The Names of Jesus (Part 6)

May 18 2014
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The Holy One (Act 3:14).

  1. Holy – 1. Kept or regarded as inviolate from ordinary use, and appropriated or set apart for religious use or observance; consecrated, dedicated, sacred. 2. … Of a character that evokes human veneration and reverence; and thus, in Christian use, Free from all contamination of sin and evil, morally and spiritually perfect and unsullied, possessing the infinite moral perfection which Christianity attributes to the Divine character.  Cf. sense 4.  4. Conformed to the will of God, entirely devoted to God: in earlier times often connoting the practice of asceticism and religious observances; now usually: Morally and spiritually unstained; free from sinful affection; of godly character and life; sanctified, saintly; sinless.
  2. Holy One – A holy person; used as a title of God or Christ; one dedicated to or consecrated by God.
  3. Jesus is holy, harmless, undefiled, and separated from sinners (Heb 7:26).
  4. Jesus is sinless (1Pe 2:22; 2Co 5:21; 1Jo 3:5).
  5. Jesus is without blemish and without spot (1Pe 1:19).
  6. Jesus was wholly devoted to God (Joh 6:38).
  7. This name of Jesus shows us that He is holy, sinless, and totally devoted to God.

The Just / Just One (Act 3:14; Act 7:52; Act 22:14).

  1. Just – 1. That does what is morally right, righteous. just before (with) God or, simply, just: Righteous in the sight of God; justified.
  2. Jesus is just (1Pe 3:18).
  3. His ways are just (Rev 15:3).
  4. Even Jesus’ enemies knew that He was just (Mat 27:19,24).
  5. This name of Jesus shows us that He always does the right thing before God.

The Righteous (1Jo 2:1).

  1. Righteous – 1. a. Of persons: Just, upright, virtuous; guiltless, sinless; conforming to the standard of the divine or the moral law; acting rightly or justly.
  2. Virtuous – 1. a. Distinguished by manly qualities; full of manly courage; valiant, valorous. 2. a. Possessing or showing virtue in life and conduct; acting with moral rectitude or in conformity with moral laws; free from vice, immorality, or wickedness; good, just, righteous.
  3. Jesus is righteous (Luk 23:47; 2Ti 4:8).
  4. By Jesus’ righteousness, many were justified (Rom 5:18).
  5. By Jesus’ obedience (doing what is morally right), many were made righteous (Rom 5:19).
  6. This name of Jesus shows us that He is righteous, upright, guiltless, good, and free from vice or wickedness.

The Saviour (Phi 3:20).

  1. Saviour – 1. a. One who delivers or rescues from peril. 2. a. He who saves mankind from sin and its consequences: as a title of God, and esp. of Christ (in the latter application often Our Saviour). Now always with capital S.
  2. Jesus our Saviour saved us by His grace and abolished death (2Ti 1:9-10).
  3. There is no Saviour beside God (Isa 43:11), therefore Jesus is God.
  4. Jesus is God our Saviour (Tit 3:4-6).
  5. Jesus saved us by Himself (Heb 1:3).
  6. This name of Jesus shows us that He is God who saved us by His grace.

The Last Adam (1Co 15:45).

  1. The first Adam.
  2. The first Adam was the son of God (Luk 3:38).
  3. He was created in the image of God (Gen 1:27).

iii.    He was created perfect and sinless (Gen 1:31).

  1. He was given dominion over the earth (Gen 1:28).
  2. He was given a wife with which he was one flesh (Gen 2:21-23).
  3. He sinned and damned all of his descendents (Rom 5:12).

vii.  He brought death into the world (Rom 5:12).

  1. The last Adam, Jesus Christ.
  2. The last Adam is the son of God (Mar 1:1).
  3. He is the express image of God (Heb 1:3).

iii.    He was born perfect and sinless (1Jo 3:5).

  1. He was given dominion over the universe (Eph 1:20-22).
  2. He was given a wife with which He is one flesh (Eph 5:25-32).
  3. He flawlessly obeyed the law of God and saved all of His elect (Rom 5:19).

vii.  He abolished death (2Ti 1:10).

  1. This name of Jesus shows us that He is the remedy for death and sin caused by the first Adam.

The Lord of Glory (1Co 2:8; Jam 2:1).

  1. Glory – 2. objectively. a. Exalted (and, in mod. use, merited) praise, honour, or admiration accorded by common consent to a person or thing; honourable fame, renown. 5. In Biblical phraseology: the glory of God: the majesty and splendour attendant upon a manifestation of God. 6. Resplendent beauty or magnificence. Now often with suggestion of sense 5 or 7: An effulgence of light such as is associated with our conceptions of heaven; fig. an unearthly beauty attributed by imagination. Also pl., features of resplendent beauty or magnificence, splendours.
  2. When Jesus was risen from the dead He was given glory (1Pe 1:21).
  3. Jesus is worthy of the title Lord of Glory (Rev 5:12).
  4. Jesus has resplendent beauty and majesty in His glorified body (Psa 45:2-6).
  5. Fair – 1. Beautiful to the eye; of pleasing form or appearance; good-looking.
  6. Jesus gave Peter, James, and John a sneak-peek of His majesty and glory on the mount of transfiguration (2Pe 1:16-18).
  7. His face shone as the sun and His clothes were as white as the light (Mat 17:2).
  8. This is what He looks like in heaven now (Rev 1:16; 21:23).
  9. This name of Jesus shows us that He is magnificent with resplendent beauty, majesty, and splendor.

The Messenger of the Covenant (Mal 3:1).

  1. Messenger – 1. a. One who carries a message or goes on an errand; †an envoy, ambassador (obs.). corbie messenger: see corbie 2.(God’s) messenger: (a) used for angel n., as representing the etymological sense of that word, and as expressing the function assigned to angels in Scripture; (b) applied to a prophet, or to a clergyman, as charged with a message from God to mankind.
  2. Angel – II. 2. Any messenger of God, as a prophet, or preacher.
  3. Jesus is the messenger and mediator of the new covenant/testament (Mat 26:28; Heb 8:6; Heb 9:15).
  4. Jesus was the prophet Who brought God’s message to us (Heb 1:2).
  5. This is why Jesus is sometimes called an angel (Rev 20:1-3; Gal 4:14; Act 27:23).
  6. This name of Jesus shows us that He is God’s messenger who brought us the New Testament written in His blood.

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