 c/w Rom 10:9).
    2. Going about to establish their own righteousness (Rom 10:1-4 c/w Rom 10:9).
    3. Deception and bondage (Eph 4:11-14; Joh 8:31-32).
    4. The power of Satan and sin (Act 26:18; 2Ti 2:25).
    5. Fear of death (Heb 2:14-15; Act 16:27-31 c/w Act 12:19).
    6. Chastisement from God for sin (Pro 1:20-33).
  2. Knowing God’s will and doing it saves beatings from God (Luk 12:47-48).
  3. Believing and obeying the gospel will help us to be (not become) the sons of God without rebuke (Phi 2:15; 2Co 6:14-18).
    1. An untoward and wicked generation (Act 2:37-40).
  4. What does temporal salvation by belief of the gospel save people unto?
    1. Knowledge and assurance of eternal life (1Jo 5:13).
      1. Having eternal life is eternal salvation.
      2. Knowing you have eternal life is temporal salvation.
    2. Knowledge and assurance of their election of God (1Th 1:4-6).
    3. Fellowship with God and with believers of like faith (1Jo 1:1-3; Act 2:41-42,46).
    4. Fullness of joy (1Jo 1:4).
    5. Rest (Heb 4:1-10; Mat 11:28).
    6. Victorious living (1Jo 5:4-5).

9.      Two justifications

  1. There are two senses in which a person can be justified before God: either by being made (caused to be) righteous by God (effectual justification), or by being accounted (considered) righteous by God (evidential justification).
  1. Justified ppl.Made just or right; made or accounted righteous; warranted; supported by evidence
  2. Justification n. – 4. Theol. The action whereby man is justified, or freed from the penalty of sin, and accounted or made righteous by God; the fact or condition of being so justified.
  • Justify v. – 4. To absolve, acquit, exculpate; spec. in Theol. to declare free from the penalty of sin on the ground of Christ’s righteousness, or to make inherently righteous by the infusion of grace: see justification 4.
  1. Make v. – III. To cause to be or become (something specified). a. With adj. as compl.: To cause to be, render.
  2. Accounted – Counted, reckoned, considered.

B.     Being made righteous by God (effectual justification)

  1. Jesus justified us in the sense of making and causing us to be righteous by His:
    1. Blood (Rom 5:8-10).
    2. Grace (Tit 3:7; Rom 3:24).
    3. Faith (Gal 2:16).
    4. Knowledge (Isa 53:11).
  2. Jesus made us righteous by His obedience alone (Rom 5:19).
  • We were made the righteousness of God by Christ being made sin for us (2Co 5:21).
  1. We are passive recipients of this justification (effectual justification) by Christ.

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