What Parts of the New Testament Apply to Whom? (Part 2)

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  1. The apostles sitting on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel (Mat 19:28).

  2. Was this meant for only the apostles, or all ministers, or all Christians?
  3. Jesus said that it would be his apostles which had continued with him in His temptations that would sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Luk 22:28-30).

iii.    The apostles began reigning on their thrones in the regeneration when Jesus sat on the throne of His glory.

  1. The regeneration was the resurrection of Christ when He was raised up to sit on His throne (Act 2:30-31 c/w Eph 1:20-22).
  2. The kingdom that the apostles were reigning over was given to them at the first coming of Christ (Luk 22:29-30 c/w Heb 12:28).
  3. In heaven, John saw 24 seats around the throne of God with 24 elders sitting in them, which are likely the 12 apostles and the 12 patriarchs of Israel (Rev 4:4).
  4. The apostles were put in positions of authority to judge matters of doctrine and practice in the churches (Act 15:1-2, 19-20).
  5. While Christians in general are not given one of the twelve thrones that the apostles were, they are still given positions of judgment in the church and in the final judgment, so there can be an application made to all Christians from Mat 19:28.
  6. Christians are supposed to judge matters in the church (1Co 6:1-4).
  7. The saints shall judge the world (1Co 6:2 c/w Psa 149:5-9).
  8. The saints shall judge angels (1Co 6:3).
  9. The saints reign as kings on the earth (1Co 4:8; Rev 1:6; Rev 20:4,6)
  10. If the commandment given to the apostles by Jesus Christ was also given to other Christians by Jesus or the apostles, then it can be concluded that it applies to Christians in general.
  11. For example, Jesus commanded the apostles to remember his death by observing communion (Mat 26:26-28).
  12. The apostles then instructed other Christians in churches to observe communion (1Co 11:23-26).
  13. It can therefore be concluded that the commandment to keep the Lord’s supper in remembrance of Christ’s death applies to all Christians.
  14. The ordinance of feetwashing was instituted on the same night that Jesus instituted the ordinance of communion (Joh 13:1-5).
  15. The apostles were instructed by Jesus to continue to practice the ordinance of feetwashing (Joh 13:14-17).
  16. In that communion was meant to be observed by all Christians, it can be concluded that feetwashing was meant to be observed by all Christians, since it was instituted at the same time to the same people.

iii.    This conclusion is verified by the fact that Paul made one of the qualifications for a widow to receive church support to be that she had washed the saints’ feet (1Ti 5:10).


II.    Parts of the NT that apply only to pastors

  1. The epistles of 1&2 Timothy and Titus are written to those particular men who were pastors, that they would know how to behave in the house of God (1Ti 3:15).
  2. Anything written to Timothy and Titus that applies to the ministry is applicable to any minister, but not necessarily to Christians in general, though sometimes applications can be made to non-pastors. For example, every minister should:
  3. Charge brethren that they teach no other doctrine (1Ti 1:3).
  4. Not give heed to fables, foolish questions, and endless genealogies (1Ti 1:4; 1Ti 4:7; 1Ti 6:20; Tit 1:14).

iii.    War a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience (1Ti 1:18-19).

  1. Putting the brethren in remembrance of the things that Paul taught (1Ti 4:6).
  2. Let no man despise his youth (1Ti 4:12).
  3. Be an example to the believers (1Ti 4:12).

vii.  Spend time in reading, exhortation, and doctrine (1Ti 4:13).

viii.Meditate on the scriptures and give himself wholly to them (1Ti 4:14-16).

  1. Enforce the guidelines for church support of widows (1Ti 5:3-16).
  2. Be financially supported by the church (1Ti 5:17-18).
  3. Rebuke sinners publicly when necessary (1Ti 5:20).

xii.  Show no partiality (1Ti 5:21).

xiii.Preach the word in season and out of season (2Ti 4:2).

xiv.Do the work of an evangelist (2Ti 4:5).

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