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- We are not a righteous nation. What business do we then have to try to force our immorality on others?
- Wicked nations are characterized by:
- Pride (Eze 16:49).
- America is a proud nation; just look at the “American Pride” bumper stickers.
- God hates pride (Pro 8:13; Pro 16:5).
- Fullness of bread (affluence) and an abundance of idleness (Eze 16:49).
- America is an affluent bread and circus society.
- The chickens are beginning to come home of roost and we are losing our high standard of living.
- We have lost our work ethic that made this country great and prosperous (Rom 12:11; 2Th 3:10; Ecc 9:10).
- Lack of charitable giving (Eze 16:49).
- This is a form of giving to God (Pro 19:17).
- Being slack in charitable giving, including giving to the ministry, is robbing God (Mal 3:8-9).
- God sends poverty to those who take care of themselves, but give little to Him (Hag 1:4-11).
- Do you suppose this has anything to do with why we are in the economic condition we are?
- On the other hand, God abundantly blesses them that give liberally to Him (Pro 3:9-10; Mal 3:10).
- Covetousness (Rom 1:29).
- Americans’ lives consist in the abundance of things they possess (Luk 12:15).
- We are like the rich man who wasn’t rich toward God (Luk 12:16-21).
- This is idolatry (Col 3:5).
- Fornication (Rom 1:24,29).
- Fornication is a sin (1Co 6:18; 1Th 4:3; Heb 13:4).
- We are a nation of fornicators.
- “Today, according to a May 10-14 Gallup poll, only 38% of U.S. adults say it is wrong for a man and a woman to have sexual relations before marriage, while 60% disagree.” – Gallop Poll, May 2001
- Sodomy (Rom 1:26-27).
- Sodomy is the result of a depraved society who has rejected God (Rom 1:20-27).
- God destroyed cities that were infamous for this perversion and from which it gets its name (Jud 1:7).
- We are a nation of sodomites and sodomite supporters.
- “Just three years ago, support for gay marriage was 44%. The current 53% level of support is essentially double the 27% in Gallup’s initial measurement on gay marriage, in 1996.” – Gallop Poll, May 2013
- It’s not just those that do such things who are under God’s judgment, but those who have pleasure in them that do them (Rom 1:32).
- We are an immoral nation in every area of morality.
- Women in authority (Isa 3:12).
- Women are supposed to be keepers at home and obedient to their own husbands (Tit 2:3-5).
- We have a nation where women are increasingly in control of their husbands, homes, their churches, and their governments at every level.
- Children are disobedient to parents (Rom 1:30).
- It is a wicked nation whose children are their oppressors (Isa 3:12).
- Our nation is being oppressed by children whose parents will not discipline them.
- Foolishness needs driven out of children with a rod (Pro 22:15).
- They need the hell beat out of them (Pro 23:13-14).
- When this is done, they will give you rest instead of being your oppressor (Pro 29:17).
- With a track record of righteousness like this one, why in the world would we think we have a moral obligation to force our “righteousness” on other nations?