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I. Sometimes God doesn’t deliver His children even from death.
- The Lord does this for the following reasons:
- God is glorified in their death (Joh 21:19).
- In some cases the martyr is spared greater suffering that others must endure (Isa 57:1).
- The death of His saints is precious in God’s sight (Psa 116:15; Rev 14:13).
- Such examples are:
- Abel was the first martyr.
- Abel was a righteous prophet (Mat 23:35; Luk 11:50-51).
- He made his offering by faith to God (Heb 11:4).
- He was murdered for it because of envy (Gen 4:8 c/w 1Jo 3:12).
- God didn’t spare Abel’s life even though he was righteous and did nothing to deserve death.
- Zechariah was the last prophet in the Old Testament to be killed (Mat 23:35).
- Zechariah was martyred because he condemned the people of Judah for their idolatry (2Ch 24:18-22).
- Like Abel, he did nothing wrong, but God nevertheless allowed him to be martyred.
John the Baptist
- John the Baptist was the first New Testament martyr.
- He was the greatest prophet to ever live because he was the forerunner of the Messiah (Luk 7:26-28).
- He rebuked the king because of his sin and was put in prison for it (Mat 14:3-4).
- He was beheaded because of a foolish oath Herod made (Mat 14:6-10).
- John the Baptist was a great prophet and a faithful Christian who did nothing wrong, but God nevertheless allowed him to be martyred.
Jesus Christ
- Of course the most important martyr of all is our Lord Jesus Christ.
- He was sinless (1Pe 2:22) and had no legitimate crime or offence laid to His charge (Joh 8:46; Joh 18:38).
- Convince v. – II. To convict, prove, demonstrate. 4. To prove (a person) to be guilty, or in the wrong, esp. by judicial procedure; to prove or find guilty; to convict of, rarely for, in (an offence or error); = convict v.
- He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners (Heb 7:26).
- He always did what pleased God (Joh 8:29).
- He pleaded with God to spare Him the suffering and death that was awaiting Him (Luk 22:42).
- They set up false witnesses against Him (Mar 14:55-59).
- He was beaten (Mar 15:15), spit upon (Mar 15:19), mocked (Mar 15:20), humiliated, and crucified (Mar 15:25).
- Despite doing nothing wrong, nevertheless God allowed Him to be martyred.
- Stephen was a good man and full of faith (Act 6:8).
- He earnestly defended the faith and his wisdom was not able to be resisted (Act 6:10).
- So his enemies suborned witnesses to falsely testify against him (Act 6:11-14).
- He enraged them with his defense, so they stoned him (Act 7:54-60).
- Like the other martyrs before him he did nothing worthy of death, nevertheless God allowed him to be martyred.
- James was an apostle (Mat 10:2) and one of Jesus’ three closest friends (Mat 17:1; etc.).
- He was killed by King Herod when he persecuted the church (Act 12:1-2).
- Despite being an apostle and one of Jesus’ closest friends and having done nothing wrong, God nevertheless allowed him to be martyred.
- Paul was the chiefest of the apostles (2Co 11:5; 2Co 12:11; Rom 11:13).
- He wrote half of the New Testament (Romans through Hebrews).
- He made several evangelistic trips all over the known world and started numerous churches.
- Notwithstanding all of the selfless work that he did for Jesus Christ, God still allowed him to be martyred (2Ti 4:6).
- Peter was an apostle (Mat 10:2) and one of Jesus’ three closest friends (Mat 17:1; etc.).
- He boldly preached the gospel in the face of persecution (Act 4:18-21; Act 5:28-29; Act 5:40-42).
- He was used of God to open the door of faith unto the Gentiles (Act 15:7).
- Despite his great zeal and love for Jesus Christ and the fact that he did nothing to deserve death, God nevertheless allowed him to be martyred (Joh 21:18-19).