The Beginning of a Journey (Part 3)

May 19 2013

Book: Joshua

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  1. The LORD then gives Joshua the prescription for a prosperous and successful journey (Jos 1:8).
    1. Joshua was to meditate in the book of the law.
      1. Meditatev. 1. trans. To muse over or reflect upon; to consider, study, ponder.
      2. To fix one’s attention upon; to observe with interest or intentness.
      3. Muse v. – 1. a. To be absorbed in thought; to meditate continuously in silence; to ponder.
  • Consider v. – 1. To view or contemplate attentively, to survey, examine, inspect, scrutinize.
  1. Study v. – 1. a. To apply the mind to the acquisition of learning, whether by means of books, observation, or experiment.
  2. In order for a pastor to have a prosperous and successful ministry, he likewise must meditate in the scriptures continually (1Ti 4:15).
    1. Give – 1. To hand over (a thing) as a present; to confer gratuitously the ownership of (some possession) on another person (with or without actual delivery of the object).
    2. Wholly – 1. As a whole, in its entirety, in full, throughout, all of it; †formerly also (in ref. to a pl. or collect. n.), all of them, all together, in a body.
  3. A pastor must take heed and continue in the doctrine to save himself and his flock (1Ti 4:16; 2Ti 3:14).
    1. Heed – 1. Careful attention, care, observation, regard.
    2. Continue – 1. To carry on, keep up, maintain, go on with, persist in (an action, usage, etc.).
  • A pastor must hold fast the form of sound words and keep them (2Ti 1:13; Tit 1:9; Pro 4:13).
    1. Hold v. – 2. a. To keep from getting away; to keep fast, grasp. Often with advb. extension, as hold fast;
    2. Fast – 1. a. In a fast manner, so as not to be moved or shaken; lit. and fig.; firmly, fixedly.
    3. a. With firm grasp, attachment, or adhesion; so as not to permit of escape or detachment; tightly, securely. Often with bind, hold, etc. lit. and fig.
    4. Keep v. – 1. To seize, lay hold of; to snatch, take.
  • A pastor must study and give attendance to reading and doctrine (2Ti 2:15; 1Ti 4:13).
    1. Study v. – 1. a. To apply the mind to the acquisition of learning, whether by means of books, observation, or experiment.
    2. Attendance – 1. The action or condition of applying one’s mind or observant faculties to something; = attention
    3. Christians should attend to know understanding and doctrine. (Pro 4:1-2)
    4. Attendv. To direct the ears, mind, energies to anything.
  1. The scriptures alone are sufficient to throughly furnish the man of God (2Ti 3:16-17).
    1. Throughly – 1. Fully, completely, perfectly
    2. Furnished ppl – 1. Possessed of one’s faculties physical and mental.
  2. Christians in general should read and study their Bibles diligently. (Act 17:11; Joh 5:39; Pro 15:28; Pro 22:17-21)
  1. Joshua was to meditate in the book of the law day and night.
    1. We ought to have God and His word in our thoughts at all times throughout the day (Psa 1:1-3; Pro 6:21-23; Psa 119:97).
    2. The scriptures should be an integral part of every aspect of our lives. (Deu 6:6-9)
  2. Joshua was not supposed to meditate in the law for mere head knowledge, but rather so that he might observe to do according to all that is written therein.
    1. It’s not those who only hear God’s commandments, but those who do God’s commandments that are blessed. (Rev 22:14; Jam 1:22-25)
    2. Doing God’s commandments gives us good understanding. (Psa 111:10; Psa 119:100)
  • Doing God’s will enables us to understand doctrine. (Joh 7:17)
  1. Committing our works unto the Lord will establish our thoughts. (Pro 16:3)
  2. Pastor’s are enjoined to keep God’s commandments (1Ti 6:14), as well as church members (1Co 11:2).
  1. Herein is the recipe for success: meditating in God’s law and doing it.
    1. Joshua 1:8 is the only verse in the Bible where the word ‘success’ is used.
    2. I think God is trying to get a point across to us.
  • If we are going to have a successful journey together, it will be by sticking to the Book.


  1. The church must follow and submit to their appointed leader for a successful journey. (Jos 1:16-18)
    1. The people willingly agreed to submit to Joshua’s rule and leadership. (Jos 1:16)
      1. Church members are required to submit to the pastor who has the rule over them. (Heb 13:7,17)
      2. Brethren should to this willingly.
      3. Paul instructed the church in Philippi to receive and hold in reputation the preacher Epaphroditus (Phi 2:25-29).
    2. They affirmed that they would submit to Joshua just as they had submitted to Moses. (Jos 1:17)
      1. The fact that Moses was far more experienced did not factor into their obedience.
      2. Paul instructed the Corinthians to treat the young minister Timothy just as they would him (1Co 16:10-11).
    3. They encouraged Joshua in his new position and were supportive of him. (Jos 1:18)
      1. Brethren ought to edify (build up) one another, including their pastor (1Th 5:11-13).
      2. Brethren ought to pray for their pastor (1Th 5:25; 2Th 3:1; Heb 13:18).
      3. The prayers of church members can be the pastor’s salvation (Phi 1:19).


  • Some final observations – see if you can see any parallels.
    1. The church would face battles soon after their new leader was in place (Jos 1:10-11).
    2. During those battles, God would begin to magnify the new leader in the sight of the church so they would know that He was with him as He was with the old leader (Jos 3:7 c/w Jos 4:14).
    3. The church found help in strange places (Jos 2:1-7).
    4. The church was to follow the ark of the covenant (which held the word of God – Heb 9:4) when they went to the battle (Jos 3:3).
    5. The Lord gave the church a great victory soon after they began their new journey (Jos 6).
    6. After the great victory, trouble came within the church and judgment had to take place (Jos 7:1,11,21,25).
    7. After more battles, the church eventually possessed all the inheritance that they were promised (Jos 11:15-16, 23; 21:43-45).
    8. The church then finally entered into rest from its warfare (Jos 11:23; 21:44).

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