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Remember Lot’s Wife
- “Remember Lot’s Wife.” (Luk 17:32) is one of the shortest verses in the Bible.
- Don’t despise small things, though (Zec 4:10).
- Some important verses in the Bible are very short. Consider the following profound, yet concise verses:
- “Jesus wept.” (Joh 11:35)
- “Rejoice evermore.” (1Th 5:16)
- “Pray without ceasing.” (1Th 5:17)
- “Quench not the Spirit.” (1Th 5:19)
- “Brethren, pray for us.” (1Th 5:25)
- Wise men let their words be few (Pro 17:27-28).
- Fools, on the other hand, are known for their much speaking (Ecc 5:3; Ecc 10:14).
- “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein
- “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” – Plato
- Though short, Jesus’ warning to remember Lot’s wife carries much weight.
- Jesus’ warning was given in the context of His second coming (Luk 17:22-24).
- This is a warning to not turn back (Luk 17:31).
- When Lot’s family was rescued from Sodom prior to its destruction, they were told not to look back (Gen 19:17).
- God’s command was short, four words: “look not behind thee”.
- God doesn’t have to say something more than once.
- God doesn’t have to give elaborate reasons for a commandment.
- Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt (Gen 19:26).
- This is not what Jesus had in mind when He said that believers are the salt of the earth (Mat 5:13).
- Nor when He said “Have salt in yourselves” (Mar 9:50).
- This is a good illustration of how it only takes one sin to condemn us.
- This is a good warning that we should not presume that God will repeat Himself several times before He judges us.
- Though Lot’s wife is to be remembered, she is not to be remembered for her good character, but for her sin.
- When the righteous turn back and commit sin, their righteousness will not be remembered (Eze 3:20; Eze 33:13).
- God cuts off wicked nations so they will not be remembered (Eze 25:10).
- God cut off the names of the idols in Israel so that they would no more be remembered (Zec 13:2).
- Who remembers the name of Lot’s wife?
- Who remembers the names of the 10 spies who brought back an evil report after surveying the land of Canaan?
- Virtually nobody.
- But everyone remembers the names of the two faithful spies.
- Who remembers the name of the rich young ruler who turned back from following Christ?
- No one.
- But everyone remembers the name of the apostle Paul who left all to follow Christ.
- The memory of the just is blessed, but that of the wicked is not so (Pro 10:7).
- The righteous shall be remembered forever (Psa 112:6).
- A good name is very valuable (Pro 22:1; Ecc 7:1).
- But it doesn’t take much to soil a good reputation (Ecc 10:1).
- A reputation which took years to build can be destroyed in seconds.
- The heart of Lot’s wife was still in Sodom.
- Neither Lot nor his wife was in a hurry to leave, but God was merciful and led them out by the hand to spare them from being destroyed with the city (Gen 19:15-16).
- Despite being told not to look back, Lot’s wife apparently couldn’t help herself.
- Israel in the wilderness had the same problem.
- They missed the land of bondage from which they had been delivered and wanted to go back (Num 11:4-6).
- They fell a lusting, which destroys faith (Mar 4:19; 1Ti 6:9).
- They desired to be back in bondage (Num 14:2; Num 16:13).
- Christians are warned against desiring to return to their former bondage (Gal 4:8-11).
- Remember Lot’s wife and never look back.
- As Christians, we need to count our previous lives of sin and false religion as dung (Phi 3:8).
- The pleasures of sin are only for a season (Heb 11:25).
- The reproach of Christ is greater than any riches of Egypt (Heb 11:26).
- Remember Lot’s wife and never look back.
- We are not to be as them who turn back, but as those who believe unto the end to the saving of the soul (Heb 10:34-39).
- Once a Christian gets baptized and becomes a part of the church, which is the kingdom of God, and puts his hand to the plough, he must never look back (Luk 9:62).
- If Abraham had looked back, he might have been able to have returned to his home from which God called him (Heb 11:15).
- Stand fast, brethren (Phi 4:1; Eph 6:10-18; 1Co 15:58).
- The suffering of the present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory which awaits us (Rom 8:18).
- Cast not off your confidence which has great reward (Heb 10:35).
- Run the race set before you and don’t look back (Heb 12:1-2; 1Co 9:24-27).
- Fight the good fight (2Ti 4:6-8; 1Ti 6:12).
- Fight v. – 2. transf. and fig. a. To contend, strive for victory, struggle, engage in conflict. 1611 Bible 1 Cor. ix. 26 So fight I, not as one that beateth the ayre.
- Don’t beat the air (1Co 9:26).
- If you are inexperienced, the Lord will teach you how to fight (Psa 144:1).
- Press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Phi 3:14).
- Finish your course (Act 20:24).
- Don’t give up in the 9th inning.
- Gird up your loins, be strong, quit you like men (1Co 16:13).
- The Lord will help you and give you strength (Isa 40:28-31).
- Remember Lot’s wife and never look back.