Vanity of Vanities, Saith the Preacher

March 23 2014

Topic: Vanity

Book: Ecclesiastes

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Vanity of Vanities, Saith the Preacher

  1. “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” (Ecc 1:2)
  2. Vanity, vanity.
    1. Vanity – 1. a. That which is vain, futile, or worthless; that which is of no value or profit.
    2. Vain adj. – 1. Devoid of real value, worth, or significance; idle, unprofitable, useless, worthless; of no effect, force, or power; fruitless, futile, unavailing.
    3. Useless adj. – 1. Of things, actions, etc.: Destitute of useful qualities; serving no good end or profitable purpose; not answering or promoting the proposed or desired end; unserviceable, ineffectual, inutile.
    4. Futile adj. – 1. Incapable of producing any result; failing utterly of the desired end through intrinsic defect; useless, ineffectual, vain.


  • Life is vanity.
    1. Life is full of labour and men’s eyes are never satisfied (Ecc 1:8 c/w Pro 27:20; Ecc 4:7-8).
    2. There’s nothing new under the sun (Ecc 1:9).
    3. Nobody will remember you when you’re gone (Ecc 1:11; Ecc 2:16; Ecc 9:5; Job 24:20).
    4. All things that are done under the sun are vanity and vexation of spirit (Ecc 1:14).
    5. Vexation – 1. The action of troubling or harassing by aggression or interference (sometimes by unjustifiable claims or legal action); the fact of being troubled or harassed in this way.
    6. You can be the wisest and most knowledgeable person in the world (Ecc 1:16).
      1. But it will still all be vexation of spirit (Ecc 1:17).
      2. The more wisdom and knowledge you acquire, the more grief and sorrow you will have (Ecc 1:18).
    7. Mirth, pleasure, and laughter are vanity (Ecc 2:1-2).
    8. Houses, gardens, orchards, servants, great possessions, money, and entertainment are all vanity and without profit (Ecc 2:4-11).
    9. The same things happen all.
      1. It matters not whether one is a wise man or a fool (Ecc 2:15).
      2. It matters not whether one is a just man or a wicked man (Ecc 7:15; Ecc 8:14).
      3. Whether righteous or wicked, clean or unclean, religious or profane, a good man or a sinner – all things happen alike to all (Ecc 9:2).
      4. All is vanity!
    10. You work and save all your life only to leave it to someone else (Ecc 2:18).
      1. And he may turn out to be a fool who will squander all for which you worked so hard (Ecc 2:19).
      2. This is vanity! (Ecc 2:21)
    11. There is wickedness in the courts and there is iniquity in the churches (Ecc 3:16).
    12. Men act like beasts while they live and then they return to dust like beasts when they die (Ecc 3:18-20).
    13. The poor are oppressed by the powerful and they have no comforter (Ecc 4:1).
      1. It’s better to be dead! (Ecc 4:2)
      2. Better yet, it’s better to have never been born! (Ecc 4:3)
    14. When you do the right thing, you are envied of your neighbor (Ecc 4:4).
    15. You labour to increase your goods, and all they are good for is to look at them (Ecc 5:11).
    16. Though a man acquires much riches, he leaves this world naked as he came and can take none of it with him (Ecc 5:13-16).
    17. God gives men riches, wealth, and honour, but gives it to another man to enjoy (Ecc 6:1-2).
      1. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
      2. This is vanity!
    18. Man labours endlessly, but his appetite is never filled (Ecc 6:7) and the wise man has nothing over the fool (Ecc 6:8).
    19. Our vain life is but a shadow (Ecc 6:12).
      1. It’s a vapour (Jam 4:14).
      2. Our days are like the days of an hireling (Job 7:1).
      3. Not only are our days few, they are full of trouble! (Job 14:1)
      4. Man is born unto trouble (Job 5:7).
      5. Jacob summed it up well, “few and evil” are the days our lives (Gen 47:9).
    20. Though a man try to understand the work of God, he shall not find it (Ecc 8:17).
    21. The hearts of men are full of evil and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they die (Ecc 9:3).
    22. Men don’t get ahead in life by hard work and wisdom, but by mere chance (Ecc 9:11).
    23. A reputation takes years to build and seconds to destroy (Ecc 10:1).
    24. Folly is set in dignity (Ecc 10:5-6).
    25. The NSA hears our every word (Ecc 10:20).
    26. Even if we live many years and rejoice in them all, it’s still all vanity (Ecc 11:8).
    27. Childhood and youth are vanity (Ecc 11:9-10).
    28. Old age is vanity and evil (Ecc 12:1).
      1. You can’t see (Ecc 12:2).
      2. You can’t work (Ecc 12:3).
      3. You can’t sleep or hear (Ecc 12:4).
      4. You lose your courage; you’re scared to drive; you lose your strength and your sex drive (Ecc 12:5).
      5. And after that you die (Ecc 12:6-7).
    29. “Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.” (Ecc 12:8).


  1. Let us hear the conclusion.
    1. Why not leave church and jump in front of a bus after hearing this sermon on the vanity of life?
    2. Why live?
    3. Because your life is not your own, you were bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit (1Co 6:19-20).
    4. Present your body as a living sacrifice to God which is your reasonable service (Rom 12:1).
    5. Our labour for God is not in vain (1Co 15:58).
    6. “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecc 12:13)


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