The Purpose of the Gospel (Part 2) – What the Gospel Does

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  1. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to believers (Rom 1:16).
  2. Notice the tenses: the gospel is (not shall be) the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
  3. This verse doesn’t say that the gospel makes people believe, nor does it say that it is the power of God unto salvation to unbelievers.
  4. The gospel has no power at all to unbelievers. If you don’t agree, just preach the gospel to an unbeliever and see how much effect it has on him.
  5. A man must already be saved eternally for the gospel to be the power of God to him (1Co 1:18).
  6. Notice the tenses: the preaching of the cross (the gospel) is (present tense) the power of God to us which are saved (present perfect tense).
  7. Being saved eternally comes before the gospel is the power of God to someone.
  8. On the other hand, to them that perish (are not saved eternally), the gospel is foolishness and has no power.
  9. If the gospel is the power of God unto salvation only to believers who are already saved eternally (1Co 1:18), then it is not the power of God unto eternal
  10. It’s not the power of God unto eternal salvation because a man has to already have eternal salvation for it to be the power of God to him, and furthermore, if he isn’t a believer it is of no power to him since it is foolishness.
  11. Therefore, the gospel must be the power of God unto temporal salvation to believers.
  12. The gospel reveals the righteousness of God, not procures it (Rom 1:17).
  13. The righteousness of God was procured for us by Jesus being made sin for us (2Co 5:21), not by the gospel telling us about it.
  14. The righteousness of God is by Jesus’ faith (Rom 3:22), and the gospel that reveals it is received by us by faith, which was preached to us by another person who received it by faith.
  15. Therefore, it is from faith to faith.
  16. The gospel brings life and immortality to light, it doesn’t cause life and immortality (2Ti 1:10).
  17. It was Jesus that saved us and abolished death (2Ti 1:9-10).
  18. It is the gospel that tells us about it.
  19. Whereas Jesus destroyed him that had the power of death (Heb 2:14), the knowledge of the gospel delivers men from the fear of death (Heb 2:15).

III. The gospel is the proclamation of the fact that God saves by grace, not the means by which God saves by grace (Act 20:24).

  1. The gospel tells us about the hope which is laid up for us in heaven (Col 1:5).
  2. The gospel brings knowledge of the grace of God (Col 1:6).
  3. The gospel brings knowledge of salvation (Luk 1:77).
  4. Preachers labor and endure all things for the elect so that they may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus in addition to eternal glory (eternal salvation) (2Ti 2:10).
  5. All of the elect have already obtained the eternal salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus (2Ti 1:9; Rom 8:30).
  6. They don’t need a preacher to labor for them to obtain that salvation.
  7. Preachers labor so that the elect may also obtain another salvation.
  8. Also – 1. (went out of use in 1400’s) 2. In the very manner of something else; in like manner, in the same way, likewise, similarly (passing in later times into 3).   As a further point, item, or circumstance tending in the same direction; further, in addition, besides, as well, too; taking the place of OE.
  9. There is a salvation that is in addition to eternal salvation that the elect are in need of which is the preacher’s job to tell them about.
  10. This “salvation which is in Christ Jesus” is with eternal glory.
  11. With – II. Denoting personal relation, agreement, association, connexion, union, addition.
  12. This salvation which is in addition to eternal salvation is temporal salvation, such as salvation from ignorance, deception, fear of death, trying to establish their own righteousness, chastisement in this life from God for sin; and salvation to the knowledge and assurance of eternal life, fellowship with like-believers, rest, and joy.
  13. The gospel brings God’s children into a better knowledge of Him and into fellowship with Him.
  14. Cornelius was a child of God whom God had already cleansed (Act 10:15 c/w Act 10:28).
  15. Cornelius was already a child of God with eternal life (Act 10:2 c/w Act 10:35).
  16. He just needed to be told what he should do (Act 10:5-6; Act 10:33).
  17. Peter was sent to preach Jesus Christ to him so he could also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus in addition to the eternal salvation he already had (Act 10:36-43).
  18. After hearing the gospel, Cornelius was baptized (Act 10:47-48).
  19. Lydia was a woman that worshipped God (Act 16:14).
  20. She had a limited knowledge of God though.
  21. God opened her heart so that she listened to the gospel that Paul preached (Act 16:14).
  22. She was then baptized (Act 16:15).
  23. She obtained temporal salvation by means of the gospel.
  24. Belief of the gospel gives us the assurance of eternal life.
  25. The bible is written to God’s children so that they may know that they have eternal life (1Jo 5:13).
  26. The gospel tells us that if we hunger and thirst after righteousness, we shall be filled (Mat 5:6).
  27. Belief of the gospel gives the evidence that we are born of God and have eternal life (Joh 5:24).
  28. The gospel promises us that:
  29. if we do righteousness, we are born of God (1Jo 2:29).
  30. if we love one another, we are born of God (1Jo 4:7).
  31. if we believe that Jesus is the Christ, we are born of God (1Jo 5:1).
  32. The gospel assures us that if we love God, it is proof that He loves us (1Jo 4:19).
  33. The purpose of the gospel is to locate and educate the regenerate.

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