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The Bread of Heaven (Joh 6:41); Bread of God (Joh 6:33); Bread of Life (Joh 6:35,48); Living Bread (Joh 6:51).
- Bread – 1. (Only in OE.) Bit, piece, morsel (of food). 2. a. A well-known article of food prepared by moistening, kneading, and baking meal or flour, generally with the addition of yeast or leaven. 5. a. Livelihood, means of subsistence.
- Bread is food (Joh 6:5) and a means of subsistence (Mat 6:11).
- God gave Israel bread from heaven to sustain them in the wilderness before they entered the promised land (Joh 6:31).
- Jesus was the fulfillment of which the manna from heaven was a picture (Joh 6:32-33).
- Jesus satisfies the hunger and thirst of the soul (Joh 6:35 c/w Joh 4:10,13-14 c/w Mat 5:6).
- If a man eats of Jesus Christ, the Bread of Heaven, he shall live forever (Joh 6:51).
- The bread is Jesus’ flesh which He gave for the life of the world (Joh 6:51).
- If a man eats Christ’s flesh and drinks His blood, he has eternal life (Joh 6:54).
iii. He that eats Christ’s flesh and drinks His blood dwells in Christ (Joh 6:56).
- Like an unborn baby dwells in its mother and lives by eating and drinking her flesh and blood, so we live by spiritually partaking of Christ.
- “To feed upon Christ is to do all in his name, in union with him, and by virtue drawn from him; it is to live upon him as we do upon our meat.” – Matthew Henry
- “…our bodies may as well live without meat as our souls without Christ.” – Matthew Henry
vii. “We shall live, shall live eternally, by him, as our bodies live by our food.” -Matthew Henry
viii.”The life of believers is had from Christ (Joh 1:16); it is hid with Christ (Col 3:4), we live by him as the members by the head, the branches by the root; because he lives, we shall live also.” – Matthew Henry
- Israel in the wilderness partook of Christ in this way (1Co 10:3-4).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is the source, subsistence, and sustenance of our spiritual life.
The Faithful and True Witness (Rev 3:14; Rev 1:5).
- Faithful – 1. Of persons, their actions, etc.: Full of or characterized by faith (sense 3); believing. 2. a. Firm in fidelity or allegiance to a person to whom one is bound by any tie; constant, loyal, true. 3. a. True to one’s word or professed belief; abiding by a covenant or promise, steadfast.
- True – 1. a. Of persons: Steadfast in adherence to a commander or friend, to a principle or cause, to one’s promises, faith, etc.; firm in allegiance; faithful, loyal, constant, trusty.
- Witness n. – 4. a. One who gives evidence in relation to matters of fact under inquiry; spec. one who gives or is legally qualified to give evidence upon oath or affirmation in a court of justice or judicial inquiry.
- God is a faithful and true witness (Jer 42:5).
- Jesus is the second person of the Godhead who bears witness in heaven (1Jo 5:7).
- Jesus came into the world to bear witness of the truth (Joh 18:37).
- Jesus, with the Father, bore witness of Himself (Joh 8:18) Who is the truth (Joh 14:6).
- Jesus always told the truth, even when it angered men and endangered His life (Joh 8:40).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He faithfully and loyally bore witness of the truth.
The Beginning of the Creation of God (Rev 3:14).
- Some say that this verse teaches that Jesus was the first thing God created.
- Beginning – 1. The action or process of entering upon existence or upon action, or of bringing into existence; commencing, origination.
- Jesus is the beginning and the end, the first and the last (Rev 22:13).
- To say that Jesus was the first thing created by God because He is called “the beginning of the creation of God” is to say that God was created because God is also called the first and the last (Isa 44:6).
- Jesus was not the first thing created by God, but rather He was the origination of the creation Who brought it into existence.
- The Word (Jesus prior to the incarnation) was God in the beginning (Joh 1:1).
- All things were made by Him (Joh 1:3).
iii. He brought the creation into existence and therefore was the beginning of the creation.
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is the Creator of the universe.
Firstborn of Every Creature (Col 1:15).
- Firstborn – 1. That is born first, eldest. b. nonce-use. That is the right of the first-born.
- Some take this verse to teach that Jesus was the first being which God created.
- This verse is a continuation of the previous verse (v.14) in the same sentence which addresses our forgiveness by Christ’s blood (his death).
- The sense in which Jesus is the firstborn of every creature is declared a few verses later where it says He is the firstborn from the dead (Col 1:18).
iii. Psa 2:7 refers to the resurrection of Christ when it says “thou are my Son; this day have I begotten thee” (Psa 2:7 c/w Act 13:33-34).
- Christ is the firstfruits of them that sleep (are dead) by His resurrection (1Co 15:20).
- Christ was the first which rose from the dead (Act 26:23).
- Jesus is the first begotten of the dead (Rev 1:5).
vii. Christ was the first of many which shall rise from the dead at the resurrection.
- Jesus also was given the blessing and right of the firstborn.
- The Father set Jesus at His own right hand and gave Him to be head over all things to the church (Eph 1:20-22).
- The Father gave a full measure of the Spirit to Christ (Joh 3:34).
iii. Jesus was given a full inheritance from God (Joh 3:35).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is the first of many which will be resurrected from the dead and that He was given a full inheritance from God.
Faithful (Rev 19:11).
- Faithful – 1. Of persons, their actions, etc.: Full of or characterized by faith (sense 3); believing.
- Faith – I. Belief, trust, confidence. 1. a. Confidence, reliance, trust (in the ability, goodness, etc., of a person; in the efficacy or worth of a thing; or in the truth of a statement or doctrine).
- Jesus was a man of faith.
- He did always those thing which pleased God (Joh 8:29).
- Without faith it’s impossible to please Him (Heb 11:6).
- Therefore Jesus had faith.
- Jesus put his trust in God (Heb 2:13).
- Jesus had faith in God right up to His death on the cross (Luk 23:46).
- Commend – 1. To give in trust or charge, deliver to one’s care or keeping; to commit, entrust: b. a person. Now esp. used of committal to the divine keeping: To commit with a prayer or act of faith, ‘to deliver up with confidence’
iii. It was by Christ’s faith that we are justified (Gal 2:16).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is a man of faith.
True (Rev 19:11).
- True – 1. a. Of persons: Steadfast in adherence to a commander or friend, to a principle or cause, to one’s promises, faith, etc.; firm in allegiance; faithful, loyal, constant, trusty.
- Jesus was firm in allegiance and loyal to God Who sent Him.
- Jesus’ desire was to do the Father’s will and finish the work He gave Him to do (Joh 4:34).
- Jesus came to earth to do His Father’s will (Joh 6:38).
iii. The Father’s will was for Jesus to save all those which were given to Him (Joh 6:39).
- Jesus stayed true to God all the way to the end and finished the work which God gave Him (Joh 17:2-4; Joh 19:30).
- This name of Jesus shows us that He is true, loyal, and firm in allegiance to God.