Proverbs 1:25 (Mini Sermon)

March 7 2019

Series: Proverbs

Topic: Proverbs

Book: Proverbs

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1.      Pro 1:25 – “But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:”

  1. But ye have set at nought all my counsel.
    1. Fools not only refuse wisdom’s call and disregard her outstretched hand (Pro 1:24), but they set at nought all her counsel.
      1. Nought – 1. Nothing. 6. to set at nought: to despise, defy, scorn, disregard.
      2. They didn’t merely despise some of wisdom’s admonition; they hated all of it.
      3. These fools did to Wisdom personified what their progeny did to Wisdom incarnate, the Lord Jesus Christ who is “the wisdom of God” (1Co 1:24), when they “set him at nought, and mocked him, and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe” (Luk 23:11).
    2. Men show themselves to be unwise when they refuse godly counsel, thinking that their way is right in their own eyes (Pro 12:15).
      1. When wisdom’s counsel is set at nought by fools, God sets them at nought by revoking His counsel from them and thereby causing their downfall (Pro 11:14).
      2. When they reject the LORD’s counsel their plans shall come to nought (Isa 8:10).
  • Though men defy and disregard God’s counsel, thinking that they know better, the counsel of the Almighty remains steadfast (Pro 19:21; Isa 46:10).
  1. Those that despise wisdom’s words do so at their own peril and reject the counsel of God against themselves (Luk 7:30).
  2. This fact will become evident as wisdom in the coming verses pronounces condemnation on all that set at nought her words.
  1. …and would none of my reproof.
    1. One reason that counsel is often rejected is that contained in the advice is reproof which is offensive to the carnal mind.
    2. Such was the case with the men who heard the cry of wisdom and would none of her reproof.
  • Would is the past tense of will.
    1. Would – pa. tense of will v.1
    2. Will – 1. trans. with simple obj.: Desire, wish for, have a mind to, ‘want’ (something); sometimes implying also ‘intend, purpose’.
    3. Those who don’t receive reproof do so because they do not desire or wish to have it.
  1. Reproof – 1. Shame, disgrace, ignominy or reproach, adhering or resulting to a person in consequence or by reason of some fact, event, conduct, etc. (Occas. with a and pl.) Obs. (went out of use in mid-1500s) 3. Censure, rebuke, reprimand, reprehension.
  2. To be rebuked or reprimanded is never an enjoyable experience because it causes feelings of pain, uneasiness, embarrassment, and humiliation.
    1. For this reason most people avoid both giving and receiving it.
    2. When confronted by a brave reprover, a fool, rather than considering it and being thankful for it, will respond in anger and counteraccusation and despise the man who cared enough about him to tell him that he was wrong (Pro 15:12).
    3. Such a man thereby shows that he is nothing but a stupid fool (Pro 12:1).
  3. If a man cannot receive reproof without becoming angry and lashing out, he will not get the reproof that he desperately needs.
  • This is because the wise will avoid correcting him to escape the abuse that will ensue (Pro 9:7-8).
  • A wise and godly man will not only receive reproof with an open ear, but he will love the man that had the courage to rebuke him and will thank God for it (Psa 141:5).
    1. Such a man will grow in wisdom and character because those closest to him, including his pastor, will be willing to correct him when necessary.
    2. Too often, pious sounding Christians outwardly welcome rebuke until it actually comes, at which time they show their true colors and respond like fools who would none of wisdom’s reproof.

Those who do so have a difficult life ahead of them (Pro 13:15).

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