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1. Pro 8:16 – “By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.”
- By me princes rule,
- “Me” in this passage is wisdom personified (Pro 8:1, 12).
- Wisdom n. – 1. a. Capacity of judging rightly in matters relating to life and conduct; soundness of judgement in the choice of means and ends; sometimes, less strictly, sound sense, esp. in practical affairs: opp. to folly.
- Princes rule by wisdom.
- Prince n. – 1. a. A sovereign ruler; a monarch, king.
- Rule v. – 1. a. trans. To control, guide, direct, exercise sway or influence over (a person, his actions, life, etc.).
- He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God (2Sa 23:3).
- The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Pro 9:10).
- Therefore, a wise and godly prince will rule by wisdom which comes through the fear of the LORD and the word of God (Pro 2:6).
- Princes who rule by wisdom are honest (Pro 17:7).
- Princes who rule by wisdom are sober (Pro 31:4; Ecc 10:17).
- A prince that doesn’t rule by wisdom is a great oppressor (Pro 28:16).
- Rehoboam was a good example of a prince that did not rule by wisdom and therefore lost ⅚ of his kingdom (1Ki 12:1-20).
- and nobles,
- Noble n. – B. ¹ 1. a. A man of noble rank; a member of the nobility.
- Noble adj. – 1. a. Illustrious or distinguished by position, character, or exploits. (Usu. implying senses 2 and 4, and now merged in these.) 2. a. Illustrious by rank, title, or birth; belonging to that class in the community which has a titular pre-eminence over the others; spec. belonging to, or forming, the nobility of a country or state.
- Nobility n. – 3. a. (With the) The body of persons forming the noble class in any country or state.
- Princes are nobles (Num 21:18; Psa 83:11; Luk 19:12).
- Princes are noble (Est 6:9).
- Not many noble are called (1Co 1:26), which explains why a lot of nobles don’t rule by wisdom even though they should.
- even all the judges of the earth.
- Even adv. – II. In weakened senses as an intensive or emphatic particle. (With 6–8 cf. similar uses of just.) Exactly, precisely, ‘just’. Now chiefly arch. after Bible use, and suggesting some notion of 9. a. of manner; often followed by as, thus, so. 8. Prefixed to a subject, object, or predicate, or to the expression of a qualifying circumstance, to emphasize its identity. Obs. exc. arch. Also in 16–17th c. (hence still arch. after Bible use) serving to introduce an epexegesis; = ‘namely’, ‘that is to say’.
- According to the definition of even, princes and nobles are judges of the earth (Isa 40:23).
- Judge n. – 1. a. A public officer appointed to administer the law; one who has authority to hear and try causes in a court of justice.
- Princes are to rule in judgment (Isa 32:1).
- Kings were to faithfully judge the poor (Pro 29:14).
- Kings in both Israel and the Gentile nations were judges (Psa 2:10).
- David was Israel’s king (2Sa 5:4) and also their judge (2Sa 15:2).
- Solomon was Israel’s king (1Ki 2:12) and also their judge (1Ki 3:28; 1Ki 10:9).
- Solomon ruled and judged by wisdom (1Ki 3:28; 2Ch 1:11).
- Jotham was Judah’s king (2Ki 15:7) and also their judge (2Ki 15:5).
- In Israel the priests were also judges of the people (2Ch 19:8-10).
- The judges of Israel were to judge for the LORD (wisdom) who was with them in the judgment (2Ch 19:6).
- Kings give divine sentences (Pro 16:10) when they are judging by wisdom from the word of God.
- A godly king sits in the throne of judgment and scatters away all evil with his eyes (Pro 20:8) when he rules and judges by wisdom.