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1. Pro 10:8 – “The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall.”
- The wise in heart will receive commandments:
- This verse, along with many others in Proverbs, contrasts a wise man with a fool.
- Wise adj. – 1. a. Having or exercising sound judgement or discernment; capable of judging truly concerning what is right or fitting, and disposed to act accordingly; having the ability to perceive and adopt the best means for accomplishing an end; characterized by good sense and prudence. Opp. to foolish.
- Heart n. – ** As the seat of feeling, understanding, and thought. a. = mind, in the widest sense, including the functions of feeling, volition, and intellect. 6. a. The seat of one’s inmost thoughts and secret feelings; one’s inmost being; the depths of the soul; the soul, the spirit. 9. a. The seat of the emotions generally; the emotional nature, as distinguished from the intellectual nature placed in the head.
- Receive – I. 1. a. trans. To take in one’s hand, or into one’s possession (something held out or offered by another); to take delivery of (a thing) from another, either for oneself or for a third party. d. To take from another by hearing or listening; to attend, listen, or give heed to.
- A man who exercises sound judgment and discernment in his thoughts and understanding, and guides his feelings and emotions thereby, will listen to and give heed to God’s commandments.
- He recognizes that all God’s commandments are truth (Psa 119:151).
- He is has the sense to realize that God’s commandments are for his good (Deut 10:12-13).
- He understands that God’s commandments teach us what is the best end for his life in general, or the best end for a particular situation in his life (1Ti 1:5).
- He perceives that God’s commandments will instruct him how to best accomplish those ends.
- He knows that God’s commandments will make him wiser than he currently is (Psa 19:7) and wiser than his enemies (Psa 119:98).
- Wise men, women, and children will likewise receive commandments from those in authority over them such as parents (Eph 6:1), teachers (Gal 4:1-2), husbands (Tit 2:5), pastors (Heb 13:17), bosses (Col 3:22), civil magistrates (Tit 3:1), etc. because God has commanded in His word that all those authorities are to be obeyed.
- but a prating fool shall fall.
- Conversely, a prating fool will not receive God’s commandments and will therefore fall.
- Fool – I. 1. a. One deficient in judgement or sense, one who acts or behaves stupidly, a silly person, a simpleton. (In Biblical use applied to vicious or impious persons.) The word has in mod.Eng. a much stronger sense than it had at an earlier period; it has now an implication of insulting contempt which does not in the same degree belong to any of its synonyms, or to the derivative foolish.
- Prating adj. – That prates, talking idly, chattering.
- Prate – 1. intr. To talk, to chatter: usually dyslogistic implying speaking much or long to little purpose; formerly also to speak insolently, boastfully, or officiously; to tell tales, blab.
- Fools are known for their much speaking to little purpose (Ecc 5:3; Ecc 10:14).
- A prating fool will not receive commandments for at least two reasons.
- Firstly, since he is stupid and deficient in judgment, he doesn’t want to receive them (Pro 1:7; Pro 1:22; Pro 18:2; Pro 23:9).
- Secondly, in order to receive commandments, one must listen (Pro 4:10; Pro 19:20).
- But one cannot listen when he is always talking.
- Therefore, the prating fool will not hear, receive, nor heed the word of God.
- Be not prating fools, brethren, but be quick to hear and slow to speak (Jam 1:19).
- Because a prating fool will not receive God’s commandments, he will fall.
- The wicked fool will fall by his own wickedness (Pro 11:5).
- He will fall because of his pride (Pro 16:18).
- He will fall into mischief because he doesn’t have nor heed God’s commandments (Pro 24:16).
- He will fall at once because of his perverse ways (Pro 28:18).
- We should take heed to Solomon’s warning that a prating fool shall fall because he said it twice in this chapter (Pro 10:10).