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I. The object of the death of Christ
- Jesus came to die for a select group of humanity, that being all that God the Father had given Him (Joh 17:2-4).
- The group of humanity that Christ died for is called His church, which is His bride (Eph 5:25-27).
- The group (the elect) were chosen by God and given to Christ for Him to make them holy (Eph 1:4).
- Just as the bride doesn’t choose a husband, the church likewise didn’t choose Christ (Joh 15:16).
- Just as a husband doesn’t choose every woman to be his bride, so God didn’t choose all of humanity to be Christ’s bride.
- Just as God brought Eve to Adam to be his bride (Gen 2:22-25), God likewise brought His elect to Christ (Joh 6:37), the last Adam (1Co 15:45), to be His bride.
- Only those whom God has drawn (dragged, hauled, pulled – OED) can come to Christ (Joh 6:44; Joh 6:65).
- Christ lost none that the Father had given Him (Joh 6:39).
- The elect are also called His sheep (Joh 10:11,14-15).
- Not all people are Jesus’ sheep (Joh 10:26).
- Most of humanity are goats for whom Jesus did not die (Mat 25:31-32,41 c/w Luk 13:23-24 c/w Mat 7:13-14,21-23).
II. The effect of the death of Christ
- Jesus’ death actually accomplished what God purposed to do, which was to put away the sins of those for whom He died. Consider what the following verses actually say.
- Jesus was named Jesus because it was said “He shall save his people from their sins” (Mat 1:21).
- It doesn’t say He shall try to save the human race from their sins.
- It doesn’t say He shall offer to save humanity from their sins.
iii. It says He shall save his people from their sins, which He did.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus Christ (Rom 8:3).
- God didn’t hope to condemn sin in the flesh.
- God didn’t offer to condemn sin in the flesh.
iii. God didn’t try to condemn sin in the flesh.
- God actually condemned sin in the flesh of Jesus Christ.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God hath reconciled us (those for whom Christ died) to himself (2Co 5:18; Col 1:21).
- God didn’t attempt to reconcile us to himself.
- God didn’t offer to reconcile us to himself.
iii. God didn’t hope to reconcile us to himself.
- God actually reconciled us to himself.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- We (those for whom Christ died) were reconciled to God by the death of Jesus Christ (Rom 5:10).
- It doesn’t say that we can be reconciled to God by the death of Christ.
- It doesn’t say that we will be reconciled to God by the death of Christ if we accept Him.
iii. It doesn’t say that God made reconciliation possible by the death of Christ.
- It says we were reconciled to God by the death of Jesus Christ.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- Christ made peace between God and those for whom Christ died by the cross (Col 1:20).
- Christ didn’t attempt to make peace between God and us by the cross.
- Christ didn’t offer to make peace between God and us by the cross.
iii. Christ didn’t potentially make peace between God and us by the cross.
- Christ actually made peace between God and us by the cross.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God hath made us (those for whom Christ died) accepted in Christ (Eph 1:6).
- God didn’t try to make us accepted in Christ.
- God didn’t offer to make us accepted in Christ.
iii. God didn’t merely desire to make us accepted in Christ.
- God hath made us accepted in Christ.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- We (those for whom Christ died) have obtained an inheritance (Eph 1:11).
- It doesn’t say that we can obtain an inheritance.
- It doesn’t say that God offered us an inheritance.
iii. It says we have obtained an inheritance.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God hath saved us (those for whom Christ died) according to His own purpose and grace given to us before the world began (2Ti 1:9).
- It doesn’t say that God attempted to save
- It doesn’t say that God offered to save
iii. It doesn’t say that God wants to save us.
- It says that God hath saved
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God saved us (those for whom Christ died) according to His mercy by the regeneration of the Holy Ghost (Tit 3:5).
- It doesn’t say that God attempted to save
- It doesn’t say that God offered to save
iii. It doesn’t say that God wants to save us.
- It says that God saved
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- By Christ’s obedience many were made righteous (Rom 5:19).
- It doesn’t say that it was by Christ’s obedience and our obedience that we were made righteous.
- It doesn’t say that it was by Christ’s obedience that He offered to make us righteous.
iii. It says that it was by Christ’s obedience that many were made righteous.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- Jesus entered into the holiest after His resurrection having obtained eternal redemption for us (those for whom Christ died) (Heb 9:12).
- It doesn’t say that He entered into the holiest having made eternal redemption possible for us.
- It doesn’t say that He entered into the holiest and now offers eternal redemption to
iii. It says that Jesus entered into the holiest after His resurrection having obtained eternal redemption for us.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- In Christ we (those for whom Christ died) have redemption through His blood (Col 1:14).
- It doesn’t say that we can have redemption through His blood.
- It doesn’t say that Christ offered us redemption through His blood.
iii. It doesn’t say that Christ made redemption possible for us through His blood.
- It says in Christ we have redemption through His blood.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- Christ hath redeemed us (those for whom Christ died) from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13).
- It doesn’t say that Christ made redemption from the curse of the law possible for us.
- It doesn’t say that Christ will redeem us from the curse of the law.
iii. It doesn’t say that Christ offered to redeem us from the curse of the law.
- It says that Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- Jesus hast redeemed us (those for whom Christ died) to God by His blood (Rev 5:9).
- It doesn’t say that Christ made redemption to God possible for us.
- It doesn’t say that Christ will redeem us to God.
iii. It doesn’t say that Christ offered to redeem us to God.
- It says that Christ hath redeemed us to God by His blood.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- Jesus purged our sins by himself (Heb 1:3).
- It doesn’t say that Jesus offered to purge our sins.
- It doesn’t say that Jesus made it possible for our sins to be purged.
iii. It doesn’t say that Jesus purged our sins with our help, or by our acceptance of it.
- It says that Jesus purged our sins by himself.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- By His offering of Himself Jesus hath perfected forever them that are sanctified (Heb 10:14).
- It doesn’t say that Jesus will perfect forever them that sanctify themselves.
- It doesn’t say that Jesus offered to perfect forever them that sanctify themselves.
iii. It says by His offering of Himself Jesus hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God hath quickened us (those for whom Christ died) together with Christ and saved us by His grace (Eph 2:4-5).
- It doesn’t say that God will quicken us together with Christ.
- It doesn’t say that we will be quickened together with Christ when we accept Him.
iii. It says that God hath quickened us together with Christ and saved us by His grace.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God hath called us (those for whom Christ died) unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus (1Pe 5:10).
- It doesn’t say that God will call us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus.
- It doesn’t say that God is offering to call us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus.
iii. It says that God hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- God hath delivered us (those for whom Christ died) from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of His Son (Col 1:13).
- It doesn’t say that God offered to deliver us from the power of darkness and offered to translate us into the kingdom of His Son.
- It doesn’t say that God merely hoped to deliver us from the power of darkness and merely hoped to translate us into the kingdom of His Son.
iii. It says that God hath delivered us from the power of darkness and hath translated us into the kingdom of His Son.
- In other words, Christ’s death was effectual and actually put away the sins of those for whom He died.
- All those whom God foreknew and predestinated He has called, justified, and glorified (Rom 8:29-30).
- There is no chance of any that were foreknown and predestinated will not be called, justified, and glorified.
- The reason is because Christ actually put away their sins and guaranteed their salvation.
- I. Packer put it well in his Introductory Essay to John Owen’s book The Death of Death.
- “Christ did not win a hypothetical salvation for hypothetical believers, a mere possibility of salvation for any who might possibly believe, but a real salvation for His own chosen people.” (J.I. Packer, Introductory Essay to John Owen’s The Death of Death, p. 10)
- “And we can now see what has gone wrong. Our theological currency has been debased. Our minds have been conditioned to think of the Cross as a redemption which does less than redeem, and of Christ as a Saviour who does less than save, and of God’s love as a weak affection which cannot keep anyone from hell without help, and of faith as the human help which God needs for this purpose.” (J.I. Packer, Introductory Essay to John Owen’s The Death of Death, p. 13)
III. The sufficiency of the death of Christ
- The sacrifices under the law of Moses were offered continually (Heb 10:1-3).
- But Jesus Christ was only offered once to God for our sins (1Pe 3:18; Rom 6:10; Heb 7:27; Heb 9:12,25-26,28; Heb 10:10).
- The reason for this is because the sacrifices under Moses’ law couldn’t take away sins (Heb 10:4,11), but Christ’s sacrifice did (Heb 10:12-14).
IV. The importance of the death of Christ
- Through His death, Jesus:
- Put away our sins (1Pe 3:18).
- Appeased God’s wrath toward us (1Jo 2:2; Rom 5:8-11).
- Abolished the law of Moses that was against us (Col 2:14; Eph 2:15).
- Undid the curse that came by Adam’s sin (Gal 3:13; Rom 5:17-19).
- Destroyed death itself (2Ti 1:10; 1Co 15:54-57).
- Destroyed and spoiled the Devil and his fallen angels (Heb 2:14 c/w 1Jo 3:8; Col 2:15).
- Delivered us from the fear of death (Heb 2:15).
- There is no more important event in human history than the death of Jesus Christ.