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Salvation in a Nutshell – 1Pe 1:1-5
- The entire plan and execution of the eternal salvation of God’s children is given in 1Pe 1:1-5.
- The phases of the eternal salvation of man are as follows:
- The Planning Phase: God chose to save some of the human race (the elect) from their sins before the foundation of the world.
- The Legal Phase: The Word became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ and died for the sins of the elect.
- The Vital Phase: God regenerated the elect, giving them eternal life at some point in their lives.
- The Final Phase: God will glorify the bodies of the elect at the resurrection.
- The doctrine of grace consists of the following:
- Total depravity: Man is born totally corrupted by sin and incapable of making himself righteous or of changing his nature.
- Unconditional election: God elected a portion of the human race unconditionally based on His own will alone.
- Limited atonement: Jesus Christ died only for the elect.
- Irresistible grace: God sovereignly gives eternal life to the elect, in which operation they are entirely passive.
- Preservation of the saints: God ensures that all of the elect will be saved eternally without losing any of them.
- All of this important Bible truth is found in the first five verses of Peter’s first epistle.
- 1Pe 1:1 – “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,”
- First of all, notice that the doctrine that is being declared in the following verses is not from John Calvin or Augustine, but rather from the apostle Peter.
- Secondly, consider that Peter is writing to a select group of people, not to all people.
- He wrote “to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,” not to all of the inhabitants of those places.
- Given that Peter is writing to a limited number of people (1Pe 1:1) for whom Jesus Christ shed His blood and died (1Pe 1:2), Peter is teaching limited atonement.
III. 1Pe 1:2 – “Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.”
- Those to whom Peter wrote are the elect whom God chose (Mar 13:20).
- Elect – 1. Picked out, chosen; also, chosen for excellence or by preference; select, choice. Also absol. a person or persons chosen. 2. a. spec. in Theol. Chosen by God, esp. for salvation or eternal life. Opposed to reprobate. Often absol. with plural sense, the elect.
- They are elect according to the foreknowledge of God.
- Foreknowledge n. – Knowledge of an event, etc. before it exists or happens; prescience.
- According – 4. According to. a. In a manner agreeing with, consistent with, or answering to; agreeably to.
- God foreknew that He would elect sinners to save by His grace, and He chose them in a manner that agreed with what He knew that He would do.
- God chose the elect to make them holy (Eph 1:4), not because they were already holy.
- It was the identity of the elect that God foreknew and elected accordingly (Joh 10:14,27 & 2Ti 2:19 & Gal 4:9 c/w Mat 7:23), not their faith or good works that they didn’t have which He allegedly foresaw (Psa 14:2-3 c/w Rom 3:9-12).
- Therefore, God’s children were saved by unconditional election.
- This was the planning phase of salvation.
- The elect were elected unto the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ (1Pe 1:2).
- The sprinkling of Christ’s blood purged our hearts of sin (Tit 1:15 c/w Heb 10:22 c/w Heb 9:14).
- This is the legal phase of salvation.
- 1Pe 1:3 – “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”
- God has begotten us again, which is another term for:
- Regeneration (Tit 3:5).
- Quickening (Eph 2:1; Col 2:13).
- Born again (Joh 3:3-7).
- Born of the Spirit (Joh 3:6,8).
- God has begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
- Christ was the first to rise from the dead (1Co 15:20; Col 1:18).
- Christ was begotten from the dead (Act 13:33).
- We are quickened with Christ (Eph 2:5-6).
- This is the first resurrection (Rev 20:4-6).
- At the time the elect were quickened, they were spiritually dead (Eph 2:1).
- The elect were called from spiritual death unto life by the voice of Jesus Christ in like manner as Lazarus was from physical death unto life (Joh 11:43-44; Joh 5:25).
- The elect are entirely passive in the call of regeneration.
- This is the doctrine of irresistible grace.
- This is the vital phase of salvation.
- 1Pe 1:4 – “To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,”
- God chose the elect to be made legally holy and spiritually pure so they could become heir to their inheritance.
- The inheritance is their heavenly inheritance (Joh 14:1-3).
- Corruptible flesh and blood cannot inherit the incorruptible kingdom of God (1Co 15:50-53).
- The elect must first have their vile bodies changed into immortal bodies (Php 3:21; Rom 8:30).
- Their heavenly inheritance is:
- Incorruptible
- Incorruptible – 1. Incapable of undergoing physical corruption; that cannot decay or perish; everlasting, eternal.
- It will never corrupt, decay, or perish.
- Undefiled
- Undefiled – 1. Not rendered morally foul or impure; unpolluted, untainted.
- No sinners are allowed there (Rev 21:27).
- It fadeth not away
- Fade – 1. intr. Of a flower, plant, etc.: To lose freshness and vigour; to droop, wither. 3. trans. To weaken; to deprive of freshness or vigour; to corrupt, taint. 6. a. intr. To pass away or disappear gradually; vanish, die out. Also with away.
- It is an eternal inheritance (Heb 9:15).
- It is reserved for the elect
- Reserved ppl. – 5. a. Set or kept apart; specially retained for some person or purpose, etc. (See the verb.)
- Reserve – 1. a. trans. To keep for future use or enjoyment; to store up for (†to) some time or occasion; to refrain from using or enjoying at once. 3. a. To set apart, keep (†to or) for another.
iii. They obtained their inheritance by predestination (Eph 1:11).
- This is the final phase of salvation.
- 1Pe 1:5 – “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
- The elect are kept by the power of God unto the final salvation of the body at the resurrection.
- God will perform the good work that He began in the elect until the day of Jesus Christ (Phi 1:6).
- God preserves them forever (Psa 37:28).
- God’s salvation shall outlive the heavens and the earth (Isa 51:6).
- No man can pluck the elect out of God’s mighty hand (Joh 10:28-29).
- Jesus will lose none that the Father gave him to save, but will resurrect them at the last day (Joh 6:39).
- They are kept through God’s faith, not theirs.
- God has promised to preserve them eternally: body, soul, and spirit (1Th 5:23).
- The Lord will not cast off His people (Psa 94:14; Rom 11:2).
- God will not repent (change His mind) when it comes to the eternal salvation of His elect (Rom 11:28-29).
- Even if they don’t abide faithful, God will (Rom 3:3-4; 2Ti 2:13).
- This is the doctrine of the preservation of the saints.
VII. The fact that 1Pe 1:1-5 teaches that God is entirely responsible for the salvation of the elect implicitly proves that man is entirely incapable of saving himself, which is the doctrine of total depravity.