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Steven Anderson is Wrong About Repenting of Sin
(This sermon is an excerpt of the sermon called “Does God Only Enable the Elect to Believe and the Rest is Up to Them? (Part 4)”.)
- There are two callings in the Bible (four if you count the resurrection and the ministry).
- There is a call of repentance that God has issued to all mankind (Act 17:30).
- This is a call to repent, believe the gospel, and get baptized (Mar 1:15; Act 2:38).
- The call of repentance is the call to repent of sins which means to feel sorry for them and change our mind and direction in life concerning them (Act 8:22; Act 26:18; 1Ki 8:47; Jer 8:6; Eze 18:30).
- Repent – 1. refl. To affect (oneself) with contrition or regret for something done, etc. (cf. 3.) 3. intr. To feel contrition, compunction, sorrow or regret for something one has done or left undone; to change one’s mind with regard to past action or conduct through dissatisfaction with it or its results.
- Jesus came to call sinners to repentance (Luk 5:32).
iii. What do sinners repent of? Sin, of course.
- To obey the gospel we must repent of all sin, not just unbelief.
- This is the repentance that John the Baptist required of his converts (Luk 3:7-9).
- Repentance includes turning from sins such as selfishness and covetousness, and instead helping others (Luk 3:10-11).
iii. Repentance includes turning from sins such as theft and fraud (Luk 3:12-13).
- Repentance includes turning from sins such as violence, lying, deceit, and covetousness, and instead being content with what one has (Luk 3:14).
- Repentance includes turning from sins such as uncleanness, fornication, and lasciviousness (2Co 12:21).
- Unbelief is just one of the many sins that we are commanded to repent of (Joh 16:9).
- This call is universal.
- This call can also be resisted and disobeyed (Luk 7:29-30; Mat 21:32).
- There is also an effectual call from spiritual death to spiritual life that is by the sovereign voice of Jesus Christ (Joh 5:25).
- This is the call of regeneration which gives the elect eternal life (Tit 3:5; Eph 2:1).
- This is the call which makes a man born again (Joh 3:3).
- This call is irresistible because it is issued to the spiritually dead who have no more power to resist it than did Lazarus have the power to resist the call by the voice of Christ which raised him from the dead (Joh 11:43-44 c/w Joh 12:17).