The Humanity of Jesus Christ

February 14 2016

Topic: Jesus Christ

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The Humanity of Jesus Christ

  1. We need to remember the humanity of Jesus Christ.
  2. As Christians, we often emphasize the deity of Jesus Christ, which is an absolutely essential Christian belief (Joh 1:1-3,14).
  3. But we must not forget that Jesus is not only fully God, but He is also fully man (1Ti 2:5).
  4. Jesus frequently referred to Himself as “the Son of man” (ex: Mat 8:20).
  5. In this study, we will “behold the man”, Jesus Christ (Joh 19:5).


  1. Jesus was touched with the feelings of our infirmities (Heb 2:17-18; Heb 4:15).


III. Jesus experienced all of the emotions that we experience, such as:

  1. Hunger (Mat 4:2)
  2. Thirst (Joh 4:7; Joh 19:28)
  3. Joy (Heb 12:2)
  4. Love (Joh 13:1; Joh 11:5)
  5. Anger (Mar 3:5; Joh 2:15)
  6. Fatigue/weariness (Joh 4:6; Mar 4:38)
  7. Social weariness (Mat 14:23; Mar 6:31)
  8. Sighing (Mar 7:34; Mar 8:12).
  9. Frustration (Luk 9:41)
  10. Anxiety (Luk 12:50)
  11. Pain (Heb 13:12)
  12. Violence (Mar 10:34)
  13. Agony (Luk 22:44)
  14. Near insanity (Mar 14:33)
  15. Amazed – 1. Driven stupid; stunned or stupefied, as by a blow; out of one’s wits.
  16. Jesus was going crazy under the pressure of what He was going to face.
  17. Depression (Mat 26:37)
  18. Heavy – VII. Weighed down mentally or physically. 27. a. ‘Weighed down’ with sorrow or grief; sorrowful, sad, grieved, despondent.
  19. Despondent – 1. Characterized by loss of heart or resolution; labouring under mental depression; desponding.
  20. Grief (Mar 3:5; Isa 53:3)
  21. Trouble (Joh 12:27)
  22. Fear (Heb 5:7)
  23. Astonishment (Mar 6:6)
  24. Marvel – 1. intr. To be filled with wonder or astonishment; to be struck with surprise.
  25. Astonishment – 1. Loss of physical sensation, insensibility; paralysis, numbness, deadness.
  26. Being let down by friends (Mat 26:40)
  27. Betrayal (Luk 22:48)
  28. Family rejection (Joh 7:5; Mar 6:4)
  29. Societal rejection (Isa 53:3; Joh 1:11)
  30. Being hated (Joh 15:24-25)
  31. Oppression (Isa 53:7)
  32. Fame (Mat 9:26; Mat 14:1)
  33. Loneliness (Isa 53:3)
  34. Jesus was rejected by many which would make one lonely.
  35. In addition to that, Jesus was the leader of His disciples and would never have been able to completely just feel like one of the guys.
  36. No one could have possibly understood what it was like to Him, the sinless Son of God who would be the sin bearer for an untold number of people.
  37. “The king that is not a lonely man is a fool.” (Unknown)
  38. There has probably never been a more lonely man that has ever lived.
  39. Sadness/tears (Joh 11:35; Luk 19:41; Heb 5:7)
  40. Sorrow (Isa 53:3; Mat 26:37)
  41. Being forsaken
  42. By His disciples (Mar 14:50; Mat 26:69-75)
  43. By His God (Mat 27:46)
  44. Persecution (Joh 5:16; Joh 15:20)
  45. Injustice (Joh 19:4,14-16)
  46. False accusation (Mar 14:56-59)
  47. Mockery (Luk 18:32; Mat 27:29)
  48. Shame (Isa 50:6; Heb 12:2)
  49. Provocation (Luk 11:53)
  50. Poverty (Mat 8:20; 2Co 8:9)
  51. Being subject unto His parents (Luk 2:51)
  52. Having children (spiritually) (Heb 2:13)
  53. Marital love (spiritually) (Eph 5:25; Rev 21:9)
  54. Being concerned about aging parents (Joh 19:26-27)
  55. Death (Joh 19:30; Rev 1:18)


  1. Though Jesus was tempted with everything we are, He never gave into the temptation and sinned (Heb 4:15).
  2. Therefore, we can go to Him in prayer to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Heb 4:16).
  3. Because He was tempted, He is able to help us when we are tempted (Heb 2:18).

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