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1. Pro 2:10 – “When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul;”
- In the first nine verses of Proverbs 2, Solomon gave the conditions for acquiring understanding, knowledge, and wisdom from God.
- In the rest of the chapter, Solomon gives some of the practical benefits of possessing wisdom, most notably its temporal saving and preserving qualities.
- There are many benefits to getting wisdom, but a Christian’s primary motivation for obtaining it should not be the temporal advantages it affords, but rather its intrinsic virtue.
- The LORD first instructs His children to “get wisdom, get understanding” (Pro 4:5) before He reveals the earthly gain it provides: “she shall preserve thee…and she shall keep thee” (Pro 4:6).
- We should desire wisdom, first and foremost, for the sake of having it because it “is the principal (first or highest in rank or importance – OED) thing” (Pro 4:7), not merely because “she shall promote thee [and]…bring thee to honour [and]…give to thine head an ornament of grace [and] a crown of glory” (Pro 4:8-9).
- When wisdom entereth into thine heart.
- This statement indirectly reveals that the natural state of man’s heart is one that is devoid of wisdom.
- If wisdom is promised to enter into our hearts, then that means it does not currently reside there.
- Wisdom isn’t found innately in a man from his youth, but rather “foolishness is bound in the heart of a child” (Pro 22:15).
- That foolishness must be driven out with the rod of correction before wisdom has a hope of replacing it.
- By nature, “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jer 17:9), “is little worth” (Pro 10:20), and is full of evil (Mar 7:21-23).
- God must remove our old stony heart and give us a new heart so that we have the ability and desire to receive wisdom (Eze 36:26-28).
- And knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul.
- Knowledge is not appealing to those who don’t have a heart prepared to receive it.
- Rather than embracing it, “fools hate knowledge” (Pro 1:22) and “despise wisdom and instruction” (Pro 1:7).
- When the heart has been prepared by God through regeneration to receive His word, instead of being irritating, knowledge becomes pleasant.
- Pleasant adj. – Having the quality of giving pleasure; originally synonymous with pleasing, but now used more vaguely: Agreeable to the mind, feelings, or senses; such as one likes.
- To the child of God with a renewed heart, the knowledge of God gives pleasure unto his soul which is the very essence of his being.
- While knowledge is pleasing to his inward man, at times it is not so to his flesh, for “he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow” (Ecc 1:18).
Though the truth may be hard to receive, and often will cost a man dearly, it will free his spirit from the bondage of lies which enslave him (Joh 8:31-32).