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- Messiah (Joh 1:41)
- Messiah – The Hebrew title (= ‘anointed’) applied in the O.T. prophetic writings to a promised deliverer of the Jewish nation, and hence applied to Jesus of Nazareth as the fulfilment of that promise.
- Messiah is another name for Christ (Joh 4:25).
- The Messiah would be a Prince (Dan 9:25).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is the Lord’s anointed Christ, king, and deliverer.
- Master (Mat 8:19)
- Master – I. A man having control or authority. 1. a. gen. One having direction or control over the action of another or others; a director, leader, chief, commander; a ruler, governor.
- A teacher; one qualified to teach. 11. A man to whose care a child or children are committed for purposes of instruction; a tutor, preceptor; in later use chiefly a teacher in a school, a schoolmaster; also, a professional teacher of some special subject, as an art or a language.
- Jesus was a master in the sense of having authority over others (Joh 13:13-14).
- He was also a master in the sense of being a teacher (Mat 22:16).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is both a ruler and a teacher.
- Rabbi (Joh 1:38).
- Rabbi – 1. A title of respect (in use since the first century b.c.) given by the Jews to doctors of the law.
- Jesus was a rabbi and teacher of the law (Joh 3:2).
- This name of Jesus, like Master, shows that He is a teacher.
- Son of Man (Mat 16:13).
- Son of man – a. One of the human race; a mortal. b. spec. Jesus Christ.
- Jesus referred to himself as “Son of man” over 80 times in the gospels.
- As the definition shows, “Son of man” refers to the human nature of Jesus Christ.
- By calling Himself “Son of man”, Jesus was identifying Himself as the Son of man of whom Daniel prophesied (Dan 7:13-14).
- This is a clear prophesy of Jesus Christ being caught up to His throne on the right hand of God (the Ancient of Days) in heaven to rule all nations after His resurrection (Mat 28:18 c/w Mar 16:19 c/w Act 1:9 c/w Eph 1:20-22; Rev 12:5).
- John saw this same Jesus who is “one like the Son of man” in heaven (Rev 1:13; Rev 14:14).
- This name of Jesus shows that He has a human nature and that He is the sovereign ruler of the universe.
- The Root of David/Jesse (Isa 11:10; Rom 15:12; Rev 5:5; Rev 22:16).
- Root – 8. A person or family forming the source of a lineage, kindred, or line of descendants.
- This name of Jesus shows that He came through the lineage of Jesse and David.
- The Rod/Branch of Jesse / the Righteous Branch (Isa 11:1; Jer 23:5; Zec 3:8)
- Branch – II. Figurative applications suggested by the relation of a branch to the tree. 5. Connected with the notion of a ‘genealogical tree’. One of the portions into which a family or race is divided according to the differing lines of descent from the common ancestor; hence a division of a nation, or of a ‘family’ in any fig. sense, such as that of a group in scientific classification. c. In devotional literature applied to Christ, with allusion to Isa. xi. 1, Zech. iii. 8, vi. 12, etc.
- The BRANCH would build the temple of the Lord (Jer 23:5 c/w Zec 6:12-13 c/w Joh 2:19).
- The BRANCH would be a king Who would rule upon the throne of David (Jer 23:5 c/w Jer 33:15-18 c/w Zec 6:13 c/w Act 2:30-31).
- The BRANCH would be a priest ruling on His throne (a king-priest) (Jer 23:5 c/w Jer 33:15-18 c/w Zec 6:13 c/w Heb 7:1,17).
- This name of Jesus shows that He came through the lineage of Jesse and David and that He is a King-Priest ruling on David’s throne.
- The Vine (Joh 15:1,5).
- Vine – 1. a. The trailing or climbing plant, Vitis vini-fera, bearing the grapes from which ordinary wine is made… 2. fig. a. Applied to Christ, in renderings or echoes of John xv. 1 and 5.
- Jesus is the vine and we are the branches (Joh 15:5).
- As the branches of a vine are parts or members of the vine, so are we members of the body of Christ (1Co 12:27).
- As the branches of a vine receive life from the vine (Joh 15:4,6), so we receive life from Christ (Joh 14:6; Col 3:4; Joh 10:10).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is the giver and sustainer of our life, both eternally and temporally.
- The Son of David (Mat 1:1; Mat 9:27).
- God promised David that he would have a son who would rule on his throne forever (2Sa 7:12-16).
- That promise was fulfilled in Jesus Christ (Act 2:30-31).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is the seed of David who sits on his throne.
- The Seed/Son of Abraham (Gal 3:16; Mat 1:1).
- Seed – 5. Offspring, progeny. Now rare exc. in Biblical phraseology.
- Jesus was the offspring of Abraham to whom the promises to Abraham were made (Gal 3:16).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is the fulfillment of God’s promises.
- The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5).
- Lion – 1. a. A large carnivorous quadruped….It is very powerful, and has a noble and impressive appearance; whence it is sometimes called ‘the king of beasts’. 3. fig. (chiefly after biblical usage; cf. Rev. v. 5). Taken (in a good sense) as the type of one who is strong, courageous, or fiercely brave.
- Judah was the royal tribe of Israel with characteristics of a lion (Gen 49:9).
- Lions are fearful (Amo 3:8).
- So is Jesus (Rev 19:11-15).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is a strong, courageous, dreadful, fiercely brave King.
- Son of God (Mar 1:1).
- Jesus is called the Son of God because God the Father begat Him by supernaturally causing a virgin to conceive (Luk 1:35).
- It was prophesied that the virgin-born Son that would be given to Israel would be God Himself (Mat 1:22-23; Isa 9:6).
- The Pharisees knew that Jesus was claiming to be God when He said that God was His Father which is why they tried to kill Him (Joh 5:17-18; Joh 10:30-33).
- This name of Jesus shows that He is both the virgin-born Son of God and God Himself.