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1. Pro 5:3 – “For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:”
- For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb,
- Solomon gave the general reason for attending unto his wisdom in Pro 5:2.
- Now he gives the specific reason for doing so.
- This verse begins with the conjunction for which connects it to the previous sentence in Pro 5:1-2.
- A specific reason for attending unto Solomon’s wisdom (and therefore God’s wisdom since this is inspired scripture) in order to learn discretion is to be able to identify and avoid the strange woman.
- This instruction is particularly important for young men.
- A strange woman is a whore, harlot, prostitute, or fornicatress.
- Strange – 4. strange woman: a harlot.
- Harlot n. – 5. Applied to a woman. As a general term of execration. c. spec. An unchaste woman; a prostitute; a strumpet. (Very frequent in 16th c. Bible versions, where Wyclif had hoore, whore; prob. as a less offensive word.)
- Unchaste – Not chaste; lacking chastity; impure, lascivious
- Chaste – 1. Pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; continent, virtuous.
- Chastity – 1. a. Purity from unlawful sexual intercourse; continence.
- Lascivious – 1. Inclined to lust, lewd, wanton.
- According to God’s law, unlawful sexual intercourse is fornication (1Co 6:18) and adultery (Heb 13:4).
- Fornication n. – Voluntary sexual intercourse between a man (in restricted use, an unmarried man) and an unmarried woman. In Scripture extended to adultery.
- Therefore, a strange woman is not merely a prostitute, but is also a woman who offers the same service free of charge to boyfriends or men whom she dates.
- The strange woman’s lips drop as an honeycomb.
- Honeycomb n. – 1. A structure of wax containing two series of hexagonal cells separated by thin partitions, formed by bees for the reception of honey and their eggs. The shape and arrangement of the cells secures the greatest possible economy at once of space and of material.
- Honeycombs drop honey (1Sa 14:25-27).
- Honey is sweet (Pro 24:13).
- Pleasant words are also sweet like honey (Pro 16:24).
- The lips of a man’s wife should drop like an honeycomb to him (Son 4:11).
- Her words and her kisses should be sweet.
- The strange woman perverts the way that a godly woman relates to her husband and instead directs her affection toward a whoremonger she is not married to.
- The words of a strange woman (a whore or fornicatress) are sweet.
- Sweet and seductive words drop off of her lips.
- She uses fair speech to seduce men (Pro 7:21).
- Fair – 1. Beautiful to the eye; of pleasing form or appearance; good-looking. 2. Of sounds, odours, etc.: Agreeable, delightful. 4. Of language, diction: Elegant. Hence fair speaker.
- Elegant – 1. Tastefully ornate in attire; sometimes in unfavourable sense: Dainty, foppish.
- The speech of a strange woman is tastefully ornate and delightful like honey.
- and her mouth is smoother than oil:
- The wicked use words that are smoother than butter and softer than oil to deceive their prey (Psa 55:21).
- The strange woman uses flattery like oil to butter up her victims (Pro 6:24; Pro 7:21; Pro 7:15).
- Flattery n. – 1. The action or practice of flattering; false or insincere praise; adulation; cajolery, blandishment.
- Flatter – 1. a. intr. Of an animal, bird, etc.: To show delight or fondness (by wagging the tail, making a caressing sound, etc.). 2. To try to please or win the favour of (a person) by obsequious speech or conduct; to court, fawn upon.
- Men: if any woman (including your wife) ever meets you with the excitement that your dog does, be very suspicious!
- If a woman you just met is lavishing praise on you, beware because she is setting a net for your feet (Pro 29:5).
- Her flattering mouth works ruin (Pro 26:28).